The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 644 Wu Shanshan’s Conquest

Liang Ji held the fragment of the 'Nest of Elements' in his hand, his mind gradually returned, and he looked at the crystal fragment in his hand.

He was born in the 'Kunlun Star Palace' and has done a lot of research on the gods, divine crystals, and methods of becoming gods in the 'God Realm', but he has little research on elemental spirits and the 'Elemental Nest', far less than ' Vientiane Star Palace'.

Therefore, although Liang Ji got this fragment of the 'Nest of Elements', he was still hesitant about how to use it.

For star master monks, if they get a treasure and don't know how to use it for a while, usually the most common and common method is to bury it in the natal star or plant it in the star.

As the natal stars rotate, this treasure will be slowly absorbed, refined, integrated into the stars, and become the treasures contained in the stars, thereby cultivating corresponding resources, treasures, etc.

This is also the most common method used by many ordinary Star Lord monks in the Star Alliance who lack sufficient inheritance and high-level inheritance.

Basically, as long as you make sure there is nothing wrong with the treasure and plant it into your natal star, it will always turn into something useful.

Just like the fragment of the 'Nest of Elements' in Liang Ji's hand now, if it is planted into his natal star, the natal star will naturally be able to refine it and integrate it into the star.

At that time, at least the various elemental powers contained in his natal stars will be greatly improved, and even the bloodlines of each lineage family that master the elemental power will also be improved.

However, this only shows the most efficient use.

Liang Ji finally got such a fragment of the 'Nest of Elements', and he didn't know when he would be able to harvest the second one in the future. Using it so inefficiently was really a waste and he was unwilling to accept it.

"There should be a better way to use it!"

"The 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' in the Wanxiang Star Palace should be the best way to use it, but unfortunately there is no way to learn it."

"There is also the Star Alliance Expansion Corps. They should also know a lot of unique usages. I wonder if they can be exchanged for meritorious deeds?"

Liang Ji calmed down now and recalled the situation and battle he saw on Fengze Star. He was actually very suspicious that the 'Elemental Nest' was originally the 'Second Star Port Team' buried in the star spirit of 'Fengze Star'. In the veins, or the 'Second Star Port Team' was cultivated in the star spiritual veins of 'Fengze Star'.

It is also because of this that there is strong elemental power in the 'Fengze Star', and a large number of elemental spiritual resources are cultivated.

In particular, Liang Ji was mining the various poisonous spiritual substances and resources and spiritual seeds among them, and he could clearly see that the poisonous resources, spiritual seeds, etc. contained in the 'Fengze Star', whether in terms of spirituality, quality, level, etc. The quantity and so on are far beyond the market at the same level.

At that time, Liang Ji suspected that the "Second Star Port Team" had a unique method of building stars and cultivating spiritual objects, and he also thought about whether he could ask for advice. However, due to subsequent changes, he could not continue to stay and ask for advice.

But now that I think about it, the construction and spirit-containing methods of the 'Second Star Port Team' may have used the 'Elemental Nest' buried in the star spiritual veins, which also attracted the four elemental spirits to snatch the 'Elemental Nest' ', thus triggering that series of changes.

If it is true as she speculated, then if this fragment of the 'Elemental Nest' is used properly, it may be possible to produce various elemental spiritual resource points in his natal stars, and produce a large number of high-quality elemental spirits. Materials, etc., greatly increase the wealth harvest of his natal star.

Even if the arrangement is good, the power of the various 'practice dojos' contained in the stars will be greatly increased, and the bloodline and cultivation strength of the family members will be greatly increased.

"It's just that these must require specific means and methods, rather than just planting them directly into the natal stars."

"These methods may be planned in two directions. One is to try to obtain it from the Vientiane Star Palace through Peng Yue; the second one is to see if it can be exchanged from the Third Expansion Army."

Liang Ji's heart was spinning and he already had some ideas.

Although he is currently forming an outland exploration team, he is still named under the name of the Third Outreach Legion of the Star Alliance. He is serving in the Third Outreach Legion and should be able to redeem resources from the Third Outreach Legion. , inherited.

He hadn't paid much attention to these before. Maybe he could ask Liu Yuanling or Jiang Ting.

Liang Ji thought to himself, and put away the fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' in his hand, instead of rashly sending them to his natal stars to be planted.

Just when he took out the 'Star Book' and was about to contact Liu Yuanling, his heart suddenly moved slightly and he felt something.

At that moment, he put away the 'Star Book' again, closed his eyes, and a ray of his mind followed the induction and went straight into the 'Wooden Meteor', passing through the sky and the earth, straight under the Nine Earths, and entering the 'Wooden Meteor' in the underworld.

The ‘Wood Meteor Star’ is a fourth-order star, and naturally contains the underworld, but it is only a layer of the underworld. The distribution in it looks very similar to that in the Yang world, and no monsters are born.

His mind followed the call and flew all the way to the central area of ​​the underworld.

This is where the 'Wood Meteor' reincarnation is. This 'reincarnation' seems to be just a black vortex, but at this time there are several roots falling from the sky of the underworld, taking root in the 'reincarnation', controlling and swallowing' The power of reincarnation and the origin of the underworld.

Liang Ji knew that this was the root system of the star's original spiritual plant, the 'Giant Willow'. After it was transformed into the original spiritual plant of the 'Wood Meteor Star' by Lu Yuetong, the root system of the giant willow was not only rooted in the star's spiritual veins, but also Rooted in the origin of the entire star, it naturally also includes the origin of the underworld and reincarnation.

Connected to the source of the stars, it is the source of spiritual planting.

But at this time, before this 'reincarnation', the one calling him was Wu Shanshan, the ghost of impermanence.

The underworld of the 'Wood Meteor Star' is relatively simple, and there are no dangers such as monsters. Liang Ji did not explore or conquer it personally. Instead, he ordered Wu Shanshan to lead some ghosts, gods and ghost officials to lead the ghost soldiers of the Jiuquan underworld to attack the underworld of the 'Wooden Meteor Star' and destroy it. Get the underworld.

Now, Wu Shanshan has led the team of ghost soldiers to the place where the 'Wooden Meteor' is reincarnated in the underworld, and successfully captured the entire underworld, so she called Liang Ji to come and accept the results of the battle.

‘Wooden Meteor’ is limited by level and civilization, and the combat power of the natives in the Yang world is generally low. The development time of ghosts in the underworld is shorter, and their combat power is even more limited. There are not even a few ghost cities.

Now they have all been defeated by the ghost soldiers led by Liang Ji's ghosts and gods. The resources in the ghost city and various underworld resource points have also been occupied and looted. There is no resistance in the entire underworld.

Liang Ji was naturally satisfied with the acceptance, and arranged for Wu Shanshan to lead a team of ghost soldiers to send the collected resources, ghostly objects, etc. to the "Dragon Snake" starship for division and processing.

And he summoned the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang·Ghost and God Edition' from his natal stars, threw it into the world of the 'Wooden Meteor' underworld, and began to analyze and analyze the laws of the 'Wood Meteor' underworld, plundering the origin of the 'Wooden Meteor' underworld and nourishing it. The natal star is Jiuquan in the underworld.

Keep stuck! Keep feeling uncomfortable! Get ready to speed things up!

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