The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 645 The Role of Gods

Liang Ji's natal star, the Dragon Soul Star, is in the Jiuquan underworld.

A dark sun hangs high in the sky, and the dark sunlight falls on all levels of the underworld. All kinds of underworld spiritual plants such as underworld trees and underworld plants in each level of the underworld are nourished and grown in the sunlight.

In the underworld, there is a volume of catalog floating faintly, which is the "Bang of Gods" that is integrated into the origin of the stars. At this time, the source is constantly being plundered from the underworld of the "Wooden Meteor", and with the dim light of these underworlds, it is integrated into the Jiuquan underworld.

As the source slowly grows, the area of ​​the Nine Springs Underworld is also slowly growing. The sky is getting higher and higher, the earth is getting thicker, and the "Nine Springs" in the center are getting wider and deeper.

The number of ghosts, gods and ghost officials that can be carried in each layer of the underworld has also increased again.

In Fengquan City, Yaquan City, Huangquan City, Xiaquan City, etc., in various ghost cities in various layers of the underworld, the ghost worshipers and popes of the 'Tiandi Sect' summon ghosts inside and outside the city to hold ceremonies in front of temples and altars in each city. A grand sacrifice was held and bowed to the sky.

In the sky of the underworld, Liang Ji's figure emerged, shrouded in starlight. It was extremely tall and sacred. He stretched out his hand towards the sky, and the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' flew out from the origin of the underworld, landed on his hand, unfolded it, and put it in his mouth. When the oracle is recited, the divine sounds are like the sound of the great avenue, transformed into smallpox, golden lotus, runes, etc., and are included in the "Fengshen List", like a wonderful pen adding the names of gods and embodying new divine edicts in the "Fengshen List" .

"...In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, I consecrate the six-grade red imperial impermanent ghosts and gods..."

"...In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, I confer the title of seventh-grade white edict ghost official..."

As the emperor's oracle and the sound of the great avenue resounded through the nine levels of the underworld, the white and red edicts condensed by divine light fell from the unfolded 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and fell into the nine springs of the underworld, landing on each selected one. On the ghosts of the family members.

These ghosts of the family members either served Liang Ji in battles in front of him and were staunch believers of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, or they fought for him after death and made meritorious deeds in the process of conquering the underworld of the Wooden Meteor Star. Of course, the same He is also a firm believer in the 'Tiandi Sect'.

With these meritorious deeds, they were now named the new ghost officials and ghost gods by Liang Ji, and became the ruling class in the Jiuquan underworld, running the avenues and laws of the Jiuquan underworld.

Of course, ghosts and gods such as Wu Shanshan made greater contributions during the battle to capture the underworld of the 'Wood Meteor Star'. After the natal star advanced later, the origin of the underworld was promoted and could carry higher-level ghosts and gods. These meritorious deeds Ghosts and gods are naturally the first to be promoted and promoted.

In just half an hour, Liang Ji completed the edict of Jiuquan underworld ghost officials and impermanent ghosts and gods. During this period, he refined the source of the growth of demon elixirs in the underworld, and the source of the "Gods List" plundered in the underworld of "Wood Meteor Star". The ghosts and gods that can be carried , ghost officials quotas are all consumed.

Then his soul visited the Jiuquan Underworld again, and saw that under the operation of Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and officials, the various levels of the underworld contained various spiritual objects and resources that were very rich, even exceeding the various kinds of resources contained in the stars and the Yang world. Resources, spiritual objects.

The ghosts in all levels of the underworld, under the guidance of these ghosts, gods and ghost officials, live prosperous, wealthy and healthy lives. Even the ghosts of the family members who are willing to enter Jiuquan and reincarnate are gradually decreasing.

Liang Ji looked thoughtful in his heart, and then returned to the starry world above the nine places. He wandered through various clan cities, resource points in the natal stars, etc., and checked various spiritual objects and spiritual beings in the starry world. Plants, resources, and growth conditions.

Finally, when his soul returned to his body, he immediately took out the 'Star Book' and retrieved the statistics of spiritual objects and resources produced in his natal star over the years.

Liang Ji's natal star is now at the fourth level. The stars can already contain various third-level, second-level, and first-level spiritual objects and resources. The stars in the underworld contain various yang resources and spiritual objects, and the Jiuquan underworld contains all kinds of yang resources and spiritual objects. It is to nourish various Yin resources and spiritual objects.

Most of these resources and spiritual objects are provided for the growth and cultivation of the dependents in the stars and the souls of the dependents. A small part will also be mined and sold in the Star Alliance.

Although they are only low-level spiritual materials and resources, and they are inferior spiritual objects born in the star owner's natal star, their value is limited.

However, despite their large number and rapid growth, they can also earn Liang Ji hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones every year, which is a considerable fortune when accumulated.

The sales of spiritual objects and resources mined from his natal star are basically sold directly to Shandelou and Herborist Group. However, the thirty-year period stipulated in the original investment agreement has passed. Now, Liang Ji's natal star The production of spiritual objects and resources is no longer sold at cost price but at market price.

Naturally, Liang Ji also has detailed records of these resources and spiritual objects for sale. They are usually recorded in the "Star Book". He does not pay attention to them in detail. He basically only looks at the data such as the spiritual stones obtained from the sale.

However, recently, because he saw in 'Fengze Star' that the resources and spiritual objects contained in the stars are extremely rich, Liang Ji has some concerns and ideas on how to increase and improve the quantity and quality of the resources and spiritual objects contained in the stars. .

Therefore, after completing the edict to add new ghosts, gods and ghost officials to the natal star and the underworld today, I almost subconsciously paid attention to the growth of spiritual objects and resources in the natal star and underworld, and I suddenly realized something in my heart.

And now, after seeing the historical harvest and transaction data recorded in the 'Starship', his idea has been further verified.

"Sure enough, at the third level of the natal star, the Jiuquan underworld was first opened, and the various yin spiritual objects and resources contained therein were far less harvested and valuable than the various yang spiritual objects and resources contained in the yang world of the stars. .”

"However, after the natal stars advanced to the fourth level, especially after the 'Gods List' was successfully created and ghosts and gods were ennobled, the quantity and quality of various Yin spiritual objects and resources in the Jiuquan underworld increased rapidly. Since two years ago, the production of Jiuquan Underworld has exceeded the spiritual objects and resources produced in the stars and the Yang Realm, both in quantity and quality!"

"The opening and development of Jiuquan Underworld is far less than the hundreds of thousands of years of development in the Starry World, but the current production is even better!"

"The reason can only be because of the consecrated ghosts and gods!"

Liang Ji thought in his mind, his eyes shining brightly.

"The gods enshrined in the 'Bang of Conferred Gods' are connected to the origin of the stars, master the power of laws, run the avenues of the stars, and sort out the laws of the stars."

"Nature can bring the origin, laws, and spiritual pulse effects of the stars to their fullest, and cultivate more and better spiritual objects and resources."

"This is also the reason why the output of Jiuquan's underworld gradually exceeds that of the stars and stars."

"The Jiuquan underworld has the power of ghosts and gods to move the heaven and earth, but there is no movement of gods in the stars and the sun. It can only grow wildly and disorderly, so it is not as good as the planned and orderly underworld!"

The role of gods and battles can only be said to be incidental. The real greatest role is to sort out and operate the origin of stars, so that stars can grow, develop, and produce better!

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