The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 642 Nest of Elements

In 'Fengze Star', twelve third-level immortals besieged four sixth-level elemental spirits, and the fighting and killing were fierce.

The stars, earth, and air are constantly being eroded and distorted by the power of elements controlled by elemental spirits, turning into various pure elements, but they are also distorted and suppressed by the power of laws controlled by third-level immortals.

Various magical arts collided and exploded with various elemental elves transformed in the elemental realm, and fairy light and elemental light collided in mid-air.

boom! boom! Rumble...

The sky was filled with wind and clouds, and cracks were torn open in the sky. Bloody thunder struck down from it, hitting the third-grade immortals and elemental spirits.

Their battle has exceeded the limit that 'Fengze Star' can bear, triggering a backlash from heaven and earth, and blood and thunder from heaven.

In the earth, the star spiritual veins are also violently oscillating and depleting. This is caused by both the elemental spirits extracting the star spiritual veins and the shock of the spiritual veins caused by the backlash of the stars, causing disasters such as earthquakes, shaking of mountains, and collapse of mountains and rivers.

The formations arranged above the stars were also difficult to suppress for a while.

At this time, among the stars, the family members sent by Jiang Ting rode on the star ship and divided into two teams. One team went towards the four elemental spirits and the other team rushed towards the cities and resources in the stars. point.

Those cities and resource points are all formation nodes arranged by the 'Star Port Team' on Fengze Star. With Jiang Ting's sixth-order family members and star ship suppression, they can undoubtedly increase the power of the formation above the stars several times, suppressing The power of star spiritual veins and origin is stronger.

Sure enough, as the Familia and the starships suppressed everywhere, the bloody thunder in the sky above the stars and the vibrations deep in the earth were much reduced.

At the same time, in the battlefields of the four elemental spirits, family members and starships sent by Jiang Ting joined in, directly blocking the elemental spirits that besieged the immortals. This immediately greatly reduced the pressure on the attacking third-level immortals, and they broke through the elemental fields to kill the elements. In front of the spirit.

After all, 'Fengze Star' is still the stronghold of the 'Star Port Team', and the Immortal and Jiang Ting's family have completely gained the upper hand.

The next step is to capture these four elemental spirits as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the longer the delay and fighting, the greater the damage caused to 'Fengze Star'.

But at this time, the four elemental spirits saw the besieging immortals coming, but they had no intention of fighting. Instead, they all turned around and escaped directly into the depths of the stars.

Under their bodies, the stars and the earth have already been eroded, twisted, and elementalized by their elemental power, which is perfect for their escape.

On the contrary, several immortals pursued them. Although their cultivation levels were higher and they even mastered the power of laws, facing this elemental passage, they could not directly escape and pursue them. Instead, they needed to use the power of laws to remove these elements first. Only by returning from the distortion can we continue to escape and pursue.

However, several immortals just took action individually, using the power of law to twist and smooth the elemental passages in the earth. However, they had no intention of running away and pursuing them, but looked up at the sky.

Above the sky, in the 'airport' in the void, Jiang Ting was always paying attention to the battle. Seeing the four elemental spirits escaping into the depths of the stars and earth, a smile appeared on her face and she said in a deep voice: " I know that your target is the star spiritual veins!"

As she spoke, she placed one hand on the main control light screen, and another starlight shot down from the 'Airport', directly sinking into the stars of 'Fengze Star'.

At the same time, at the cities, resource points and other large formation nodes above the stars, there are also starlights rising into the sky, intertwining criss-cross in the starry sky, forming a net of starlight using the 'Tianluo'.

These 'Tianluo' nets of starlight are intertwined with the formations arranged in the stars and the earth, forming a 'Tianluo earth net', which converges and suppresses towards the stars.

boom! boom! Rumble...

Liang Ji was in the "Airport". Through the light curtain detected by the "Airport", he could not see the battle under the stars and the earth. He could only follow the "Tianluo Diwang" into the stars. The stars and the earth shook and vibrated more and more violently. It was landslides, ground cracks, roars and earthquakes.

The cracks and bloody thunder in the sky showed no signs of dissipating. Instead, they became more severe, and more and more bloody thunder struck down, becoming more powerful.

Obviously, the battle between this 'Tianluo Diwang' and the four elemental spirits in the depths of the stars and at the spiritual veins is very fierce, and the damage and backlash caused to the spiritual veins and origins of the stars is becoming more and more serious.

On the starry earth, twelve immortals, Jiang Ting's family, and starships rushed to various places in the stars to suppress the earth, suppress the torn sky, suppress the blood thunder, suppress the stars with all their strength, and alleviate the backlash and destruction of the stars.

boom! Click...

Finally, after another roar and crack, a piece of ground cracked open in the central area of ​​'Fengze Star', and an elemental light quickly flew out from it, escaping into the void.

A 'draft and earth net' formed by starlight suddenly appeared around it, covering and suppressing it. The elemental aura also suddenly revealed its original shape, but it was a nest made of huge elemental crystals.

"The Nest of Elements!"

When Liang Ji saw this, he recognized it at a glance. He had seen this 'Nest of Elements' in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' in the Wanxiang Star Palace, which could be the foundation of the elemental spirit.

He didn't expect to see an 'Elemental Nest' here on 'Fengze Star'.

I just don't know whether this 'Elemental Nest' was cultivated by the four elemental spirits of poison, wood, earth, and water in the star spiritual veins of 'Fengze Star'; or because of the spiritual veins of 'Fengze Star' stars. The 'Nest of Elements' was born, so it attracted those four elemental spirits?

However, none of this matters now.

With the emergence of the 'Elemental Nest', Jiang Ting, the airport, the immortals in the stars, the family members and the starships all took action to attack the 'Elemental Nest' bound by the 'dragon net' in the sky.

These four elemental spirits attacked the 'Fengze Star'. Although they did not cause much damage to the 'Second Star Port Team', they almost destroyed the 'Fengze Star' and consumed the star spiritual veins and stars. I don't know if it can be restored to its origin. All these losses are the wealth of the 'Second Star Port Team'!

Now, the only way to make up for their losses is to capture this 'Elemental Nest'.

Spiritual light, fairy light, and starlight came from the void, sky, and earth at the same time, blasting towards the 'Nest of Elements'.

Various elemental lights are also emitted from the 'Nest of Elements'. Some of these elemental lights are alone, some are mixed together, and collide with spiritual light, fairy light, starlight, etc., making continuous crackling sounds.

Spiritual energy, starlight, and various elemental powers continue to explode, break, and scatter in all directions in the air.

A large amount of elemental power began to gather in the void around the 'Elemental Nest', and a 'Elemental Gate' gradually formed in the void. The 'Elemental Nest' rushed towards the door and was about to escape!

At this time, the spiritual light, fairy light, and starlight finally broke through the blockage of the elemental light and bombarded the 'Elemental Nest' with a roaring sound.

Nearly half of the 'Elemental Nests' broke into pieces in the sky and fell down, while the remaining half of the 'Elemental Nests' escaped directly into the 'Elemental Gate' and disappeared.

Liang Ji looked at the fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' scattered in the starry sky, and couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

Kavin! Uncomfortable!

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