The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 646 Directional Demon Lure Formation

The nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance can always occupy high positions in the Star Alliance, and the inheritances among them naturally have their own merits and have a very high foundation.

Liang Ji had been thinking about how to use the fragments of the 'Nest of Elements' to increase the production of natal stars, but now he discovered that the gods enshrined in the 'Bang of Conferred Gods' had the means to regulate the stars, operate the rules, and increase the production of stars.

He paid too much attention to the use of the 'Elemental Nest', but he put the cart before the horse!

"In this way, if you want to increase the spiritual objects and resources stored in the star world, the best way is to advance to the fifth-level star master as soon as possible and be granted the title of 'Earth Beast' in the star world!"

"With the 'Earth' running the laws and avenues of the stars and the world of stars and regulating the origin of the stars and the world of stars, it will naturally be able to greatly increase the production of spiritual objects and resources just like the Nine Springs of the Underworld!"

Liang Ji's thoughts turned around and he suddenly realized something.

"And if I want to advance to the fifth-level Star Master, the fourth-level void mirage demon pills I have now are not enough. I need at least thirty-seven more."

"These missing demon elixirs must be hunted and replenished as soon as possible."

With thoughts floating in his mind, Liang Ji ended his retreat practice and walked out of the retreat cabin of the "Dragon Snake" starship.

Arriving on the starship deck, he looked at the 'Wooden Meteor' below. Although others were not in the 'Wooden Meteor', the main force responsible for construction, transformation, and mining in the star were him and Peng Yue's family members. Through These dependents, Liang Ji, naturally also have the situation in the 'Wood Meteor' under control at all times.

Now, Chu Yue has already decided on the grand formation in the 'Wooden Meteor'. He and Peng Yue's family members are surrounding the 'Giant Willow', the source of the stars. According to the formation diagram, between the formation bases and formation eyes, Building cities everywhere, sorting out spiritual veins, and mining resource points, the transformation of 'Wood Meteor' has been nearly half completed.

However, Liang Ji estimated that even if the transformation of the 'Wood Meteor' was completed, their 'Dragon Snake' expedition team would not leave here in a short time and continue to conduct new adventures.

The original spiritual plant 'Giant Willow' cultivated on the 'Wood Meteor' not only attracted great attention to the alchemist Lu Yuetong, but also several other third-level immortals in the team. Even if they did not have much research on spiritual plants and alchemy, they now have many Attracted by the original spiritual plants, he spent most of his time in the 'Wood Meteor' studying the original spiritual plants.

After all, this star origin spiritual plant is rooted in the star origin, and its growth and derivation process involves and operates the star origin and the laws of the great road. These are naturally very attractive to third-level immortals.

Wu Shan, Wu Ling, Xia Wujiu and others, even if they don't understand spiritual plants and alchemy, can still gain some insights from it, which is of great benefit to them in improving their understanding of the law, cultivation and combat power.

In this way, it is naturally impossible for them to leave the ‘Wooden Meteor’ here in a short period of time and choose to continue their adventure in the outside world.

"Liang Ji, I'm just looking for you."

At this time, Chu Yue walked out of the starship cabin and greeted Liang Ji standing on the deck.

"Senior Chu." Liang Ji responded immediately and asked, "But what's the matter?"

"I've helped you refine the formation you want."

Chu Yue looked at him and said directly.

When Liang Ji heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened and he said, "But is there a formation that can track the traces of the Void Mirage?"

Chu Yue nodded, then shook her head and said, "Yes and no."

"The inheritance of the Heavenly Snake Saint is too high-end. Although I have carefully studied the formation that tracks the traces of the snake-like Void Demon Clan, there seems to be something missing in it. I have been unable to analyze its essence."

Chu Yue said, her face full of admiration, admiration, and regret.

I admire and admire the saint's methods, but regret that there are some shortcomings in them and it is difficult for me to analyze their essence.

Liang Ji was helpless when he heard this. He knew that the lack mentioned by Senior Chu Yue was due to his lack of understanding and analysis of the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake'. He was missing some key information, which led to the many 'Sky Serpent Formations' they arranged. It is knowing what is happening but not knowing why.

It's just that Liang Ji has no way to do this for the time being. Although he used the dragon soul to swallow the inheritance into the belly of the dragon soul when he accepted the inheritance from the "Sage of the Heavenly Snake" at the "Tian Serpent Academy" last time. Over the years, Dragon Soul has been slowly digesting the inheritance and information, and intermittently passed on some inheritance about the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' to Liang Ji.

However, there was no inheritance related to these formations, and he naturally could not solve Senior Chu Yue's doubts.

So at this time, he could only change the subject and said, "What do you mean, senior?"

When Chu Yue saw this, she knew what Liang Ji meant. She probably wouldn't be able to fully analyze the 'Sky Serpent Formation' in a short time, so she could only shake her head slightly and said, "Although I haven't refined the formation to track the void mirage. .”

"However, after I obtained the 'Demon Lure Formation' from the 'Second Star Port Team', I modified it based on my research on the 'Sky Serpent Formation' over the years, and I was able to basically lock in the lured void demons. Race type.”

Hearing this, Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "In other words, the formation that the senior refined this time can directly lure the Void Mirage to come, and I don't need to work hard to track and find the Void Mirage?"

Chu Yue nodded and said: "Theoretically it is possible, but it is very troublesome to use."

As she spoke, she took out a formation plate from her sleeve and handed it over: "If this 'demon luring formation' wants to play a special role, it must put in special demon pills to be consumed by the formation eye."

"If you want to lure the void mirage, you need to put in a void mirage's demon pill. Only then can the formation emit unique waves and rhyme, specially designed to lure the void mirage."

"Furthermore, the range within which the formation's demon-inducing waves can spread is also limited. If there is no void mirage within this range, it will naturally be difficult for you to lure the void mirage, and the array-eye demon pill will be wasted in vain."

"Besides, this formation can only lure the void mirage, but it cannot track the void mirage. Our previous plan of tracking the traces of the void mirage to find and explore more life stars will not work."

Liang Ji nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words and said: "It doesn't matter, things have to be done step by step. It is enough to trap and kill the void mirage now."

"Senior Chu, I would like to ask, are there any level requirements for the void mirage demon elixir used as the formation eye? Are all levels of mirage demon elixir acceptable?"

Although Liang Ji has hunted a limited number of void mirages over the years, he has not collected a hundred fourth-level void mirage demon pills, and is still short of more than thirty. There are only fourth-level void mirage demons, but there are other levels of void mirage demons, so Liang Ji now has many other levels of void mirage demon elixirs in addition to the fourth-level void mirage demon elixirs.

There are also low-level ones, as well as fifth-level and sixth-level ones. If there is no restriction on levels, then these levels of mirage demon elixirs can be put to use without wasting his already insufficient fourth-level mirage demon elixirs.

Sure enough, Chu Yue nodded after hearing this and said: "All levels are acceptable. The higher the level, the wider the range of the demon-inducing aura and Taoist charm spread by the formation."

Liang Ji suddenly beamed with joy when he heard this, and gave a big gift to Chu Yue: "That's enough, thank you very much, Senior Chu!"

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