The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 638 Specialties of Fengze Star

Fengze Star is a sixth-level star, where water, grass, and soil are the most abundant, making more than 70% of the entire star covered with various swamps.

And in these swamps, there are a large number of various poisonous insects living in them, making the swamps filled with thick poisonous miasma and fog. It is difficult for the natives living in Fengze Star to survive without some poison resistance.

Of course, such toxicity is not a threat to Liang Ji.

Even the sixth-level poisonous miasma and poisons contained in some Jedi could not cause much harm to him.

With Liang Ji's current level of cultivation, and under the protection of the star technique 'Star Guardian', it is not difficult to resist attacks across two levels.

Liang Ji followed Senior Sister Jiang Ting into Fengze Star. He even opened the 'Star Gate' and summoned a group of fourth-level Pulao Familia from the natal star, allowing these Pulao Familia to enter Fengze Star to explore and search for poisonous attributes. Spiritual objects, resources and spiritual seeds.

And this is the main reason why Liang Ji accepted Jiang Ting's invitation to enter Fengze Star.

As his natal star advanced to the fourth level, the 'Dharma Grounds' in the stars for various dependents to practice also advanced to the fourth level 'Dojo', which not only required higher spiritual species, but also required various corresponding cultivation methods. There are more and more spiritual resources with attributes, and the requirements are getting higher and higher.

For example, the Suanyi Familia's training center 'Fire Valley', the Jiaotu Familia's training place 'Hanbingyuan', the Bianyi Familia's training place 'Leize', etc., after planting the corresponding fourth-level dojo spiritual seeds, you want to In order to increase its power so that the clan can practice better and become stronger, it is necessary to continuously refine spiritual objects with corresponding attributes.

In the Valley of Fire, more fourth-order spiritual fire seeds need to be continuously refined, and in the Ice Abyss, more and stronger fourth-order ice spiritual seeds need to be continuously refined, such as Lei Ze, Fenggu, Shuiyuan, etc. etc., all need to continuously refine the spiritual creatures and spiritual seeds with corresponding attributes.

The Pulao Familia's training center, the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, naturally needs to continuously refine more and more poisonous poisonous spiritual seeds.

These are essential spiritual items and resource expenditures in daily practice.

Over the years, even though Liang Ji earned some spiritual stones and resources from his adventures in foreign lands, and managed to upgrade all the training places of various clans from 'Third-Level Treasure Lands' to 'Fourth-Level Dojos', most of them were at the lowest level. In the practice dojo, the elemental spirits smelted there often cannot keep up with the increase in the strength of the star spiritual veins and the strength of the dependents.

In particular, the Pulao Clan's training center, the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, requires various toxic spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds to be refined into it. These toxic objects are more toxic than spiritual fire, spiritual water, spiritual soil, spiritual gold spiritual seeds, etc. They are much harder to find and more expensive in the market.

Liang Ji has always wanted to find some poisonous spiritual objects and resources and spiritual seeds during his adventures in the outside world. However, whether it is the 'Yuyang Star' or the 'Wood Meteor Star', there are countless good spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds. .

As a result, the current poisonous power and elemental concentration of the Pulao Familia's practice dojo, the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, cannot keep up with the development of the Pulao Familia, and its contribution to the Pulao Familia's practice has been greatly reduced.

But now, this 'Fengze Star' is full of swamps, filled with poisonous miasma and poisonous gas, and has the most abundant poisons, poisonous resources and spiritual objects. It is the most suitable environment for the survival and cultivation of the Pulao family members. Naturally, Liang Ji is not willing to let it go. Opportunities, and I want to search for some poisonous spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds for the development and improvement of the Pulao Family Clan's practice dojo "Ten Thousand Poison Cave" in my natal star.

Even spending more spiritual stones to buy these poisonous spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds would be good for Liang Ji.

Sure enough, the Pulao clan is very adaptable to an environment like Fengze Star, and they are also the best at sensing and searching for various poisonous spiritual objects and resources.

In just a few days, the Pulao Familia he summoned found no less than a hundred poisonous spiritual resource points.

However, when Liang Ji came to these resource points, he discovered that these poisonous spiritual resource points were obviously man-made and cultivated places. Most of them were stationed by the natives of Fengze Star, and they were equipped with formations and restrictions. To protect it, there are even some Star Lord's family members stationed in it.

Fortunately, Liang Ji had the token given by Jiang Ting. With the token, he could open some formations and restricted peripheral areas, and harvest some fourth-level poisonous spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds from them.

‘Fengze Star’ is a sixth-order star. The truly precious resources and spiritual objects among them are basically sixth-order, and a few are fifth-order.

Although some of the fourth-level poisonous spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds collected by Liang Ji are valuable goods, they are not considered precious in this 'Fengze Star'. With Captain Jiang Ting's authority, he can still collect some. .

However, Liang Ji looked at the collected fourth-level poisonous spiritual species and poisonous gas spiritual seeds, and decided to replenish some spiritual stones afterwards and regard them as purchased by himself.

He found that the poisonous spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds collected from the 'Fengze Star', both in terms of toxicity and spiritual strength, far exceeded the poisonous resources of the same level he purchased in the Star Alliance market. Spiritual seed.

Moreover, as Liang Ji visited many places on Fengze Star and saw many poison attribute resource points, he suddenly felt a little clear.

This 'Fengze Star' probably went through a lot of management and transformation by the 'Second Star Port Team', so that the resources, spiritual objects, quality, and spirituality contained in it far exceed those of the same level on the market.

However, this is probably a method and secret that is only mastered by the Star Alliance's Outer Expansion Corps. It is estimated that it will be difficult for outsiders to learn it.

"I just don't know. We have signed an agreement with the 'Star Port Team' to cooperate in the development of the 'Wood Meteor'. Can we also transform it in this way?"

Liang Ji changed his mind and decided to ask Colonel Liu Yuanling after he returned to see if he could use the methods and inheritance of the external expansion army to transform the 'Wood Meteor'.

If the quality of spiritual objects, resources and spirituality contained in the 'Wooden Meteor' can be improved, then their team will naturally be able to earn more spiritual stones and wealth from it.

"Sure enough, establishing an external base is only the first step. How to develop better and earn more wealth from it is the follow-up focus."

Liang Ji secretly thought, after all, their team was just getting started in this outer sea of ​​stars.

boom! boom! Rumble...

On this day, Liang Ji found another poisonous resource point discovered by the Pulao family members, an abyss filled with poisonous gas, and collected poisonous spiritual creatures and seeds from it.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the poisonous abyss, and a green light shot directly from the bottom of the abyss, swallowing countless poisonous gases along the way. The green light continued to grow and become stronger and shot towards him.

Liang Ji's complexion changed slightly, and he felt an obvious threat from it. He let out a deep drink, and his body expanded directly, and he activated the great magical power of 'Law, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'.

At the same time, the power of the 'Guardian of Stars' surrounding the body was increased dozens of times by the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', directly colliding with the incoming green light.

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