The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 629 Visiting the ‘Star Port’

Outside the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy, the 'Star Port' is parked in the void, and a huge portal opens in the starlight protection for starships to enter and exit.

Liang Ji stood on the 'Dragon Snake' starship and watched the starship slowly pass through the portal and sail into the 'Star Port'. Then, under the guidance of the 'Star Port' weapon spirit, it sailed into a Maintenance port.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship suffered a lot of damage in the process of resisting the aftermath. Many of the protective formations and magic weapons on it collapsed and shattered. Although it can still sail in the void, it suffers no loss in terms of speed or protective power. All are in decline.

Liang Ji was worried about maintenance problems at that time, so when he heard that the 'Star Port' needed to stay here for a period of time for maintenance, he applied to Captain Liu Yuanling to allow the 'Dragon Snake' starship to enter the 'Star Port'. Maintenance in port.

After all, the 'star port' itself is equivalent to a void aircraft carrier and a void land. It is a port where various starships and starships are parked in the void. It naturally has complete resources and systems to maintain and maintain various starships and starships. repair.

At least it is much better than the maintenance resources and systems that come with the "Dragon Snake" starship.

Colonel Liu Yuanling received the application and approved it without much hesitation. As the 'star port' of the Star Alliance's Outer Expansion Corps, it has the functions and tasks of rescuing and repairing the starships of the exploration team in the outer star sea.

As the "Dragon Snake" starship successfully sailed into the maintenance port, Liang Ji and Peng Yue each opened the "Star Gate" and summoned the family weapon masters, talisman masters, array masters, etc. from their natal stars to cooperate with Chu Yue , Xia Wujiu maintained and repaired the starship.

Although it is said that there is a top starship maintenance team in the 'Star Port', the 'Dragon Snake' starship has undergone considerable transformation, and even contains many inheritances of the 'Sage of the Serpent', but it is not easy for outsiders to To carry out repairs, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu could only lead the families of Liang Ji and Peng Yue to carry out repairs.

Liang Ji and others only purchased some spiritual objects, materials, and resources for maintenance from the "Star Port" maintenance port.

After arranging the maintenance of the starship, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others did not stay on the starship for a long time. After applying to Captain Liu Yuanling, the team was able to enter the starport and travel around and observe the starport. scenery.

The members of the 'Dragon Snake' expedition team, not to mention newcomers such as Liang Ji and Peng Yue, even experienced old men like Wu Shan and monks from large companies like Lu Yuetong, only know about or have seen 'Star Port' from a distance. , but they have never visited it.

This time, several people were able to have their eyes opened.

The starport is circular in shape and distributed in a ring. The outermost ring and the largest ring are various ports, including starship berthing ports, repair ports, and even casting ports.

At this time, all the ports were very busy. Among the starships that had been deployed to guard the "Wood Meteor" galaxy, Liang Ji's "Dragon Snake" starship was the innermost one and suffered the least heavy damage. , still need to sail into the port for repairs, and it is conceivable that the other starships are basically being repaired or even recast in various ports.

Liang Ji and the others visited several ports and felt very lucky when they looked at the severely damaged starships.

"Fortunately, our team does not need to compensate these starships. Otherwise, we might not be able to afford the compensation even if we bought the newly discovered 'wooden meteorite'."

Lu Yuetong looked at the starships being repaired in the port. Basically, less than half or even more than half of them were damaged or damaged. You can imagine the cost of repairs and couldn't help but say.

Liang Ji and others also nodded slightly.

These starships are assets belonging to the Third Outreach Legion of the Covenant. If they are damaged, repaired, etc. during missions, the Third Outward Legion will naturally be responsible for it. The Third Outreach Legion also receives a large amount of funds allocated by the Covenant every year. There is no need for them to worry or be responsible for the supply of funds and resources.

The only thing they need to bear and be responsible for is the maintenance cost of the "Dragon Snake" starship. It is conceivable that this will definitely reduce the benefits of their expedition to foreign lands.

After visiting the outermost ports of the 'Star Port', Liang Ji and others continued to move towards the inner circle of the 'Star Port'.

Next to the port circle, the second circle in the star port is the 'warehouse circle', which contains various warehouses, most of which are closed, and a few are open. There are also various spaceships, spaceships, etc. Various spiritual materials, resources, treasures, etc. are continuously transported from it and sent to various ports for use in starship repairs.

Although Liang Ji and others were allowed to visit the 'Star Port', they did not have the right to enter the warehouse. They could only look inside the several open warehouses.

It can be seen that the internal spaces of the several open warehouses are many times larger than what appears outside the warehouse. It is obvious that formations and restrictions have been used to expand the space inside.

Passing through the 'Warehouse Circle' and entering the third circle of the 'Star Port' is the 'Workshop Circle', which contains various workshops, including those for refining weapons, forming formations, carving talismans, and even alchemy workshops. , Lingzhi Workshop, Lingshan Workshop, etc.

These workshops provide magic weapons, arrays, elixirs, spiritual meals, etc. for the entire star port. From time to time, you can see flying boats flying out of these workshops and flying to various places in the 'star port'.

Passing through the 'Workshop Circle', the fourth circle of 'Star Port' is the large 'Spirit Field Circle', which occupies an area and size that far exceeds the sum of the previous three circles. Various spiritual plants and elixirs are planted in it. , spiritual valley, etc., which can not only provide various spiritual plants and elixir resources for the 'Star Port', but also isolate the inner and outer circles of the 'Star Port'.

In the spiritual plant forests, spiritual medicine grasslands, spiritual valley fields, etc. planted in these spiritual fields, there are also some spiritual beasts and spiritual birds, making the entire 'Star Port' even more vibrant.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others visited it and saw some rare and precious spiritual plant species, spiritual beasts and birds.

Inside the 'Lingtian Circle' is the inner circle of the 'Star Port', which looks more like a city, with criss-crossing streets, scattered streets, high-rise buildings, and even some arenas, entertainment venues, and movie theaters. Field and other buildings.

The distribution of the entire city is not much different from the many cities Liang Ji has seen in the Star Alliance.

However, there are fewer people moving and living in it. They are all Star Alliance monks, workshop masters, port workers, etc. who serve in this 'star port'.

When Liang Ji and others arrived, most people in the city were busy at the port, workshops, etc., and there were even fewer people in the city. They visited several places and cities in the city. Although they were similar to the cities in the Covenant Alliance and there were few people, they had left the Covenant Alliance for several years and wandered in the void star sea for several years. They could only see the dark void. , Liang Ji and others in the distant starlight, it is quite cordial and joyful.

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