The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 637 Invitation

The hunting of the 'Void Mirage' is not difficult for Liang Ji now.

As his natal star has continuously refined the fourth-level void mirage demon elixir over the years, the star's spiritual veins have now been upgraded to the fourth level (40%). The increase in spiritual energy concentration has made the bloodline, soul power, and Combat strength and so on have been greatly improved.

What's more, the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat that the Familia clan sacrificed has also been upgraded several times in these years. The breath of elements brought by the 'Heritage of the Heavenly Snake', the divine blessing brought by the 'Bang of Conferred Gods', coupled with the bloodline combat power of the Familia clan, Flying boat battle array, etc.

Liang Ji's current family members can drive flying boats, which are enough to crush void mirages of the same level. Even if they join forces, they can cross levels and hunt down fifth-level void mirages.

The void mirage attacking here on 'Fengze Star' has already been suppressed, blocked, and even severely injured by the local garrison. It has nowhere to escape, and its morale and combat effectiveness are greatly reduced.

In fact, if Liang Ji had not made it clear through Captain Liu Yuanling, he would have to personally lead his family to hunt down these 'void mirages'. Otherwise, the enthusiastic senior Jiang Ting might have personally hunted down all these void mirages and given them to him as gifts.

Several roars of dragons and roars of tigers, more than a dozen elemental breaths; the shadows of gods suppressed all directions, and battle formations slaughtered people everywhere!

In less than half a day, Liang Ji's Familia Flying Boat killed dozens of void mirages in the fog. Most of them were low-level void mirages, and the strongest ones were only two fifth-level void mirages. , it is still difficult for the family members under Liang Ji now.

After the demon hunting was over and the battlefield was tidied up, Liang Ji successfully obtained five more fourth-level Void Mirage Demon Pills, bringing the number of spare mirage demon pills in his hand to more than twenty again, which could finally last for several years.

Liang Ji also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior Chu Yue said before that the formation method for tracking the 'Void Mirage' has been developed. In the past few years, it should be enough for her to research this formation method, right?"

Thoughts were swirling in his mind. His family members had finished cleaning up the battlefield. Liang Ji and Captain Jiang Ting took the starship back to Fengze Star.

Aboard the starship, Senior Sister Jiang Ting said with appreciation: "Xuedi Liang, look at the battles of your family members. Not only have they mastered the inheritance of the Kunlun Star Palace's 'Apotheosis of the Gods', but they also have very powerful elemental methods."

Liang Ji nodded slightly and said, "This is a unique method mastered by my family."

"Good!" Jiang Ting heard this and immediately praised: "Although the Star Palace inheritance is good, those who can successfully merge with the Tao in the end and advance to the first-level heavenly immortal must be Star Master monks who can find their own way!"

"For example, the inheritance of our Creation Star Palace is mainly based on the creation research of the 'World Tree'."

"It's a pity that my talents are limited. I have hit a bottleneck in the research of the 'World Tree' in the natal stars and the cultivation of the dependents. I have not found my own path yet."

"Therefore, after decades of wasted time, I have never been able to advance to the advanced level of Star Master."

After saying that, Jiang Ting sighed.


After listening to the other party's words, Liang Ji suddenly understood what the other party meant. He immediately took over the conversation with a smile and said: "Sister Jiang, Lieutenant Liu may have told you that the 'Wood Meteor' our team captured during this expedition, A star origin spiritual plant was successfully cultivated on it."

"I heard that the alchemy master in the team, Senior Lu, said that this method of origin spiritual planting is the secret technique developed by your Creation Star Palace to imitate the inheritance of the 'World Tree'?"

"Not bad!" I don't know whether it was because she finally got to the point, or because she was proud of the 'Creation Star Palace'. Jiang Ting raised her head and smiled and said: "This method of star origin spiritual planting was originally a mentor of our Creation Star Palace. It’s a pity that the natural stars in the universe are still very different from the natal stars of our star masters.”

"Our 'Creation Star Palace' can easily cultivate the 'World Tree' in the star owner's natal stars, but it is difficult to cultivate the original spiritual plants on the natural stars in the universe."

"Over the years, even if our 'Creation Star Palace' takes action, we have successfully cultivated less than thirty star origin spiritual plants."

"Xuedi Liang, you are very lucky to have discovered a life star in this outer sea of ​​stars this time and successfully cultivated the star's origin spiritual plant."

Hearing this, Liang Ji also smiled and said: "We just have some luck, but when it comes to the research and cultivation of star origin spiritual plants, we are definitely not as good as the 'Good Fortune Star Palace' and senior sister."

"Speaking of which, we have also signed an agreement with Colonel Liu to jointly develop and study the original spiritual plants on the wooden meteorites with the 'Starport Team'."

"Sister Jiang, you are also a member of the 'Star Port Team', right? When you have time, you can go to Wooden Meteor Star to guide our team on the research on the origin of spiritual plants?"

"I believe that our team, especially Senior Lu, will welcome Senior Sister very much."

"Haha... go, of course I want to go." Jiang Ting said with a smile after hearing this, and then changed the topic and sighed, "However, I am currently serving in the "Star Port Team" of the Outer Expansion Corps, but I am not as good as the expedition team of my juniors. You are free to come, and your current mission is to stay here on Fengze Star, and you are not allowed to leave easily."

"This way..." Liang Ji heard this, changed his mind, and said: "It's better than this. After I go back, I will ask Senior Lu, who is studying the 'original spiritual plant' in our team, to sort out the information about the original spiritual plant and send it to you, senior sister. , please remotely guide our team's research on the 'original spiritual plant'."

"Wait until you complete the garrison mission of 'Fengze Star', and then go to the 'Wood Meteor Star' site to study the original spiritual plant."

Jiang Ting seemed to have been waiting for his words. After hearing this, she immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Liang."

"Senior, there is no need to thank me." Liang Ji waved his hand and said, "When the time comes, you can give more guidance to Senior Lu who is researching the Origin Spiritual Plant in our team. I believe Senior Lu will be very happy."

Liang Ji even said that although Lu Yuetong was a third-level immortal, a high-level monk, and a master of alchemy, and Jiang Ting was only a middle-level star master monk, he believed that Lu Yuetong would welcome her guidance based on her background in the Creation Star Palace. of.

"Haha, guidance is out of the question. Let's study and make progress together."

Jiang Ting also smiled and said modestly when she heard this.

While speaking, the starship had returned to the starport outside Fengze Star. Jiang Ting also changed the subject at this time and said:

"Senior Brother Liang, thank you for your invitation. If you are not in a hurry to go back, why don't I entertain you, Senior Sister?"

"Speaking of which, Senior Sister, the 'Fengze Star' where I am stationed also has some rare scenery and treasures. I can make the decision to invite you to enter and play around. If you like any suitable spiritual objects or treasures, you can also Talk to me."

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the Fengze Star below. There were swamps all over it, poisonous miasma, and mist filled the air. However, his heart moved slightly and he responded: "Thank you very much, senior sister."

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