The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 647 Walking Alone

Outside the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy, in the vast void, Liang Ji was sailing alone in the void on the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

The 'directional demon luring array' refined by Chu Yue was embedded in the starship array. A fifth-level void mirage demon elixir was embedded in the center of the array. As the starship array moved, unique auras appeared. , Dao Yun spreads out from this array and launches towards the void star sea in all directions.

Liang Ji's trip to search and hunt the Void Mirage was done alone. Peng Yue was still studying the fragments of the 'Elemental Nest' on 'Fengze Star', while Chu Yue, Lu Yuetong, Wu Shan and other third-level immortals were on 'Wood'. In "Meteor Star", even the spiritual plant "Juliu" that studies the origin of stars can hardly escape to go with Liang Ji.

However, even though he was traveling alone, Liang Ji didn't have much scruples.

If you use your family members to pilot the "Dragon Snake" starship, you will encounter high-level void monsters or dangers that are difficult to deal with. Even if it is difficult to deal with it with the power of a seventh-level starship, there is basically no problem in protecting yourself and escaping. of.

Of course, if it really encounters a danger like the previous one in the Starlight Forest, it will be difficult for a Tier 7 starship to escape. It makes no difference whether Liang Ji acts alone or as a team.

Moreover, Liang Ji's initial actions were only in the void around the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy, not too far away. Even if he encountered any danger that was difficult to deal with, he could still pilot the starship to return to 'Wood Meteor' as quickly as possible. Meteor'Galaxy.

At that time, whether it is calling Wu Shan, Chu Yue and other third-level immortals to fight against the enemy, asking for help from the 'Second Star Port Team', or killing the enemy with the 'Star Map Formation' of the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy, there will be no problem.

What Liang Ji is worried about is whether there are void mirages in the void around the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy. Can the 'directional demon luring formation' refined by Chu Yue work? Even if it works, how far can the demon-baiting aura and Taoist charm spread?

After all, the aftermath of the previous battle between the high-level star masters and the 'Starlight Forest' almost destroyed the surrounding voids and galaxies. Those void monsters wandering around the surrounding voids and galaxies were either turned into powder by the aftermath of the battle, or they fled early.

Later, after high-level star masters such as Bu Xinghe, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others jointly set up the Star Map Array in the Wooden Meteor Galaxy, they tested the defense power of the Star Map Array and asked Star Port to lure the monsters with the array. The method is to lure the Void Demon Clan to attack.

The test was successful at that time, but afterwards Liu Yuanling and other "Star Port Team" monks also said that the number of void monsters lured by the "Monster Luuring Formation" was too small and their level was too low, not even thousands, and none of them had a high level. The level of the Void Demon Clan is completely incompatible with the level and past performance of the 'Demon Lure Formation' in 'Star Port'.

At that time, they discussed the reason. The void monsters entrenched and wandering in the surrounding void were all killed and driven away by the aftermath of the battle between the high-level star masters and the 'Starlight Forest'. Therefore, even if the 'monster luring formation' had a wide enough spread, , but it did not attract many void demon clans, let alone high-level demon clans.

After all, the higher the level of the Void Monster Clan, the sharper their senses, the smarter their intelligence, and the faster they can escape. Under the aftermath of the battle that destroyed the void and destroyed the stars, they were naturally the first to sense danger and escape. farthest.

Now, although it has been nearly a year of cultivation and recovery, and the surrounding void and galaxies have long since returned to stability, how many void monsters have returned, and are there any void mirages among them?

Liang Ji is really difficult to determine.

He could only pilot the 'Dragon Snake' starship to travel around the void at the fastest speed, and even went to the previous location of the 'Starlight Forest' to take a look.

Unfortunately, the entire 'Starlight Forest' has been eradicated and pulled out by high-level star masters, leaving only a chaotic and broken void.

Even though nearly a year has passed, and high-level star masters have repaired the galaxy, and the surrounding void and sea of ​​stars have been restored, only the original site of the 'Starlight Forest' is still a broken void and chaos, and has never been restored.

Even though Liang Ji was piloting the "Dragon Snake" starship, he only dared to watch from a distance. He didn't even dare to get too close to avoid being involved in the broken and chaotic void.

At that time, it will be difficult to escape even with the protection of a seventh-level starship.

"I just don't know. Is it because this is the original site of the 'Starlight Forest' and is special in itself? Or is it because this is the main battlefield for the battle between high-level Star Lords and the 'Starlight Forest' that has caused the void here to be broken, chaotic and never recover? , the damage caused is more serious, far beyond the aftermath?"

Liang Ji stood on the "Dragon Snake" starship, looking at the broken and chaotic void in the distance, thinking and speculating in his mind.

"Although I don't know the reason, from the looks of it, there are no void monsters entrenched or wandering in the surrounding void, let alone void mirage monsters. It's better to change the direction and lure the monsters."

The broken, chaotic void of chaos, although it does not expand, will swallow anything that comes close.

Liang Ji could clearly see from the starship that there were meteors and meteorites passing through the void. Anyone who was even slightly close would be swallowed up by the broken and chaotic void.

Such a place is extremely ferocious, and even if it does not expand, any existence with some intelligence is not willing to stay in the void around it for a long time.

Just like Liang Ji, after staying here for only half an hour, he already felt the wisps of great terror coming over his heart. Looking at the broken and chaotic void, it was like looking at a huge mouth of an abyss. It seemed to be swallowing him up, making him feel frightened.

"Can't stay long! Leave quickly!"

Thinking in his heart, Liang Ji immediately ordered his family members to pilot the starship, turn into starlight and fly away, away from this void area, change directions, and fly away towards the void around the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy.

He has already driven the "Dragon Snake" starship to travel through the void around the "Wood Meteor" galaxy, but has never gained anything.

Presumably, it is because of the aftermath of the previous battle between the high-level star masters and the 'Starlight Forest' that has not stopped yet, that the number of void monsters around is very small, let alone the sparse number of void mirages.

In this way, he could only take some risks and choose to lure monsters and explore in the void far away from the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy.

On this day, the starship "Dragon Snake" turned into light and flew through the void and entered a galaxy. The light curtain hanging down by the ship's spirit suddenly emitted bursts of beeps.

Liang Ji looked around, but it was the detection array on the starship that observed the surrounding starlight spectrum, which was different from the previous starlight spectrum.

The starlight spectrum newly detected by the starship detection array shows the coexistence of chaos and order, and is full of wildness and primitive charm; while before, the starlight spectrum measured by the starship detection array was full of order and without any chaos. In other words, there are few wild and original Taoist rhymes, but they are full of man-made Taoist rhymes.

"This is a starship that has gone beyond the range of high-level star masters to repair the galaxy!"

"That is, it is beyond the scope of the aftermath of the previous high-level star master's battle with the 'Starlight Forest'!"

Liang Ji suddenly understood when he saw this, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

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