The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 639 One of the threats to foreign strongholds: Aboriginal rebellion

On Fengze Star, above the poisonous gas abyss, Liang Ji was collecting poisonous gas spiritual seeds, but he didn't expect that a green light shot out from the bottom of the abyss, swallowing countless poisonous gases along the way, and its power continued to increase. In an instant, it reached the sixth level, reaching the limit that Fengze Star could withstand, and shot Come to Liang Ji.

Fortunately, Liang Ji was not slow to react, and immediately activated the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'. His body expanded to the size of dozens of feet, and the power of the Zhenqi force field and star guardian spell surrounding him also increased dozens of times. It was really like the same. A star came down to protect him.

Liang Ji has become more knowledgeable now, especially when he has seen high-level star masters fighting in the "Starlight Forest" to attract the projection of their natal stars. I also understood in my heart that the method of attracting the projection of the natal star is probably the advanced method of the star technique "Star Guardian" in the high-level star master stage.

Therefore, these days, Liang Ji has paid more attention to the astrology of "Guardian of the Stars" and practiced it more diligently.

At this time, under the sudden attack, the star technique of the 'Star Guardian' was also activated with all its strength. Starlight bloomed all over the body. Although the shadow of the stars was not visible, there was still a bit of the charm of the stars, which directly collided with the sixth-level blue light coming from it. together.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, the green light that came from the sky shattered directly, and the starlight and true energy field that protected Liang Ji's body were also directly blasted away.

Although Liang Ji's current cultivation and strength have improved a lot, and the star technique of 'Guardian of the Stars' has been multiplied dozens of times with the blessing of the great magical power 'Fa Tian Xiang Di', he can cross two levels to block this sixth level poisonous light. The attack was already at its limit, but it was impossible to escape unscathed.

You must know that when Liang Ji first advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, even with the blessing of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', when facing an attack across two levels, he still needed 'Star Guardian', natal treasures, and even magical powers. Only then could I resist.

Now, it is enough to withstand the impact of a sixth-order poisonous light at the expense of the 'Star Guardian' being blown to pieces, which is enough to show how fast its strength has grown.

However, Liang Ji had no time to be happy about this. Seeing that the 'Qi Force Field' around him successfully withstood the poisonous light bombardment, he had no intention of delaying or lingering. His figure of dozens of feet swayed in the air and turned into a starlight and flew away. .

Star magic, star light escape magic!

Liang Ji's starlight even escaped from the stars and into the void.

Within and outside the Star Alliance, whether it is the inheritance of immortals such as human immortals, ghost immortals, gods, etc., or the inheritance of many native stars, it is often necessary to practice to the high level of the third or seventh level before you can break away from the shackles of the stars and enter the void. , and only high-level cultivation can survive in the void.

However, Star Lord monks are an exception. They rely on their natal stars and have star magic to protect them. They only need to advance to the fourth-level Star Lord and sixth-level realm to escape from the stars and enter the void, and survive in the void. .

This is also one of the reasons why among the Star Alliance, only intermediate-level star masters and above can enter the Star Gate to serve and explore.

At this time, Liang Ji was suddenly attacked and had no intention of counterattack or investigation. He simply escaped from Fengze Star with a starlight escape technique.

'Fengze Star' is a stronghold belonging to the Star Alliance's Third Expansion Corps and the Second Star Port Team. He believes that if anything happens, Jiang Ting and other star port teams will handle it, without him needing to intervene.

The most important thing for him now is to stay away from danger and protect his own safety.

Sure enough, just as Liang Ji's starlight escaped from the Fengze Star and appeared in the void, Jiang Ting's figure appeared next to him almost at the same time, and asked worriedly: "Junior Liang, are you okay?"

At this time, Liang Ji's 'Zhenqi force field' surrounding him had been restored by the flow of the natal stars and the golden elixir. He was not injured at all, so he shook his head and said: "It's okay, senior sister, but Fengze Star What happened?"

The reason why he asked this was not only because of the attack he received, but also because he saw at this time that there were turbulences, poisonous gas explosions, and aura explosions in many places in the 'Fengze Star' below. It was obvious that there were many fierce battles. Exploded in 'Fengze Star'.

He also had some Pulao Familia who were looking for poisonous spiritual objects and resource spiritual seeds in the Fengze Star. At this time, he did not recall them. At that moment, he devoted his mind and consciousness to those Pulao Familia.

Then we saw that war was almost everywhere on Fengze Star. The indigenous people on the star were some poisonous lizard people, poisonous snake people, poisonous scorpion people, etc. At this time, they rushed into various cities and strongholds to fight with the guards. The Star Lords' families and monks in these cities and strongholds fought and fought to capture various cities and strongholds and increase the various poisonous resources and treasures contained in them.

"Is this... an indigenous rebellion?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but asked in surprise.

He thought that this 'Fengze Star' had been occupied by the 'Second Star Port Team' for an unknown period of time. It was built into a base and a stronghold, and many transformations were carried out in the stars to cultivate many poison attribute resource points. It should have been completely occupied. The 'Second Star Port Team' controlled it, and all the natives were subdued.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter this indigenous rebellion.

Jiang Ting, who was on the side, seemed to understand his doubts, shook her head slightly and said: "After all, this is outside the Star Alliance, which is different from within the Star Alliance."

"The natives of the spiritual stars within the Star Alliance have long been educated and completely subdued by the Star Alliance and have become a part of the Star Alliance."

"Furthermore, the Star Alliance is protected by the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation'. Even if some natives have different intentions, it is difficult to do anything."

"But this is an outer land after all, and the Star natives cannot be easily subdued."

"And there is no 'Zhoutian Star Array' guarding the outer realm, so all kinds of accidents may happen."

"The Star Alliance's overseas expansion corps, expedition teams, etc., establish various life star bases in the outer areas. It does not mean that they are worry-free after they are built. How to operate, how to deal with the indigenous people, how to deal with the indigenous rebellion, etc. are all needed Problems to deal with in the long term.”

"Although the outer domain spiritual star base and resource points are good, they are not easy to operate."

As Senior Sister Jiang Ting spoke, she opened the starlight portal, summoned her family members to fly out starships one after another from their natal stars, and directly attacked the 'Fengze Star' below to suppress the rebellious natives everywhere on the stars.

She is the commander of the school lieutenant stationed at Fengze Star. It is Jiang Ting's responsibility and task to protect the stars and suppress the indigenous rebellion.

At this time, Liang Ji saw Senior Jiang Ting's family, a fish-man family with six arms, driving star ships to attack the rebellious cities and strongholds across the stars from two perspectives: the void and the stars. , shooting out streaks of ice-blue spiritual light, freezing, dissolving, or killing the rebellious natives.

Although there are also sixth-level natives among the rebellious natives, and they can even sweep up a large amount of poisonous gas and poisonous miasma in the stars, turning them into waves of natural disasters, they are still unable to withstand the suppression and killing by Jiang Ting's family starships.

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