The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 655 The First Battle with the Aboriginals The Power of Ghosts and Gods

"Family members of all clans, follow me on the expedition!"

Facing the strong wind and yellow sand coming from the desert, Emperor Pulao, who led his family members on the expedition, gave the first order and led the ten-line family members to form a battle formation and attack them.

Today's Pulao Emperor is already the second-generation Poison King of the 'Poison Dynasty'. His soul is not as blessed by ghosts and gods as the first-generation Poison King, and he cannot directly receive the power of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

But now, Liang Ji has already researched the method of "blessings from ghosts and gods". Before these family members set off from the natal stars, he had already summoned ghosts and gods through the natal treasure "Thirty-three-layered Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth" to go out for these tribesmen. The family members carried out "blessings from ghosts and gods".

Therefore, when Emperor Pulao led the various clansmen to form the "War Formation of Destruction in All Directions", the light of destruction that hit the strong wind and yellow sand also contained the power of ghosts and gods.

With just one blow, the power of ghosts and gods directly dispersed the 'will' contained in the strong wind and yellow sand, dispersing the strong wind and causing the yellow sand to fall, revealing the true appearance of the attacking enemy within.

They were two teams of indigenous aliens. One team had scorpion tails, stirring up the yellow sand in the sky; the other team had eagle wings, sweeping through countless strong winds.

These star natives have evolved human bodies, but they still have scorpion tails, eagle wings and other animal-like phenomena, indicating that their bloodline is still a little behind the human race.

This is also the common situation that Liang Ji has observed in the stars among the indigenous alien races. Most of them have evolved into human form, but have some animal characteristics, which shows that the origin of the stars has reached a high level and has an influence on the natives of the stars.


Emperor Pulao looked at the enemies who were revealed. They numbered less than a hundred, and the leader among them was only fifth level. Although the level was one level higher than that of the dependents, the strong wind and yellow sand they stirred up were dispersed by the 'power of ghosts and gods', and the battle His strength suddenly weakened, and he immediately gave a deep command and led his troops to surround and kill him.

Intermediate monks, void monsters, indigenous aliens, and even dependents, etc., mainly manifest their combat power by controlling the power of heaven and earth, and using the power of various heaven and earth elements to condense spiritual arts, magical powers, natural disasters, etc.

But now, the powerful winds, yellow sand and other forces of heaven and earth set off by the incoming scorpion-tailed people and eagle-winged people have been dispersed by the 'power of ghosts and gods' blessed by the Familia. Their combat power has not only declined to the low level, but has at least dropped to the middle level. lowest level.

The 'Light of Destruction' blasted out by the battle formation of the Familia was not blocked by strong winds, yellow sand and other forces of heaven and earth, and blasted directly into the two groups of incoming indigenous aliens.

Wherever it passed, those who were hit were killed and injured. In just one blow, more than a dozen incoming indigenous aliens were killed.

Emperor Pulao took this opportunity and led his family members to form a battle team to surround the remaining indigenous aliens and shroud them in the battle formation. As the battle formation rotated, various thunder and fire storms, golden mountains, ice waves, and destructive power appeared, turning the wheel. Continuously blast towards the remaining indigenous alien races.

The indigenous aliens who were surrounded by the battle formation roared and resisted desperately, trying to stir up strong winds, raise yellow sand, and gather poisonous mist to withstand the incoming waves of magical powers of blood, elements of heaven and earth, light of yin and yang, and the power of destruction.

However, as soon as these strong winds, yellow sand, and poisonous mist were set off, the power of ghosts and gods "blessed by ghosts and gods" was brushed down, which contained the power of the laws of the natal stars, which was half a level higher than the power of the elements of heaven and earth, directly blowing them away. The 'spirituality' and 'will' in the power of heaven and earth stirred up by the indigenous aliens were dispersed, breaking the power of heaven and earth.

The incoming indigenous aliens lost their greatest defense and support. Under the repeated attacks of the family battle formations, bloodline magical powers, and the power of heaven and earth elements, they could only rely on their own bodies, magic powers, defensive magic weapons, etc. to fight against them.

In less than five rounds of operation, the family battle formation had already crushed all the incoming natives below the fifth level, leaving only two fifth-level native aliens still struggling to their death.

Aboard the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji looked at the Dao Fruit data in the 'Star Book' and found that it had dropped below 47% again.

Although the power of ghosts and gods of 'Blessing of Ghosts and Gods' is powerful, it can directly dispel the power of heaven and earth controlled by the enemy, allowing the family members to have cross-level fighting power, but these are at the expense of consuming the origin of his natal star and the power of Dao Fruit. .

After thinking about it, he sent another oracle in his natal star: Flying boat attacks!

So one airship passed through the 'Star Gate' and landed on the desert oasis, immediately arousing more and more enthusiastic cheers among the many 'Dragon Emperor Sect' believers and natives in the city.

Liang Ji had previously chosen to let the family members descend into the stars through the 'Star Gate' first, because he did not want to alarm the natives in the stars, but wanted to sneak in first and develop slowly.

But now, now that the indigenous alien races in the desert have been excited, Liang Ji has changed his strategy.

Letting the flying boat directly enter the stars will not only bring more confidence to the followers of the 'Dragon Emperor Sect', but also end the battle faster, avoiding the continued consumption of the 'Tao Fruit'.

Twenty flying boats flew directly out of the oasis city and flew over the sky of the battlefield in the desert. They formed various formations, circulated the breath of elements, and blessed the 'power of ghosts and gods'.

At that moment, two 'Breaths of Destruction' containing the power of ghosts and gods were blasted down from the array of flying boats in the sky, directly killing the two fifth-level indigenous aliens who were still struggling in the battlefield on the spot, ending this first encounter with the Star Aboriginals. fighting.

The Familia and the Dragon Emperor's teachings won the battle without any damage.

Immediately, in the desert oasis, the faith of the "Dragon Emperor Sect" believers in the city greatly increased, and they cheered, worshiped, prayed, and offered sacrifices more and more enthusiastically.

Liang Ji watched the Familia and Feizhou settle down in the desert oasis, and then took a look at the data on the 'Star Book'. The Dao Fruit had dropped to 46.17%, but it almost dropped to 45%, which was almost as low as the stars. The strength of the spiritual veins has increased.

It is obviously not possible to continue like this. The previous attack was only a small team of low-level and middle-level indigenous aliens led by two fifth-level natives. One battle consumed more than 1% of the power of his 'Dao Fruit', and among the stars, the indigenous aliens were... There are many sixth-level and even seventh-level beings.

If there are more and higher-level enemies in the future, it will obviously not work to rely solely on the consumption of his natal star source and the power of Dao Fruit to allow the Familia and Feizhou to fight across levels and fight against the enemies.

The origin of his natal star and the power of Tao Fruit are limited, and consuming too much will be detrimental to the development of his natal star and his own practice.

After all, the main purpose of Liang Ji's exploration of life stars and spiritual vein stars in the outer star sea is to seize resources, spiritual objects, origins, etc. to develop his own natal stars and provide for his own practice; rather than consuming his own natal stars and Taoist origins, to He is the one who saves the suffering of the spiritual veins and stars in the outer realm.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji went to Wu Shanshan and said bluntly: "The family has already established its initial foothold in the stars. The next development direction is not other oases in the desert, but the underworld of the stars!"

"Find a way to enter the underworld of stars, establish a territory in the underworld, and integrate the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' into the origin of the underworld of stars."

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