The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 626: Natal Star Projection

The starlight giant bird formed by the convergence of 'firefly' starlight spread out its wings and almost enveloped the entire 'starlight forest'. It dragged a long tail feather behind it, and countless 'firefly' starlight gathered on its body, as if it was burning with flames. Starlight distorts the surrounding void.


Liang Ji looked at the shape of the starlight flame giant bird and was a little unsure.

However, the strength and threat of this giant starlight bird are definitely not small. In the picture, the starlight giant transformed by a high-level star master faced the starlight giant bird that pounced on it. He gave up picking up the half-destroyed starship and retracted the starlight giant hand that was stretched out. , the hand is connected with the number of seals printed in the starlight sword.

Then, the starlight sword in his hand bloomed with bright starlight, which also distorted the surrounding void.

These are undoubtedly the power of the Great Law.

However, what surprised Liang Ji even more was that at this moment, behind the starlight giant transformed by the high-level star master, a huge star appeared faintly. It seemed real and illusory, covering the entire battlefield and resisting the starlight giant bird that flew down from the sky.

"Birth star!"

Liang Ji and Peng Yue exclaimed almost at the same time, but they both recognized that the illusory and real stars that appeared should be the natal stars of the high-level star master.

The battle of the high-level star masters directly attracted the projections of the 'natal stars'. This shows the fierceness of the battle and the power of the giant starlight bird.

"The body of law! Projection of natal stars! Projection of star map!"

"These are the three situations I have seen in the battles of high-level Star Lord monks during my exploration of the outer world. Each one is more powerful than the last!"

"In the past dozens of explorations of outer lands, I have seen no more than five 'natal star projections', and only one star map projection."

"I didn't expect to see the 'natal star projection' of a high-level star master again this time."

At this time, Wu Shan was also introducing his experience, telling Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Ling and others about the combat effectiveness of high-level star masters.

The body of law is naturally a starlight giant condensed by a high-level star master. It is directly condensed from the starlight of the natal star. It contains the origin of the natal star and the power of the law of the natal star. It itself contains the power of the law and has the power of the natal star. With the continuous support of the power of law, his combat power far exceeds that of immortals of the same level.

The projection of the natal star is undoubtedly the light and shadow emerging behind the Starlight Giant in the picture in front of him. It is the projection of the natal star of the high-level star lord. He directly fights with the origin of the natal star and the power of the law of the great road. The power is naturally far beyond the body of the star master's law.

As for the 'star map projection', according to what Wu Shan said, it does not lead to the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' to fight, but to lead the projection of the sun, moon and stars in the galaxy where the star owner's natal star is, forming a A galaxy chart of natal stars to battle.

Undoubtedly, this is at least the completion of the third-level practice of refining the void, refining the natal stars, the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies from the void to the real stars, and using these sun, moon, and stars as the base points to lay out the galaxy star map of the natal stars. The big formation' can be completed just now.

Therefore, it is the means and power that can only be mastered by at least seventh-level star masters and even eighth-level stars.

With the natal stars plus the power of the entire galaxy, and connected to form a 'star map array', the power that explodes is naturally far greater than the projection of the natal stars.

Although Liang Ji and Peng Yue are Star Lord cultivators, they have just entered the middle level and are still far away from the high-level Star Lords. Even though they are from the Star Palace, they have not yet come into contact with the knowledge of these high-level Star Lords.

Now, for the first time, I learned more about the fighting methods of high-level star masters from Wu Shan.


At this time, the starlight giant in the picture, the natal star projected behind him, and the starlight sword in his hand had collided with the starlight flame giant bird that jumped down, and a loud roar was heard.

It was also not coming from the starlight screen, but coming from the void in the distance.

Just like the moment when the Starlight Giant and the Starlight Giant Bird collided, the sounds and explosions of their battle had already spread through the void half a light-year away to the Dragon Snake starship.

It was the same cry as the starlight giant bird appeared before, as if it ignored the distance in the void.

Liang Ji didn't know the reason. It was probably related to strength, level, void laws, etc., but it was not something that he, a star master who had just entered the intermediate level, could understand.

He could only watch the battlefield situation in the 'Starlight Forest' through the starlight screen in front of him.

However, at this time, the three-dimensional light curtain formed by the starlight in the starship was completely white, and it was impossible to see the specific situation clearly.

Even the starlight curtain would distort, tremble, and flicker from time to time, as if there was something wrong and it might go out at any time.

"what happened?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but contact Liu Yuanling to inquire about the situation. He suspected that there was something wrong with the data and signals transmitted from the opposite 'Star Port'.

However, Liu Yuanling on the opposite side did not answer his question. Instead, he ordered in a very anxious tone: "Dragon Snake starship, immediately activate all defensive formations to the maximum state and join the 'Star Port' formation protection. Withstand the aftermath of the battle!”


Liang Ji did not hesitate and immediately agreed, then raised his voice and ordered:

"Ship Spirit, turn on all protections and accept the 'Star Port' formation connection!"

The next moment, streaks of starlight and spiritual light began to flow from all over the Dragon Snake starship, forming several light curtains and guardian light networks on the Dragon Snake starship, and finally even formed a phantom of the Sky Serpent outside the starship. .

It is a pity that Chu Yue is still on the 'Wood Meteor', cooperating with Lu Yuetong to complete the final cultivation of the 'Star Origin Spiritual Plant', and is not on the starship. Otherwise, if he presides over the starship defense formation, he will definitely be able to make these defenses The power of formations and restrictions is beyond limits.

However, at this time, with the 'Star Port' as the center, the guardian light network composed of many starships also suddenly expanded, and the Dragon Snake starship was also integrated into it, becoming part of the 'Star Port-Starship' formation. However, the defensive power far exceeds the defensive formations and the restriction itself on the Dragon Snake starship.

"Hey, the guardian of the Heavenly Serpent!" At this time, Liu Yuanling's voice came again. Apparently he saw the phantom of the Heavenly Serpent condensed around the Dragon Snake starship, recognized that this was the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent', and immediately The order was given: "Starship Dragon Snake, please develop the 'Sky Serpent Guard' formation."

"Ship Spirit, open!"

Liang Ji did not hesitate at all and gave the order directly.

He had already reacted. It was obvious that something had happened in the battle between the high-level star master and the giant starlight bird condensed from the 'firefly star' on the other side of the 'Starlight Forest'. The aftermath of the onslaught of the battle must be stronger. Liu Yuanling's side We have to strengthen the protection here.

Naturally, Liang Ji would not stop or object.

hiss! hold head high……

The 'Ship Spirit' followed Liang Ji's instructions and opened the 'Sky Serpent' formation on the starship. The next moment, a roaring sound was heard, and a larger and more realistic 'Sky Snake' light and shadow appeared in the entire 'Star Port' - -The starships are on top of the formation, covering the entire formation, guarding the formation and the galaxies within it.

And almost as soon as the light and shadow of this huge 'Heavenly Snake' emerged, and before its roar could even subside, a large piece of blazing white light ripped through the void in the distance.

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