The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 636 News about the ‘Star Port Team’ Fengze Star Demon Hunter

On the wooden meteorite, the guests and guests were enjoying a banquet in Liuguan City.

After the banquet, the members of the 'Dragon Snake' team and the 'Second Star Port Team' also got busy.

Chu Yue obtained several unique array inheritances from the 'Second Star Port Team', including the 'Demon Lure Formation' that was previously used by the 'Star Port' to lure the Void Demon Clan.

Chu Yue was obviously very interested in the inheritance of these formations, and became busy after receiving the inheritance.

She told Liang Ji that with the inheritance of the 'Demon Lure Formation', combined with her previous research on the formations in the 'Sky Snake Heritage', she was very confident that she could develop a formation to search for traces of the 'Void Mirage'.

Xia Wujiu also obtained several weapon-refining inheritances that were circulated among the external legions, and is now busy studying them.

Lu Yuetong also obtained some alchemy inheritance, but now she is not studying these inheritances. Instead, she is working with the spiritual planters and alchemists sent by the 'Second Star Port Team' to study the origin of the Wooden Meteor Star's original spiritual plant 'Giant Willow'. survey and research.

The 'Second Star Port Team' has made many promises and given many benefits and inheritances to the members of the 'Dragon Snake' team, in order to participate in the research on the original spiritual plant in the wooden meteorite. Now that an agreement has been reached, it will naturally be done as soon as possible. Experts and masters were dispatched to carry out research on the original spiritual plant 'Giant Willow'.

For Lu Yuetong, whether it is the emphasis on the original spiritual plant 'Giant Willow', or the "Second Star Port Team"'s method of studying the original spiritual plant and its inheritance, it is natural to join them.

Even Wu Shan, Wu Ling, and Peng Yue were studying some immortal arts and star arts inheritance provided by the "Second Star Port Team" while presiding over the development and construction of Wooden Meteor Star.

On the contrary, Liang Ji left some of his family members on the Wooden Meteor Planet to cooperate with other members of the team in mining the resources in the stars and building the stars; but he himself opened the starlight portal through the 'Star Map Array' and teleported away from the Wooden Meteor Planet.

However, his teleportation was not to return to the Covenant.

On the other side of the starlight portal, there is also a spiritual star in the outer star sea.

Liang Ji walked out of the starlight portal and came to an airport beyond the stars. Looking down from the airport, he could see a star full of vitality, in which the colors of water, grass, and earth were mixed. Most of the star The lands are all swamps, filled with mist, poisonous miasma, etc.

This is the 'Fengze Star', which is one of the strongholds and bases built by the 'Second Star Port Team' after discovering the life stars in the outer star sea.

Liu Yuanling did not say how many outer-land spiritual stars and bases belonged to the 'Second Star Port Team', but according to Liang Ji's speculation, judging from the fact that the other party easily opened the teleportation array here on 'Fengze Star' to him, There should be quite a few such outland star bases.

Liu Yuanling and others seemed to use this to further explain to Liang Ji and others that they were not coveting the 'Wooden Meteor Star'. The interests of the outer domain spiritual vein stars were not in the eyes of the 'Second Star Port Team'. The only thing they valued was It's just the original spiritual plant 'Giant Willow' on the 'Wood Meteor'.

Of course, Liang Ji was sent here through the 'Starlight Portal' not to see the wealth of the 'Second Star Port Team', but to hunt the void mirage!

During the banquet at the Wooden Meteor Star ‘Liu Guancheng’, Liang Ji and others not only received a lot of cherished inheritance and benefits from the ‘Second Star Port Team’, but they also got a piece of news while chatting.

At that time, when Liu Yuanling learned that Liang Ji was looking for and hunting the void mirage, he told him that 'Star Port' had previously received news that void mirages were found in the void near 'Fengze Star'. These void mirages An attack is about to be launched on 'Fengze Star'.

Of course, with the strength of the 'Second Star Port Team' and the garrison force on 'Fengze Star', it is enough to kill these incoming 'Void Mirages', and it is not easy for them to send messages to the 'Star Port' It's not a request for help, it's just a routine news report.

However, after Liu Yuanling knew that Liang Ji needed to hunt the Void Mirage, he directly sold him a good deal and sent a message to Fengze Star. He only asked the garrison team to block the Void Mirage, but there was no incoming attack. The 'Void Mirage Demon' was killed and left to Liang Ji.

Therefore, after the banquet, Liang Ji hurriedly put down his affairs on the 'Wood Meteor Star' and opened the 'Starlight Portal' to teleport to the 'Fengze Star' to hunt the void mirage.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, I am Jiang Ting, the captain of the Fengze Star School stationed at the 'Second Star Port'." In the airport, there were monks from the 'Star Port' waiting for a long time. When they saw him, they came up to him.

"I've met Captain Jiang." Liang Ji saw the other party and hurriedly saluted him, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Captain Jiang."

Jiang Ting is a tall female cultivator with a beautiful face. After listening to Liang Ji's words, she smiled and said: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist Liang. To be honest with you, I am from the Good Fortune Star Palace. I am from the nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance. Zhi, Fellow Daoist Liang can also be regarded as my junior disciple."

When Liang Ji heard this, he immediately understood what the other party meant, and he did not refuse and said directly: "I have met senior sister!"

At the same time, I also understood in my heart that the other party was a Star Master monk who was born in the ‘Creation Star Palace’. He must pay more attention to the original spiritual plant of the stars. He must have learned about the ‘Wood Meteor Star’ and the original spiritual plant from Liu Yuanling.

Now that the other party is waiting here to receive him in person, he must also be eyeing the original spirit plant of the 'Wood Meteor Star'.

Liang Ji couldn't help but shake his head in his heart and sighed secretly for Lu Yuetong. It was impossible for the other party to independently control the source of the star spiritual plant. Even after the intervention of the master monk of the Creation Star Palace, could Lu Yuetong still take the initiative in the research of the original star spiritual plant? I'm afraid the rights are all unknown.

However, this may not be a bad thing for Lu Yuetong. With the main monk of the Creation Star Palace joining in, she may be able to gain more from the research on the origin spiritual plant.

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's heart, but they were not visible on his face.

When Jiang Ting heard his address, the smile on her face became brighter and brighter, and she continued: "Junior Liang! After receiving the news from Colonel Liu, I have ordered the incoming void mirages to be trapped."

"Come on, senior sister, I will take you over to see if there is anything you need."

"Thank you, senior!" Since he understood that the other party wanted something, Liang Ji naturally did not show any politeness. After thanking the other party, he boarded a starship in the airport and entered the void.

The starship sailed around the 'Fengze Star' and soon came to the void outside the 'Fengze Star' galaxy. Liang Ji also saw in the void ahead, a starship as the center, dozens of starships, More flying boats formed a large formation to suppress and trap the large fog in the void.

Those fogs are the ‘fog natural disasters’ released by the void mirage demon.

Stars were spinning in Liang Ji's eyes. He activated the pupil technique of 'Star Spirit Eyes' and immediately saw clearly the situation in the fog. There were actually more than 20 void mirages gathering in groups in the fog, among which the fourth-level void mirages were gathering in groups. The mirage has seven heads!

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