The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 625 The battle of high-level star masters

In the Dragon Snake starship, the starlight fell down and turned into a three-dimensional light curtain, and the data pictures transmitted from the 'star port' were clearly displayed in it.

The picture shows a starlight giant walking in the "Starlight Forest". The giant has a long knife made of starlight in his hand, as if he is cutting a path forward in the forest. The starlight long knife keeps cutting into the "giant trees" where the starlight is attached. superior.

One after another, the starlight 'giant trees' were cut off, but more branches of the starlight 'giant trees' also attacked, but they were blocked and cut off by the starlight giant transformed by the high-level star master.

There are also countless fireflies like starlight, flying from all over the 'Starlight Forest', gathering together, like a wave of starlight turning towards the starlight giant, sweeping and impacting.

The starlight giant's other hand stretched out the seal, and the starlight was like a wave, spreading out in all directions from the center, colliding with the rushing 'firefly' starlight.

It was like two colliding waves, colliding together, causing waves of roars and vibrations in the void.

Seeing this, Liang Ji knew where the distant roar and the void wave that shattered the stars came from. It was clearly the aftermath of the collision between the high-level star master's astrology starlight wave and the 'firefly' starlight wave.

However, Liang Ji had never seen the seal on the hand of this high-level star master, as well as the star technique that was like waves of starlight. It should be a star technique that only high-level star masters can learn and master.

"The battle of high-level star masters looks quite primitive."

At this time, Peng Yue sighed softly from the side.

Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this.

In the Star Master practice, starting from the fourth-level Star Master, he has built a 'flying boat' in his natal star, and later it has been continuously upgraded into a spaceship, a starship, a starship, etc.

He originally thought that high-level star masters would use various "starports", "starships" and other "powerful ships and guns" to fight.

As a result, no matter what I have seen several times in the Star Alliance or what I see now, the battles of high-level star masters seem to condense into this kind of starlight giant, and then fight with star magic, magical powers, and treasures, which has a rather 'primitive' feel. .

"There are thousands of avenues, and different paths lead to the same destination." At this time, Wu Shan's explanation came from the side, saying: "Liang Ji, Peng Yue, although you are Star Lord monks, you are only fourth-level Star Lords and have just entered the middle level. Learn about high-level combat."

"At higher levels, whether they are Star Lord monks or heretic monks like us, they have come into contact with and mastered some of the power of laws, and have begun to use various laws and means in battle."

"It's just that high-level star master monks have the support of the avenues and laws of the entire natal star. They can easily control and distort the stars and the void, but they are much better than us third-level immortals who have a little understanding of the laws."

"Furthermore, it's not that high-level star masters don't use their families to fight starships. Generally speaking, the power of laws mastered by high-level star masters' families and starships is similar to, or even worse than, us third-level immortals. Therefore, ordinary battles rely on It’s okay to take care of the family members and starships.”

"But if the enemy is too powerful and requires more power of origin and law to resist and deal with it, then the high-level star master himself can only take action."

After listening to Senior Wu Shan's explanation, Liang Ji finally understood and said:

"So, this 'Starlight Forest' is indeed very dangerous. It is difficult for the high-ranking star master's family members and starships to capture it alone. Does the high-ranking star master have to take action himself?"

"That's right!" Wu Shan nodded and said: "In the 'Starlight Forest', a starship has already fallen into it. It can be seen that it is impossible to deal with it with a starship."

"The high-level star master who came to help should have seen the problem and decided to take action personally."

While the few people were talking, they were still staring at the picture in the three-dimensional light screen. The starlight giant transformed by the high-level star master was fighting all the way, breaking mountains and roads. The dangerous "starlight forest" was unstoppable, no matter those crazy people. The attacking 'Starlight Giant Tree' and the surging 'Firefly Sparkles' were either chopped off or killed by the Starlight Giant.

Liang Ji already knew at this time that the slashes of the 'Starlight Long Sword' and the waves of starlight spreading from the seals on his hands that he saw in this light screen seemed ordinary, but in fact they contained something he couldn't see. "The power of law", so it is possible to cut off and kill those "Starlight Giant Trees" and "Firefly Sparkles".

He and Peng Yue only saw a "light and shadow" scene, so they felt that the method was "primitive".

On the contrary, several third-level immortals were staring at the starlight screen, with fairy light flowing in their eyes. They must have seen the power of various laws in the battle of high-level star masters. They were very immersed in watching it, and even gained something from it.

At the same time, Liang Ji also thought that outside the "Starlight Forest", Chu Yue only relied on the detection array on the starship to explore the "Starlight Forest", and the result was that the "fireflies" starlight in the forest was alarmed, so Unable to deal with it, he could only activate the starship to escape with all his strength to avoid the attack of the fireflies in the 'Starlight Forest'.

From this, we can see the gap between these third-level heretical immortals who only rely on their own understanding and grasp a little bit of the law, and these high-level star masters who have the origin of the natal star avenue and the support of the power of the law.

According to what Wu Shan said, the combat power of third-grade immortals who are heretical monks can only be compared with that of the dependents in the natal stars of high-level star masters.

It can be seen that the higher the level of cultivation, the wider the gap between heretic monks and Star Lord monks.

"We're about to reach the middle of the forest!"

At this time, Xia Wujiu, who was watching the battle on the screen, suddenly raised his voice to remind.

Previously, Chu Yue used the starship detection array to explore the center of the "Starlight Forest" and found that the starship crashed into it. Although it fled in panic because it disturbed the "Yinghuo" starlight, it also left a clear picture of the center of the forest.

Naturally, everyone in the team had looked carefully and knew the situation in the center of the Starlight Forest.

Sure enough, in just a moment, Liang Ji and others saw the starship that had fallen in the 'Starlight Forest' appear on the screen again, indicating that the starlight giant transformed by the high-level star master had reached the 'Starlight Forest' by overcoming obstacles and breaking roads. 'Central area.

However, when Liang Ji saw the starship that had fallen in the center of the Starlight Forest, he discovered that most of the starship had been destroyed, with basically only the skeleton remaining. Even so, there were still countless fireflies clinging to it. Fire'starlight.

The starlight giant who entered the center of the 'Starlight Forest' also saw the fallen starship. The giant starlight hand with the seal spread out and directly grabbed the half-destroyed starship, as if he wanted to rescue it from it and check it. Condition.


At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly sounded, and Liang Ji and others couldn't help but look up and look outside the starship and into the void.

Because they clearly felt that the roaring sound was not coming from the starlight screen, but coming from the void in the distance.

Almost at the same time, the situation in the starlight scene in front of me also changed. The 'firefly' stars clinging to the half-destroyed starship flew up one after another, and actually gathered and condensed in the void, turning into a giant starlight bird and swooped down.

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