The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 648 The fish takes the bait in the strange sea of ​​stars

In the boundless void, vast sea of ​​stars, and chaos created by nature, chaos and order always coexist in the natural starry sky and galaxies. From chaos to order, and from order to chaos, the cycle continues.

However, the high-level star masters pick up the stars and the moon, move the stars and repair the galaxies, although they look majestic and shocking. However, man-made ones are always inferior to those created by nature from chaos.

The galaxies formed by high-level star masters repairing the galaxies are always full of order without chaos. It is more conducive to the arrangement of the "Star Map Array" without the chaos of chaos.

Therefore, even though they belong to the same void and galaxy, the difference can still be clearly distinguished by analyzing the starlight spectra detected by the starship.

In galaxies where high-level star lords repair the galaxy, the starlight spectrum is always full of artificial order; but in natural galaxies created by chaos, the starlight spectrum coexists with chaos and order.

The rhyme of humanity and the rhyme of chaos are always different!

Therefore, Liang Ji only looked at the spectrum analysis prompted by the starship's "Ship Spirit" and knew that the starship had exceeded the range of the galaxy that had been repaired by the high-level star master before, which was also beyond the scope of the aftermath of the high-level star master and the "Starlight Forest" formation.

"Now that the aftermath of the war is outside the scope of influence, there should be more void monsters and even void mirages in the surrounding star sea and void!"

"In fact, a large number of those Void Monsters who fled from the void in the aftermath of the war are probably gathered in the surrounding void and sea of ​​stars!"

The electric thought in Liang Ji's heart turned around and he came to the place where the 'directional monster luring formation' was placed on the starship.

At this time, nearly half of the fifth-level void mirage demon elixir placed in the array had been consumed. He took out the remaining nearly half of the demon elixir, and then took out a larger and higher-level void mirage demon elixir. Dan, put it into the array.

This is a sixth-level void mirage demon elixir. It was obtained by the expedition team when they hunted a large group of void mirages on the 'Yuyang Star'. Liang Ji was only assigned one in hand.

He did not sell this sixth-level Void Mirage Demonic Pill in the Star Alliance, but kept it with him for research and commemoration.

Now, it is suitable for use here.

Replaced with the sixth-level void mirage demon pill and the array disk of the 'directional demon luring formation', the aura and dharma that spread out suddenly became stronger and wider, spreading towards the unfamiliar void and galaxy ahead.

In this unfamiliar void and galaxy, even though Liang Ji was piloting the "Dragon Snake" starship, he did not dare to wander around randomly. Even the speed of the starship's flight into light was slowed down by twice, and only Wandering in the unfamiliar void and at the edge of the galaxy.

Once he discovers something is wrong, he can pilot the starship to immediately escape back to the galaxy area repaired by the high-level star master.

In the galaxy repaired by the high-level star master behind him, although there is no 'Star Map Array' arranged in the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy, it still has the residual power of the high-level star master's means. Within the radiation range of the 'star map array', for high-level stars, The Void Monster Clan always has some restraint.

It will be more convenient for him to escape back to the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy.

And as he expected, in this strange void and sea of ​​stars, as soon as the 'directional demon luring formation' was put into operation, the spiritual light and Taoist charm that lured the void demon clan was scattered in the sea of ​​stars, just like fish bait was thrown into the sea. , suddenly alarmed many void demon clans in the star sea.

Even if his demon-baiting formation is a directional lure to lure void mirage demons, those demon-luring auras and charms are not very attractive to other types of void demons, but at this time, they are like boulders entering water, stirring up the shrimp and fish schools in it. Incessantly.

Liang Ji used the starship to explore the image of the array manifested in the light curtain of the cabin. He could clearly see that in the unfamiliar void and sea of ​​​​stars ahead, there were a large number of various void-like monsters appearing, gathering and scattering in groups. Wandering around, even tentatively wandering towards the range of the starship.

However, I don’t know whether they are afraid of the Tao Yun methods left behind by the high-level star masters behind the starship when they repaired the galaxy, or they are still frightened by the residual power of the previous war that destroyed the void and the galaxy. Although these void monsters have the intention of coming to test, their speed is slow. Slowness often means hesitation. The closer you get, the slower the speed becomes, and even stagnates in the end.

This is also because the aura and Taoist charm emitted by the 'demon luring formation' on Liang Ji's starship are not powerful enough to attract and seduce these void monsters.

The 'bait' spread is not to the appetite of these 'shrimp schools' and 'fish schools'.

Liang Ji felt a little relieved when he saw that these different types of void monsters did not approach, but only stagnated in the distance.

"It seems that Senior Chu Yue is worthy of being a master of the Formation Dao. The modified 'Directional Demon Lure Formation' is quite reliable."

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji became more confident in this 'directional demon luring formation'.

He turned on all the detection arrays on the starship and operated them to the extreme. He also activated the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' and looked towards the unfamiliar void and star sea ahead, looking for void mirages that might be attracted. traces.

In the blink of an eye, three months later, the starship was already escaping over a large area in this unfamiliar void and on the edge of the sea of ​​stars. In the formation of the 'Demon Lure Array', the demon elixirs of the sixth-order void mirage had lost a lot of weight, but Liang There was still no trace of the void mirage that Ji wanted to lure and find.

This made Liang Ji a little doubtful as to whether the formation modified by Senior Chu Yue would work.

"Patience! Be more patient..."

As usual, he gained nothing this day, and Liang Ji couldn't help but recite the mantra silently to suppress his impatience.

"Beep! Found the void mirage!"

"Beep! Found the void mirage!"

Suddenly, the starship "Ship Spirit" made a series of beeps. Liang Ji's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he quickly looked at the light curtain where the "Ship Spirit" appeared.

Sure enough, a large foggy scene appeared in the light curtain, blocking the void and starlight. This was exactly the fogging method that the void mirage was good at.

"This is... behind!"

Liang Ji's figure suddenly swayed, and he came to the starship deck. Stars were spinning in his eyes, and he used the star technique of "Episode of the Star Spirit" to look behind him, where the starship had passed before.

Sure enough, under his observation with the Star Technique, he soon saw a large fog coming out from behind, swallowing up the void and starlight coming from behind, pursuing him straight towards the "Dragon Snake" starship. It seemed to be swallowing up his starship.

"It really attracted the void mirage!"

Liang Ji looked overjoyed and immediately raised his voice and ordered:

"Ship Spirit, immediately activate all detection formations, use all your strength to detect the incoming void mirage, and check for other dangers around you."

Although Liang Ji's purpose this time was to find and hunt the void mirage, but now that the prey was right in front of him, he did not immediately stop the "Dragon Snake" starship, nor did he immediately lead his family to kill the prey.

Instead, he cautiously explored the surrounding situation first.

"The fog spread by the void mirage behind does not have the ability to corrode or distort the void. It is initially judged that there is no high-level void mirage in it!"

"There are nineteen groups of various void demons entrenched in the surrounding void and sea of ​​stars. The number of mid- and low-level void demon clans exceeds four thousand, and no trace of the existence of high-level void demon clans has been detected!"

The starship ‘Ship Spirit’ quickly reported the surrounding detection situation.

Liang Ji looked at the detection information, his eyes shining brighter and brighter.

"Without the high-level Void Demon Clan, this battle can be won!"

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