The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 632 Arrangement of the ‘Star Map Array’

The starships of the Star Alliance's outer domain expeditions often have array devices that arrange the 'Star Map Array', which can automatically arrange the 'Star Map Array' to protect the discovered life stars and spiritual vein stars.

Just like when Liang Ji and the others discovered the 'Yuyang Star', they used the ability of starships to deploy their own formations to set up the 'Star Map Array' in the 'Double Sun Galaxy'. This array was used to resist the void demon tide behind. It played a big role during the attack, allowing them to hold up until support from the Covenant arrived.

The "Dragon Snake" starship has undergone a comprehensive transformation and upgrade. The array devices and array diagrams that arrange the 'Star Map Array' have naturally been upgraded, and a better existence has been chosen. Naturally, there are also self-arranged 'Star Map Arrays' Array' ability.

However, at this time, the 'Dragon Snake' starship arrived at the place where the stars were arranged, but Liang Ji and others did not choose to let the 'ship spirit' arrange the formation on its own.

The starship portal opened, and Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Wu Ling, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu, the five third-level immortals in the expedition team, rushed out of the starship and boarded the stars.

Among them, Chu Yue still held the 'Star Plate', the array device used to arrange the 'Star Map Array'. She planned to arrange the 'Star Map Array' herself instead of letting the starship arrange it on its own.

After several third-level immortals boarded the stars, they began to use their methods to explore the stars and the surrounding void.

Previously, they could only watch from a distance as the high-level star lords moved the stars and changed their formations, and understood the laws and avenues contained in them; but now, they can be immersed in the scene and understand the high-level star lords' movements of moving the stars and suppressing the void. The power of the law.

The difference can be imagined. Naturally, they will not miss the opportunity to let the starships arrange their formations on their own. Instead, they will board the stars to form their formations in person.

Wushan, the human immortal, moves the sky and the earth, with three heads and six arms. Walking on the stars seems to be measuring the stars and feeling the changes in the stars.

The Five Ghost Spirits and Xia Wujiu directly transformed into the void around the stars, sensing the connection between the stars and the void.

The immortal Lu Yuetong even unfolded the divine realm on the stars to unite with the stars, and understood the avenue of the stars through the incense divine realm.

However, the actions of several people were not as good as Chu Yue. As the master of the array, Chu Yue undoubtedly took advantage of it this time. However, when he saw her raising the array device 'Astral Plate' and connecting it to the stars, he was not in a hurry to connect it to the stars. The astrolabe is embedded in the stars, but the internal changes in the stars are directly perceived through the array device.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not follow the immortals to land on the stars at this time, but stayed in the "Dragon Snake" starship. They were limited by their cultivation. Although they were star master monks, they had not yet made contact with them. He has the power of laws, so even if he climbs into the stars, it is difficult to perceive the changes in the laws and avenues in the stars and the void like several immortals, and it is difficult to gain anything.

At this time, they stayed on the "Dragon Snake" starship, and through the high-level detection array in the starship, they could observe and study the changes in the stars, the void, and Chu Yue's formation, but they could gain more.

In the starship cabin, the starlight hangs down a three-dimensional light curtain, which manifests various scenes, including scenes of starlight giants moving stars in the void and repairing galaxies, scenes of Chu Yue forming formations among the stars, and scenes of starships. Use various detection arrays to detect various data and information in the void and stars.

Liang Ji looked at the complicated pictures and data information in the three-dimensional light screen, but frowned slightly.

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, although the detection array is comprehensive and powerful, forming a lot of data and information on this light screen, this information does not involve the power of laws.

The detection array on the seventh-order starship cannot detect the power of the Great Law that is currently changing violently in the surrounding void and stars.

At this time, he became more and more aware of the gap between these instruments and monks, especially the high-level ones.

It became more and more clear to me why the high-level star master took action directly during the battle in the 'Starlight Forest'.

But despite this, Liang Ji and Peng Yue still stared at the many pictures and data in the light screen, and asked the 'ship spirit' to save these data and information.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it now. When you reach the level of cultivation later, or when you encounter similar things, these data and information will naturally be useful.

hiss! hold head high……

At this time, the phantom of the Heavenly Serpent appeared on the starship 'Dragon Snake', raising its head and letting out a neighing sound.

It was Liang Ji who inspired the formations in the starship and 'awakened' Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others.

On the side of the starlight giant transformed by the high-level star master, more than ten stars have been moved over to suppress the void and repair the galaxy.

They must keep up with the arrangement of the 'Star Map Array' in time, and cannot always be obsessed with the first star. Therefore, Liang Ji must awaken these third-level immortals who are addicted to the stars and the law of the void.

Above the stars, Chu Yue, who was awakened by the scream of the heavenly snake, turned the formation seal on her hand, and the formation device 'astroplate' that had been rotating on the stars suddenly turned into a starlight and escaped into the stars.

Standing above the stars, the remaining third-level immortals also took action at this time. Immortal light seals were penetrated into the stars, and they cooperated with Chu Yue to set up the 'Star Map Formation'.

Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Wu Ling, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu, the five heretic third-level immortals, although their strength is not as strong as the seventh-level star masters of the same level, they are also high-level monks who have mastered the power of laws.

Now, with the foundation laid by the high-level star master's move of the stars, and the formation master Chu Yue presiding over it, several immortals have joined forces to set up the formation.

The 'Star Map Array' arranged in this way is almost different from the original arrangement of several high-level star masters in the 'Double Sun Galaxy' when they moved stars and changed the arrangement.

Sure enough, as a few people completed the arrangement, a layer of starlight overflowed from the stars, covering the entire star, exuding a unique Taoist charm, preparing to connect all directions.

After Chu Yue and others completed the arrangement of the stars, they did not return to the "Dragon Snake" starship. They directly used their own methods to fly into the void, and then came to the second star arranged and placed by the starlight giant in the void. above.

Still using their own methods, sensing the power of the laws of the stars and the void, Liang Ji and Peng Yue followed closely in the "Dragon Snake" starship, using starship formations to detect changes.

But this time, he didn't need to activate the phantom of the Heavenly Serpent to wake up a few people. Just a moment later, a few people woke up from their enlightenment and continued to refine the array device 'Astral Plate' in the second star and arrange the 'Star Board'. Picture the base of the Great Formation.

Starlight and Dao Yun emanated from the stars as the formation base was completed, and immediately connected with the first star formation base that was completed in the distance.

Almost at the same time, a starlight shot out from each of the two stars and met in the void, connecting the two stars together to form the first formation pattern of the 'Star Map Array'.

In the following time, the starlight giants moved stars in front and repaired the stars. Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others followed closely behind, laying out array devices and formation bases among the moving stars. These completed array base stars are connected and intertwined, and a 'Star Map Array' is gradually arranged around the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy.

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