The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 654 Dragon Emperor Sect

The 'Dragon Snake' starship was operating a stealth and invisible formation, and it flew above the starry void again.

Liang Ji looked down at the stars below. The decisive battle between the natives in the stars and the Void Mirage had come to an end. In the end, it ended with the defeat of the natives in the stars.

As a result, the fog that had only filled a small half of the star began to expand again, and finally occupied nearly one-third of the area above the star before it stabilized again.

Through the detection array on the starship, Liang Ji could even clearly see that a large number of fleeing natives in the stars were escaping from the places where the fog was expanding, and were fleeing towards the other side of the stars, where the fog had not yet expanded. And go.

"This is a disaster for the Star Natives, but maybe it's an opportunity for me."

Liang Ji used the starship detection formation and watched the various changes in the stars, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Sure enough, not long after, in the underworld of the natal star Huangquan, the ghost Wu Shanshan sent good news that a large number of star natives fled to her area. With people panicking, the religious power she established began to develop rapidly.

In fact, Liang Ji could faintly sense that some of the power of incense faith and positioning base points were coming from the stars in front of him.

"Wait a minute, these connections haven't stabilized yet."

Liang Ji felt the connection, but he was not in a hurry, and continued to wait on the "Dragon Snake" starship.

In the blink of an eye, half a year later, Wu Shanshan finally received good news. She had established a stable connection and could open the star gate among the stars, attracting the dependents, ghosts and gods in the stars of her birth to come to the stars in front of her, and she could also attract Liang Ji. 'God descends' among the stars.

At that moment, Liang Ji did not hesitate much, and immediately activated the power of the golden elixir and the natal stars, and cooperated with Wu Shanshan's arrangement in the stars to open the 'Star Gate'.

However, this time the 'Star Gate' did not open in the void, but directly and silently opened in the stars below.

The families who had been prepared for a long time came out of the 'Star Gate' and entered the stars.

This time it was not a direct battle, but a silent invasion, so not many flying boats were sent, but mainly the family members.

As the Familia entered the stars, Liang Ji also completely stabilized his connection with the stars. A ray of his mind was sent over, and a starry figure suddenly formed above the stars and the Familia to observe the situation inside the stars.

This is a land of yellow sand and desert, and the foundation place occupied by Wu Shanshan's 'divine descending' body is an oasis in the desert.

The void mirage belongs to water, so it can appear in the sea, and the fog can only exert more power in conjunction with the power of water. Therefore, among the stars at this time, most of the places occupied by the void mirage are ocean lands. Only desert places far away from the ocean can stay away from the places occupied by the void mirage, as well as away from the star natives and the void mirage. The battlefield of the battle is in the rear area.

When Liang Ji originally chose the place for Wu Shanshan's 'divine descent', he also deliberately chose such a place deep in the rear areas.

Now, Wu Shanshan has completely controlled this desert oasis, and the natives in the city have been developed into religious members by her, believing in the 'Dragon Emperor'. This is the name Liang Ji chose to develop and preach outside.

At this time, in this desert oasis and in the center of the city, a 'Dragon Emperor Temple' was built. Wu Shanshan personally presided over the sacrificial ceremony. The natives in the city kowtowed in front of the 'Dragon Emperor Temple', praying for the protection and salvation of the 'Dragon Emperor'.

It has to be said that under the apocalypse, it is always the time when various religions and beliefs are most likely to emerge and develop.

Although this star has not yet entered its doomsday, the invasion of the void mirage has already given the star a hint of doomsday.

In particular, the natives in the stars had just fought a battle with the Void Mirage before, and the result was a huge defeat. A large area of ​​the ocean above the stars was occupied by the Void Mirage, and the fog swallowed up nearly one-third of the area in the stars.

A large number of star natives had to flee for their lives from these places occupied by monsters, far away from their homes and fleeing in all directions.

It can be said that more than half of the star natives in this desert oasis city have fled from these fog-invaded places.

They have experienced the invasion of the void mirage and seen the horror swallowed by the fog, so they want to stay away from the void mirage and the fog, so when they flee, they want to escape better and better. In this desert land far away from the ocean, It is the best choice for many refugees.

Similarly, it is also because these indigenous people have experienced pain and disasters that they have become the easiest group to spread various salvation religions and savior beliefs.

Wu Shanshan was able to expand the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' so quickly and occupy this oasis city. It can be said that these fleeing natives contributed a lot.

At this time, as the sacrificial ceremony was held, the Star Gate opened in the 'Dragon Emperor Temple'. The half-dragon family members led the Nine Sons blood family members in a procession through the 'Star Gate' and entered the stars, descending into the desert oasis and city.

"Dragon Emperor!"

"Dragon Emperor's Envoy!"


Seeing these dependents arriving through the 'Star Gate', many indigenous believers in the oasis city cheered.

In the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' established by Wu Shanshan, there has been a clear description of these dependents, indicating that they are the envoys of the 'Dragon Emperor'.

Now the 'Dragon Emperor' has sent envoys to help the star natives resist the invasion and save the star natives. Therefore, these native believers are becoming more fanatical and passionate, calling for the Dragon Emperor and the savior.

When the sacrificial ceremony was reaching its climax, strong winds and yellow sand suddenly swept up from the desert in the distance, sweeping towards the oasis city.

"He Fangxiao is just pretending to be a ghost!"

In the fierce wind and yellow sand, dozens of star natives came to kill with deep roars.

Obviously, it is impossible for Wu Shanshan to gain a foothold in this desert oasis and develop such a large "Dragon Emperor Sect" in more than a year without leaking any information.

In this desert land, there are also star native forces, which have long been concerned about the "Dragon Emperor Sect".

However, due to the invasion of void mirages, there is a hint of doomsday on the stars. Various religions and belief sects under the doomsday are constantly emerging. There are many sects like the 'Dragon Emperor Sect'. , they couldn't kill them all, so the natives in the desert only paid a little attention.

Secondly, Wu Shanshan moved too fast. It has only been more than a year since the 'Goddess' descended into the stars, and less than a year after establishing the 'Dragon Emperor Sect', it has occupied this desert oasis in the middle and developed many believers. People, the 'Star Gate' was opened in just over a year, ushering in the arrival of Liang Ji and his family members.

Many indigenous forces in the desert didn't even have time to react.

This is also the power of Wu Shanshan’s practice of the Immortal Taoism. Star Gate has already developed the practice of the Immortal Taoism to the extreme. Wu Shanshan has mastered all the magical techniques and methods such as how to establish religion, how to develop faith, how to quickly develop followers and followers, etc. Very proficient, that's why he has such quick means.

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