The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 641 The combat power of elemental spirits

In the void outside the 'Fengze Star', the 'Star Map' emerged, and a steady stream of starlight merged into the 'Airport', making the starlight from the 'Airport' become stronger and stronger.

Among the stars, the whirlpools in which the elemental spirits devoured the power of the elements were gradually unable to support the starlight attack, and began to crack.

At this time, increasingly loud noises and vibrations came from the depths of the earth. The earth shook, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and even a large amount of spiritual energy leaked out from the depths of the cracked earth, and was continuously swallowed by the spirits of the four elements. , injected into the vortex, strengthening the power of the vortex to fight against the starlight shot by the 'airport'.

"No! Spiritual veins!" Jiang Ting's face changed slightly when she saw this, and she was full of surprise: "The star spiritual veins are all protected by the formation. How could these elemental spirits come into contact with the spiritual veins?"

Although she was confused, Jiang Ting did not move slowly. She raised her hand and used the 'Airport' to control the light curtain. Suddenly, another starlight shot down from it, but it did not hit several elemental spirit crystals, but shot directly into 'Fengze Star' underground.

The next moment, spiritual lights lit up everywhere in the 'Fengze Star', forming formations and arrangements, half suppressing the star spiritual veins, and generally attacking the four elemental spirits.

Even so, even Liang Ji could see that the four elemental spirits had already established a firm foothold in 'Fengze Star' and directly extracted the power of the star spiritual veins to use the power of 'Fengze Star' star spiritual veins. The earth confronts formations and starlight.

The more intense the battle between the two sides, the greater the loss and damage to the star spiritual veins of 'Fengze Star', causing the ground in the stars to shake, the mountains and rivers to collapse, and the spiritual energy to leak out becoming more and more serious.

If the battle continues like this, even if Jiang Ting relies on the 'Airport', star map and formation to suppress the four elemental spirits, I am afraid that the 'Fengze Star' will be completely destroyed in the battle, the spiritual veins will collapse, and the stars will be destroyed. destroy.

Liang Ji could clearly see through the Pulao family members who stayed in the stars. Many star natives suffered heavy losses or even died in the aftermath of these battles, which were like natural disasters.

Those natives who fell to the ground and kowtowed to the four elemental spirits were the first to be swallowed up by the cracking earth and the first to be turned into sacrifices.

These natives of the outer realm's spiritual veins and stars think that with the help of elemental spirits, they can successfully resist the rule of the Star Alliance and gain freedom and wealth. However, in fact, they are just the result of a struggle between two super-level civilizations, the spiritual world and the Star Alliance. Just cannon fodder.

In fact, the spirits of the four elements moved their hands without any scruples, wishing they could destroy the 'Fengze Star' directly.

On the Star Alliance's side, on the other hand, 'Fengze Star' is already the stronghold and property of the 'Second Star Port Team', and a lot of resources and spiritual stones are harvested from it every year. Naturally, Jiang Ting will not choose to destroy it easily.

Seeing that relying on the "Airport" starlight and the formations in the stars to attack would only push "Fengze Star" to destruction, Jiang Ting had to stop the "Airport" starlight attack and only use the formations in the stars with all her strength. The law suppressed all parts of 'Fengze Star' and finally dispersed the elemental whirlpool set off by the four elemental spirits.

"It seems that we still have to enter the stars and destroy them."

Jiang Ting said, and connected the "Airport" control light curtain in her hand, and issued several commands.

The next moment, Liang Ji saw twelve rays of fairy light escaping from all over the 'Airport', directly escaping into the 'Fengze Star' below, and killing the four elemental spirits.

Twelve immortal lights are twelve third-level immortals!

Liang Ji couldn't help but look surprised when he saw this, but he was not surprised that there were twelve third-level immortals in the "airport". As the Star Alliance's external expansion legion and outer territory garrison team, not to mention the twelve third-level immortals, there were one hundred and two. He wasn't surprised at ten.

Liang Ji was surprised that Jiang Ting actually sent twelve immortals to deal with the three elemental spirits.

He could clearly see that the four elemental spirits in 'Fengze Star' only had sixth-level combat power, which was one level lower than the third-level immortals.

Under such circumstances, it is actually necessary to send out twelve immortals, which is equivalent to a third-level immortal besieging an elemental spirit, and this is despite being one level higher in cultivation!

Is this out of caution to protect ‘Fengze Star’, or is the gap in combat power between third-grade heretic immortals and elemental spirits really that big?

Liang Ji's heart went crazy, and he turned to Jiang Ting and said, "Sister Jiang, speaking of which, I haven't seen the battle of elemental spirits. Can you allow me to watch the battle?"

Jiang Ting turned to him and said with an apologetic smile: "Junior, I wanted to entertain you well at Fengze Star this time, but I didn't expect that an accident occurred and even almost implicated junior, but it made you laugh. "

"You want to watch the battle, no problem, I can project all the battles in the stars onto the light screen."

As she spoke, she reached out and touched the control light curtain, and the battlefield images of the four elemental spirits in Fengze Star immediately appeared on it.

Seeing this, Liang Ji silently put away the 'Star Book' that he was about to sacrifice. He originally wanted to position himself as the Pulao family members who stayed in the 'Fengze Star', and project his starlight body into the stars to watch the battle.

But now, Jiang Ting directly observes the battle among the stars through the 'Airport' and projects the battle on the light screen, but he can see it more clearly and comprehensively. Naturally, he no longer needs to use the 'Star Book'.

At this time, looking from the light screen, the battle between the immortals and the elemental spirits among the stars has begun.

The first thing that catches the eye is the four elemental fields!

The monster lizards in the abyss, the giant trees in the forest, the earth and stone giants in the mountains, and the giant whales in the lake. The four elemental spirits have now eroded and transformed the surrounding heaven and earth, turning them into complete poison elements, wood elements, and earth elements. Element, water elemental realm.

Around them, only the corresponding elements exist, and other elements in the stars have been expelled or distorted.

This method is almost as powerful as the erosion and distortion of the laws controlled by high-level monks.

Moreover, in these 'elemental realms', there are also various elemental elves emerging to fight and kill with third-level immortals.

The fairy light is constantly colliding with the light of various elements, and the power of law and the elemental realm are constantly eroding and distorting each other.

Liang Ji saw it very clearly. Only by besieging a sixth-level elemental spirit with three immortals could he ensure that the power of the laws mastered by the immortals was enough to suppress and distort the elemental fields around the elemental spirit. Only then could he be under the siege of those elemental spirits. Attack the elemental spirit!

Obviously, Jiang Ting is very aware of the combat power of these elemental spirits, and the twelve third-level immortals sent out have just the right combat power.

The Covenant Expansion Legion has rich experience in fighting elemental spirits.

However, 'Fengze Star' is only a sixth-order star after all, and the twelve immortals twisting the laws to fight in it is still beyond the limit that 'Fengze Star' can bear.

As the battle progresses, it is clear that the sky of Fengze Star is turbulent, with cracks and blood-colored lightning emerging. It is the backlash of the stars and the imminent scourge of heaven!

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