The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 634 The first foreign stronghold is built

In the void, the Wooden Meteor Star's 'Star Map Array' has been fully activated, spreading like a 'star map' in the void, blooming with bright light.

Opposite it, at the far end of the void, another larger, vast, virtual and real 'star map' gradually emerged and unfolded in the void, far opposite to the 'star map' of the Jupiter meteorite.

This is the projection of the power of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array’.

The majestic and dazzling starlight burst out from the two "star maps", one large and one small, one virtual and one real, and connected in the void, connecting the two "star maps" into one.

As the two sides became connected, the 'Sky Star Array' projected in the void in the distance began to become more realistic. A steady stream of starlight energy was transmitted from the Jupiter Meteorite's 'Star Map', projecting it into the sky. , the stars in the illusory 'star map' light up one by one.

Similarly, in the projection of the 'Celestial Star Array' as the main formation, there is also a steady stream of power feedback and transmission into the Wooden Meteor Star 'Star Map'.

However, what the projection of the 'Celestial Star Array' conveys is not starlight energy, but the power of the avenues of stars and laws contained in the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', which is input into the 'Star Map' of the Wooden Meteor Star. Start radiating, adjusting, and transforming the stars, voids, and formations in the 'Star Map', and truly transforming the wooden meteorite 'Star Map Formation' into the sub-formation of the 'Celestial Stars Formation'!

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Chu Yue stared closely at the various scenes and data changes in the three-dimensional light curtain hanging down by the "Ship Spirit". There were several formation disks and formation diagrams floating around him, with excitement on his face, and he took action from time to time. Adjust the formation plates around you and the layout in the formation diagram, and use this to calculate and deduce.

Although she is a third-level immortal and a master of formations, she has presided over the layout of the entire "Star Map Formation" of the Wooden Meteor Star, and she also has a certain degree of control over the entire "Star Map Formation"; but now, in this "Star Map Formation" Under the connection and evolution, even Chu Yue had to rely on the power of the starship to be able to withstand and observe the changes in the Wooden Meteorite's "Star Map Formation".

And use this to deduce and understand the formations, laws, avenues, etc. contained in the innate spiritual treasure "Zhou Tianxing Array".

In fact, not only Chu Yue, but also the immortals Wu Shan, Wu Ling, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu were also staring at the pictures and data in the light curtain at this time, observing the Wooden Meteorite's Star Map Array. Changes, using their own methods and magical powers, they understand and deduce the changes and avenues within them.

Chu Yue has certainly been yearning for the innate spiritual treasure 'The Zhoutian Star Formation' for a long time. Wu Shan and others are also third-level immortals, so naturally they are also eager to contact and study the 'The Zhoutian Star Formation', hoping to gain some insights from it. Even if If you can't find a way forward, you can at least greatly improve your own strength and combat power.

Even Liang Ji and Peng Yue, although they could not see the laws and avenues contained in the changes in the 'Star Map', they tried their best to write down these changes at this time, and even recorded them in their respective 'Star Maps'.

This is not only to reserve the resources for their cultivation and enlightenment after they advance to high-level star masters, but also to prepare for the subsequent 'refining the void'.

Seventh-level star masters and third-level refining the void need to refine the illusory sun, moon and stars around the natal stars into reality. When the time comes, moving the stars and refining the void into reality will not be done casually, but also need to be arranged around the natal stars. Star Map Array', in this way, it can not only enhance the protective power of the natal stars, but also facilitate the integration of the natal stars into the innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Array, and increase the power of the Zhoutian Star Array.

Therefore, even though Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not understand at this time, it did not prevent them from recording the layout and changes of these 'star maps' in preparation for the future use of the 'star map formation' during virtual refining.

Time passed slowly, and the Jupiter Meteor's "Star Map Array" was gradually adjusted. The frequency and rhyme of the starlight blooming in it had completely changed, becoming the same as the starlight frequency and rhyme in the projection of the "Celestial Star Array" in the distance. The rhyme is the same, the Jupiter Meteor Star's 'Star Map Array' has been completely adjusted into the sub-array of the 'Celestial Star Array', and the connection with the 'Celestial Star Array' has been completely established.

In the distant void, the projection of the 'Star Map of the Zhoutian' also solidified from the void and submerged into the void, returning to the Star Alliance and the Zhoutian Star Alliance with the power and information of the Jupiter Meteor and the surrounding 'Star Map Array'. Tianxingchen array diagram'go.

At this point, Jupiter has completely connected with the Star Alliance, and the transmission of the Star Network and Starlight Gate can be opened. Only Jupiter is a qualified outer domain base for the expedition team.

Here, Liang Ji and others can log into the Star Network to contact relatives and friends in the Star Alliance, communicate with the Star Alliance in a timely manner to deliver news, and can also open the Starlight Portal to transport spiritual objects and resources from the Star Alliance to replenish starships. , and the consumption of their exploration in the outer realm; of course, the harvest from their exploration in the outer realm can also be transmitted back to the Star Alliance through the Starlight Portal to sell and earn spiritual stones and resources.

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others logged into the star network and successfully contacted their relatives and friends in the Star Alliance. They couldn't help but smile on their faces.

After several years of exploring the outer lands and months of busy planning, from disappointment to hope, from the ups and downs in the aftermath of the war to the generosity of moving the star array, their "Dragon Snake" expedition team finally had their first outer realm of their own. Base, stronghold!

The significance and benefits it represents are worthy of their joy and celebration.

At this time, the 'Ship Spirit' sent a prompt tone, and a communication request came from the 'Star Port'.

Although their starship is not connected to the 'Star Port', the two parties have been able to communicate through the 'Star Network'.

When Liang Ji saw this, his heart moved and he asked the 'Ship Spirit' to connect the communication.

Sure enough, Liu Yuanling's figure appeared on the light screen, and congratulated several people with a smile on his face: "Congratulations! Congratulations! Fellow Daoist Liang, Fellow Daoist Peng, and all the seniors, congratulations on the successful completion of Mu Yuanxing's 'Star Map Array' and its cooperation with 'Zhou' The Heavenly Stars Formation is connected and becomes the secondary formation of the Zhoutian Stars Formation!"

"Congratulations to your team for successfully establishing a safe and reliable garrison base and revenue base in the outer star sea."

"It's such a happy event, could your team prepare a banquet to celebrate?"

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, but understood the other party's meaning in his heart. He looked at several teammates around him, then came forward and said with a smile: "Same joy! Same joy! This time I was able to defend the Wooden Meteor Star, and successfully deployed and established the formation. Stronghold, I would also like to thank Senior Liu, the 'Star Port' team, and senior Star Lords for their help!"

"We are going to hold a banquet to celebrate on the Wooden Meteor Star. We sincerely invite Senior Liu, fellow Taoists from the Star Port team, and senior Star Lords who moved the stars to attend the banquet to express our gratitude!"

"I wonder if you have this honor?"

Sure enough, when he heard Liang Ji's invitation, Liu Yuanling's smile suddenly became brighter, and he said with a smile: "I don't dare to invite you!"

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