The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 628 Victory The Disappeared ‘Starlight Forest’

Liang Ji and others were in the "Dragon Snake" starship. They looked in the direction of the "Wooden Meteor" and saw a giant willow rising into the sky. The spreading crown and hanging wickers almost enveloped the entire star.

The stars, which were originally half blue and half green, have now completely turned into green.

The aftershocks that rushed through the "Star Port-Starship" formation and blasted into the "Wood Meteor" were all blocked by the giant willow crown and countless wickers that covered the entire star.

The giant willow seemed to come alive at this time, and countless willow branches danced like countless giant pythons, blocking and crushing the aftermath of the impact.

Of course, in the process of resisting and crushing, a large number of willow branches were also broken and shattered by the aftermath, and fell into the stars.

However, the number of willow branches in the giant willow canopy was countless. After one piece was shattered and broken, more and thicker willow branches immediately danced up in the canopy, continuing to resist and crush the aftermath of the impact without letting up. A little aftermath rushed into the stars.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and others also breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they also realized that Chu Yue and Lu Yuetong had finally transformed and cultivated the star origin spiritual plant at the last moment.

Moreover, once the Star Origin Spiritual Plant was completed, it directly protected the entire ‘Wood Meteor’ and withstood the impact of the aftermath of the leak, which can be said to have made a great contribution.

By the time the aftermath of this wave of impact was over, almost half of the giant willow crown covering the 'Wood Meteor' had been cut off, revealing the half-blue and half-green stars below again.

Obviously, the star origin spiritual plant that had just been transformed and cultivated suffered heavy losses in the aftermath of this wave.

Fortunately, the 'Wood Meteor' was successfully protected, and as long as the stars are still there and the origin is still there, the 'original spiritual plant' rooted in the origin of the stars will naturally recover slowly no matter how severely injured it is.

What is even more fortunate is that the aftermath of this wave of breaking through the 'Starport-Starship' array protection is already the strongest among the aftermath, and the subsequent aftermath has become smaller and smaller. The weaker it is, the harder it will be to break through the blockade of the formation and reach the 'Wood Meteor'.

On the 'Wood Meteor', the 'original spiritual plant' that soared into the sky and covered the world with its canopy seemed to know that there was no danger. The canopy and willow branches covering the world began to shrink towards the center, and the giant willows that grew beyond the stars also began to shrink rapidly. , shrinking into the stars.

The half-blue and half-green ‘Wood Meteor’ was revealed again, and it didn’t look like much had changed.

This is also the difference between the transformed 'Original Spiritual Plant' and the original 'Original Spiritual Plant' that grows wildly. The Original Spiritual Plant grows wildly and will eventually grow beyond the stars and into the void, covered with crowns and willows. The entire star, but by then the origin and spiritual veins of the entire star must have been swallowed up by the savagely growing 'natal spiritual plants', and the entire 'wooden meteorite' will be destroyed.

Now, after being transformed into an orderly and controllable 'original spiritual plant', although it can grow to the level of the 'giant willow' that stretches out of the void and covers the entire star, it is controllable and cannot be destroyed. At the cost of the entire star.

Of course, such a controllable 'Giant Willow' cannot be maintained forever. After resisting the aftermath of the impact, it has to retract into the stars and return to its original size.

Becoming the guardian and attack of the 'Giant Willow' can be said to be a change in magical powers and spells that consumes the spiritual veins and source power of the stars.

Even so, every change of 'Giant Willow' consumes a large amount of star essence, and it takes a long time to recover afterwards. Such changes also need to be used once after many years. Otherwise, if used too long and too frequently, it may be destroyed. stars.

Seeing that the 'Wood Meteor' was safe, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others were completely relieved and turned back to the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

The aftermath of the impact just now caused a lot of backlash and damage to the "Dragon Snake" starship. Many of its defensive formations and magic weapons collapsed and were damaged. In the end, they were even overturned and subverted by the shock wave. It can be said that the damage was not small. In today's environment far away from the Covenant Alliance, it is no small trouble to repair it.

However, at this time, Liang Ji and others were not focused on the damage to the "Dragon Snake" starship. Instead, their eyes fell on the three-dimensional starlight curtain of the starship hanging down.

Although the formation of the 'Starport-Starship' is mostly damaged, the connection between the starship and the 'Starport' is still maintained. The battle scenes at the 'Starlight Forest' transmitted from the 'Starport', The signal is still projected in the three-dimensional light curtain.

At this time, the white light that filled the light curtain had disappeared, revealing the situation on the battlefield again.

But when Liang Ji and others saw it, they could no longer find the 'Starlight Forest'. What appeared in the light curtain was only a broken, chaotic, and twisted void. If it weren't for the starlight giant of the high-level star master still in this void, It was almost difficult for them to be sure that what was shown in this picture was the original "Starlight Forest".

It seems that in the final collision between the Starlight Giant and the Starlight Giant Bird, the Starlight Giant won.

The Starlight Giant Bird and Starlight Forest were defeated and even disappeared into the void. It is not known whether they were completely destroyed by the high-level Star Lord or were taken away by him.

Then, before Liang Ji and others could check more of the situation on the battlefield, the picture in the three-dimensional light screen suddenly disappeared.

"what happened?"

Liang Ji and others were surprised for a while, and then discovered that the 'Starport' had disconnected from the starship and transmitted data.

The next moment, Liu Yuanling's figure appeared on the light screen and contacted Liang Ji and others directly from the 'Star Port'.

"Dragon Snake starship." Liu Yuanling looked at a few people and said directly: "The danger in the 'Starlight Forest' has been dealt with. However, the aftermath of this handling accident exceeded expectations, causing considerable damage to the surrounding void and galaxies. As a result, many of the 'starports' and the starships they carried suffered heavy damage in the aftermath."

"In the next period of time, the 'Star Port' will continue to be parked here. On the one hand, it will repair the damage and heavy damage suffered by the 'Star Port' and the starship. On the other hand, it will repair and stabilize the surrounding void and galaxies that have been damaged."

When Liang Ji and others heard this, they immediately understood that although the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy was protected by the 'Starport-Starship' formation, it successfully withstood the aftermath of the impact and did not suffer much damage or damage; but the 'Wood Meteor' star system 'The void and stars around the galaxy are often destroyed, distorted, and destroyed by the aftermath.

These stars and voids are also closely related to the Wooden Meteor galaxy. If they cannot be restored and suppressed in time, they will inevitably affect the Wooden Meteor galaxy later, and may even lead to the withering and destruction of the Wooden Meteor. Transformed into a Death Star.

The void, galaxies, and stars seem to be very vast and vast, but the connections and connections among them are often very close, and a single move can affect the whole body.

The 'Second Star Port Team' came to handle the 'Starlight Forest' mission, but the aftermath of the battle caused a lot of destruction to the surrounding void and stars. It would be fine if there were no life stars involved, but since there is a spiritual star 'Wood Meteor Star' here , naturally needs to be repaired and suppressed in time.

At this moment, Liang Ji's heart moved and his eyes lit up.

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