The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 633 Chu Yue’s excitement

"The Jupiter Meteor Galaxy Star Map Array, the third test begins!"

In the center of the 'Star Map Array', in the void outside the Wooden Meteor Star, Liang Ji on the 'Dragon Snake' starship gave an order.

Starlights shot out from the stars in the void in all directions, intertwined in the void, and turned into a star map and a starlight net, covering the entire galaxy.

At the same time, outside the star map that envelopes the galaxy, the 'Star Port' is parked in the void, shooting out starlight into the void in the distance. These starlights have unique rhyme and frequency, which can attract the pursuit of the void demon clan.

Liang Ji was currently in the main control cabin of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and the three-dimensional light screen clearly showed the operation of the 'star port' outside the star map.

Although this distance has exceeded the detection range of the starship detection array, at this time the 'Dragon Snake' starship can access the 'Star Map Array' and use the power of the 'Star Map Array' to detect more From a long distance, the situation beyond the galaxy can be clearly observed.

Not only that, the 'Star Map Array' can also replenish energy and resources for the 'Dragon Snake' starship, allowing the starship to continue sailing and explore further into the void without returning to the Covenant or the Third Expansion Corps base to replenish it. Energy and Resources.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship can also rely on the 'Star Map Array' to travel around the void, and its combat effectiveness and defense capabilities have been greatly improved.

If it weren't for all these benefits, Wooden Meteorite wouldn't be enough to serve as a station or base for their exploration team in the outer void.


At this time, Peng Yue looked at the picture in the three-dimensional light screen and raised his voice.

Liang Ji also saw that outside the 'Star Map Formation' that appeared in the light curtain, hundreds of void monsters gathered in groups and attacked directly towards the 'Star Map Formation'.

The 'Star Chart Array' immediately started to operate. Starlight shot out from it, tearing the void and sweeping away the demons. Wherever it passed, the incoming void demons were cut into pieces, and all kinds of void demons were killed in the void. Among them, the debris scattered into the void, and the demon core exploded and roared.

However, these starlights did not kill all the incoming void monsters, but deliberately let some go, allowing them to attack the 'Star Map Array' or even rush into the Star Map, in order to test the 'Star Map Array'. The formation's defensive power, as well as internal protection and combat power.

"There is no problem with attacking!"

"There is no problem with defense!"

"There is no problem with internal security!"

"The arrangement of the Star Map Array was very successful, and the testing standards met the Star Alliance's requirements for the 'Sky Star Array' sub-array!"

Chu Yue, who was in charge of presiding over the test of the 'Star Map Array', looked at the data and information transmitted from various parts of the 'Star Map' and quickly made a summary report.

The faces of the team members are getting more and more happy, especially the third-level immortals Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, who are even more happy.

They were not only happy for the completion of the 'Star Map Array' and the completion of the team's first foreign base, but they were also happy for themselves.

This 'Star Map Array' was arranged by them in cooperation with Chu Yue. The entire process of arranging the array was a process of understanding, verifying, and practicing the Avenue of Stars and the Law of the Void.

Nowadays, the test and operation of the 'Star Map Array' are normal, which undoubtedly proves that there are no problems with the laws and principles they understood and operated during the formation process. Naturally, they can't hide their joy.

This is the joy of enlightenment and improvement in practice, the joy of hearing and understanding the Tao, and it cannot be compared with external things.

Of course, among the several immortals, Chu Yue, the formation master who presided over the layout of the 'Star Map Array', gained the most. Liang Ji looked at Chu Yue and saw that there was no smile on Chu Yue's face at this time like that of Wu Shan, Wu Ling and others. , but with an air of indifference and confidence.

This indifferent and confident look appeared on Chu Yue after the arrangement of the 'Star Map Array' was completed, and represented a qualitative change in cultivation, perception, and state of mind.

Even if Liang Ji has not yet reached a high level of cultivation, he can clearly see that after setting up the 'Star Map Array', Chu Yue's aura, power, and Taoist charm have changed significantly, becoming more mysterious. Measurement.

Obviously, Chu Yue has absolute confidence in the success of the 'Star Map Array', as well as in his own practice and insights.

She doesn't need to wait for several tests and verifications of the 'Star Map Array' like Wu Shan, Xia Wujiu and others before she can be convinced of her insights.

From this we can see the huge gap between the incomes of the two parties.

"Congratulations to the seniors!"

Liang Ji stood up at this time, saluted and congratulated several immortals, and congratulated them on their enlightenment.

Peng Yue also stood up to congratulate him.

Wu Shan, Wu Ling, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu thanked him in return with faces full of joy.

Chu Yue, on the other hand, shook her head slightly and said: "Now is not the time to celebrate, the next step is the most critical."

As she spoke, she turned to Liang Ji and Peng Yue and asked, "Fellow Daoist Liang and Daoist Peng, you have applied for the Wooden Meteor Star 'Star Map Array' to be directly connected to the 'Celestial Star Array'. Has there been any reply from the Star Alliance?"

Although the ‘Star Map Formation’ is powerful, its power has its limits as it hangs alone in the outer sea of ​​stars.

Only by integrating with the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Formation, and becoming the sub-array of the Zhoutian Star Formation, with the support of the Zhoutian Star Formation, can we be completely worry-free.

It also allows them to directly contact the Star Alliance, their outer-domain adventure base, ‘Wood Meteor’, and even open the ‘Starlight Portal’ for teleportation, which is more convenient.

"It has passed and can be connected at any time!"

Liang Ji nodded directly.

The Star Alliance encourages exploration in the outer realm, and encourages expedition teams to build bases in the outer star sea and arrange the 'Star Map Array' to form a secondary array of the 'Celestial Star Array'. This is not only for the Star Alliance but also for the 'Celestial Star Array'. Pictures are of great benefit.

Naturally, the application of the Outland Expedition Team will be easily approved by the Star Alliance without any obstacles.

"Okay!" Chu Yue couldn't help but show excitement on her face, and said in a deep voice: "Then take advantage of now and complete the connection with the 'Zhoutian Star Array' in one go."

"I have longed for the 'Zhoutian Star Array' for a long time!"

The innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Formation' is the foundation treasure of the Star Alliance. Although it contains the supreme avenue and the supreme formation method, the Star Alliance can come into contact with the 'Celestial Star Formation' and study its avenues. , but there are very few people who use the formation.

Origin, cultivation, status, orthodoxy, etc. all have extremely strict requirements.

Although Chu Yue is a third-level Qi Refiner and an Immortal Master of the Formation Dao, he is not ranked among the best among the Star Alliance. Naturally, he has never had the opportunity to contact and study the 'Celestial Star Formation Map'.

So this time, presiding over the connection between the Jupiter Array's Star Chart and the Zhoutian Star Array, it was her first direct contact with the Zhoutian Star Array, and she was even able to interact with the main star array because of the The connections and connections between the formations allow us to get a glimpse of one or two mysteries in the "Zhoutian Stars Formation Diagram" for research.

In this way, how could she not be excited and longing for it.

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