The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 643 Return to ‘Wood Meteor’

Outside the Jupiter Meteor, inside the Dragon Snake starship.

Liang Ji held up the 'Star Mirror', and the starlight shot out in front of him to form a teleportation array. He put a fourth-level void mirage demon elixir into it, and sent it to his natal stars through the starlight teleportation array; then he took out various kinds of Poison resource spiritual seeds, such as poisonous gas spiritual seeds, poisonous miasma spiritual seeds, venom spiritual seeds, etc., are also sent to the natal stars through the teleportation array.

The dragon soul entangled in the natal star raised its head and roared, swallowed and refined these demon pills and spiritual seeds one after another, and then planted them into the natal star.

Demon elixirs were planted into the spiritual veins of the stars, and poisonous resource spirits were planted into the Pulao Family Clan's training place, the 'Ten Thousand Poison Cave'.

The spiritual veins of the stars are gradually growing, the foundation of Jiuquan's underworld is slowly increasing, and the poisonous power of the 'Ten Thousand Poison Cave' is increasing rapidly, causing the Pulao family members who practice there to continuously increase their combat power.

At the same time, the dragon soul wrapped around the natal star is becoming more real and agile at this time. The dragon scales, dragon tail, and dragon head on its body are all lit up, shining with spiritual brilliance; the dragon belly mirage is also lit at this time. It was nearly half bright, and illusory and real clouds gradually emerged around the dragon soul, which could not only protect the dragon soul, but also have the power to confuse the sky.

However, Liang Ji did not pay much attention to the changes in the stars and dragon souls at this time. After sending all kinds of poisonous spiritual species collected from the 'Fengze Star' into his natal stars, he took out a crystal fragment, only the Big or small, it is shining with the luster of various elements and flowing with the charm of elements.

This is exactly what he got on Fengze Planet, a fragment of the Nest of Elements.

On 'Fengze Star', the battle between the Second Starport team and the elemental spirits finally destroyed nearly half of the escaped 'Elemental Nest', and a large number of 'Elemental Nest' fragments fell into 'Fengze Star'.

Liang Ji was interested in these fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' at that time, and afterwards made a request to Senior Sister Jiang Ting to purchase some fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' for study.

Perhaps to compensate for the attack he suffered in the 'Fengze Star', or perhaps because of the original spiritual plant of the 'Wood Meteor Star', Jiang Ting did not refuse him and sold him two fragments of the 'Elemental Nest'. It is the size of a castanopsis.

After harvesting two fragments of the 'Nest of Elements', Liang Ji did not stay in 'Fengze Star' for a long time. After all, 'Fengze Star' was not destroyed after a battle, but it also suffered a lot of damage. He was not good either. Continue to collect poisonous resource spiritual seeds here.

Immediately, he teleported through the Starlight Gate and returned to the Wooden Meteor.

After returning, he first went to the underworld for Lu Yuetong and Jiang Ting, so that the two of them could contact each other on the Star Network to jointly study the original spiritual plant of the 'Wood Meteor Star'.

As he expected, due to the intervention of the 'Second Star Port Team', Lu Yuetong no longer thinks about monopolizing the original spiritual plant of the 'Wood Meteor Star'. In this case, it doesn't matter if more people get involved.

What's more, Jiang Ting is also a star master monk who was born in the Creation Star Palace, and has a deeper understanding and research of the 'World Tree' and the original spiritual plants of the stars.

After Lu Yuetong learned about it, she was very happy and agreed.

Then, Liang Ji gave one of the two fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' he bought at 'Fengze Star' to Peng Yue, and kept the other for himself to study and use.

Peng Yue was born in the 'Wanxiang Star Palace', and he is the one who has studied and used the spirit of elements, the nest of elements, and the power of various elements the most. Even the melting pot of the 'Wanxiang Star Palace' has imitated the 'Nest of Elements'. ' traces are in it.

The fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' are naturally more beneficial and useful to Peng Yue.

Sure enough, Peng Yue beamed with joy after receiving the fragments of the 'Elemental Nest', and quickly asked him about the origin of the fragments. From Liang Ji, he learned about the battle at 'Fengze Star' and that there were a large number of 'Elemental Nests' there. After finding the fragments, he quickly contacted the 'Second Star Port Team' and applied to go to 'Fengze Star'.

After the 'Second Star Port Team' agreed, Peng Yue teleported directly through the 'Starlight Gate' and went to 'Fengze Star' to study the legacy of the elemental spirits on 'Fengze Star' and those broken elements. The Nest's fragments.

Therefore, it was Liang Ji's turn to stay here at the 'Wood Meteor Star', stationed at the 'Wooden Meteor Star', and develop and construct the 'Wooden Meteor Star'.

The development and construction in the stars are carried out by the family members under their control. They go into the sea and the jungle to find resource points and spiritual mineral points, and build cities, strongholds, etc. at these resource points and spiritual mineral points.

These resource points and spiritual mineral points will be where their team will gain wealth in the long term, so naturally they cannot be careless.

Moreover, after the indigenous rebellion on Fengze Planet, Liang Ji paid more attention to the cities and resource points built on these Wooden Meteor Planets.

After all, these resource points, spiritual mineral points, etc. are basically where the indigenous cities and strongholds in the 'Wood Meteor' are. By occupying these places, Liang Ji and the others are competing for food from the natives of the Star.

Although they are able to suppress these indigenous foreign races now, Liang Ji and the others will not be able to stay here forever. At most, they will leave some family members to suppress them. After all, they will continue to explore the outer lands and search for new life stars and spiritual resources.

By then, if there is not enough suppression force, these star natives who have been seized of cities, resource points, and spiritual wealth may continue to rebel.

Therefore, after Liang Ji took over the construction and development of the 'Wooden Meteor', he approached Chu Yue, the master of the formation path, and asked her to temporarily put aside her research on tracking the traces of void mirages and design a formation specifically for the 'Wooden Meteor'. Formation to facilitate the suppression of the 'Wood Meteor Star' natives later.

For Chu Yue, this is not a difficult task, the formations are all ready-made.

In order to capture the 'giant willow' rooted in the star's spiritual veins and transform it into a source spiritual plant, they had already set up formations on nearly half of the star to lock the star's spiritual veins.

Now, by slightly modifying this formation and integrating it with the "Giant Willow", the origin spiritual plant of the stars, and using the "Giant Willow" as the core of the formation to suppress and control the entire formation, it is the best and best star formation, which is enough. Suppress and defend the entire 'Wood Meteor'.

As long as no external force intervenes, this formation and the original spiritual plant are enough to suppress the star natives to a point where they will find it difficult to resist.

After these matters are given instructions, professionals and the team of family members will handle and complete them. Nowadays, in the 'Wooden Meteorite', a large number of clan members are carrying out various constructions, transformations, and resource extractions according to the formations and plans formulated by Chu Yue.

Liang Ji only needs to pay attention occasionally and check and accept the results regularly to confirm that they are correct.

Instead, he spent more time staying in the "Dragon Snake" starship, conducting his own training, studying new spiritual objects, and cultivating his natal stars.

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