The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 661: Levels of the Origin of Stars Devouring the Origin

Beyond the seventh-order stars, in the void, the 'Dragon Snake' starship is parked in stealth mode. The detection array on it has been carefully opened and operated, and it continues to collect and pay attention to the situation in the stars.

Liang Ji was currently sitting in the main control cabin of the starship, with most of his mind and consciousness focused on the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

At this time, the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' has invaded the source of the seventh-order stars. Liang Ji's mind and consciousness sensed and looked around through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

The origin of the seventh-order stars looks like a sea of ​​starlight, but it is different from the natal stars, Yuyang stars, wooden meteorites and other star origins that Liang Ji has seen before. Among the stars in the origin of the seventh-order stars, ordinary stars Starlight, lunar starlight, and sun starlight are all present.

The Star Alliance has already had detailed information and research on star levels and star origins. Generally speaking, for low-level stars of third level and below, the star origins usually manifest themselves as ordinary starlight power.

As for the middle-level stars of the fourth to sixth levels, in addition to ordinary starlight, part of the starlight will be converted into the power of yin lunar starlight. The higher the level, the greater the power of lunar starlight contained in the star's origin. many.

Naturally, after the stars advance to a high level, part of the starlight power in the star's origin will be advanced and transformed into the sun and starlight power of the yang attribute. The higher the star level, the greater the proportion of the sun and starlight power it contains.

In front of him, the stars that Liang Ji was attacking had just advanced to the seventh level of stars, and were still in danger of falling below the high level at any time due to the invasion of void mirages.

But a qualitative change has occurred. In addition to a large amount of ordinary starlight power and lunar starlight power, a small part of the sun starlight power has been flowing into the star source.

Of course, in addition to these starlight powers with different attributes, the origin of this seventh-level star is also filled with a large amount of fog, which has enveloped and swallowed nearly one-third of the starlight power in the origin, eroding them. , twisted into mist.

This is obviously the influence and manifestation of the void mirage's invasion of the stars and its occupation of nearly one-third of the stars in the origin of the stars.

Liang Ji checked the situation of the source of the stars, and then started to run the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to move, erode and devour the source of the stars.

Although they are all the source of stars, obviously not all the projections of the 'Feng Shen Bang' can be plundered and devoured.

Among them, the power of the source of the mist is corroded and controlled by the void mirage, and naturally cannot be plundered and swallowed by the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

In addition, among the three sources of starlight power, the level of the power of the sun and starlight has far exceeded his projection of the "God List". It is also not something he can plunder and devour. If he devours it rashly, the power of the sun and starlight will backfire. Destroying the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang', and even implicating the 'Feng Shen Bang' itself, and even the origin of Liang Ji's natal star.

Nowadays, the only sources of stars that Liang Ji's 'Feng Shen Bang' projection can swallow are the power of ordinary starlight and the power of lunar starlight.

Moreover, the power of the lunar starlight cannot swallow too much, otherwise it will be very difficult to refine it with the current level of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

This is different from the previous Yuyang Star and Wooden Meteor Star. Those two stars were only at the fourth or fifth level, which was similar to Liang Ji's natal star. At that time, after the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' invaded the origin of the two stars, it was naturally able to plunder them at will. , Devouring the source, there is no need to worry about indigestion, backlash and other problems.

Liang Ji is now eager to make up for the shortcomings in the natal stars and solve the problem of backlash in the natal stars, so he controls the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to directly plunder and devour the ordinary starlight power in the star origins. Even the power of the lunar starlight is temporarily unavailable. Make sense.

The purpose is to plunder, devour, and digest it as quickly as possible, and transform it into the origin of your own natal star.

And as the power of the seventh-level star source that was plundered and devoured was continuously introduced into Liang Ji's natal star source through the 'Bang of Gods', the deficit in the star source began to be slowly made up.

In both the yin and yang realms of the natal stars, various apocalyptic phenomena that had been temporarily suppressed, such as earthquakes, cracks in the earth, volcanoes and floods, plagues among the dependents, riots by ghosts, etc., suddenly began to completely recover and dissipate.

And the 'Dao Fruit' data displayed in the 'Star Book' also began to slowly increase, gradually catching up with the strengthening progress of the star spiritual veins.

After three months of this, Liang Ji's 'Tao Fruit' in his natal star once again grew to 46%, and all the deficiencies and backlash in the star had been restored, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

When the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' invaded the source of the stars, it consumed the power of the source of the stars and weakened the 'Tao Fruit'. In just a few hours of fighting, it directly consumed a large amount of the source and weakened the Tao Fruit by two or three percentage points; but now, plundering It took more than three months to swallow the source of the seventh-level stars, restore the deficit of the source of the natal stars, and increase the percentage point weakened by the Dao Fruit.

The huge gap is obvious at a glance.

"Sure enough, when you are improving, it is like climbing a mountain, and every step is difficult; when you are depleting it, it is like a landslide, and you are out of control."

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At the same time, this is his first formal attempt to use these inheritances and methods to invade the stars and plunder the origins and resources since he studied the 'List of Gods', gods and other inheritances and methods. Although it has been successful so far, he has undoubtedly accumulated a lot. Lessons.

"In the future, you will consume your natal star source to increase the combat power of the 'God List', gods, and dependents. When engaging in cross-level battles or invasions, you must pay attention to the consumption of the star source and the weakening of the Dao Fruit!"

"Like this time, too much power is consumed from the source of the stars and the power of the Dao Fruit, which leads to the backlash of the natal stars. This will definitely not happen again in the future."

"We must accumulate more power from the source of the stars and power from the Tao Fruit to prepare for emergencies."

Liang Ji thought about it in his mind, wrote down his lessons, and at the same time passed down the oracle among his natal stars.

In the Jiuquan underworld, the ghosts, gods and ghost officials who were fully operating the source of the stars and the avenue of laws breathed a sigh of relief and began to resume normal operation and regulate the methods of laws; in the world of stars, the 'Pagoda Controlling Mountains and Rivers', 'Elemental Wandering Dragon Array', The 'Great Array of Yin and Yang Realms' and so on began to cease and return to normal; the dependent families sent to various places in the stars also began to recall and resume normal practice and life.

"Tao Master, the natal stars have returned to normal operation. I apply to bring some more ghosts and gods to the invading seventh-level stars to preside over the invasion of the 'Dragon Emperor Sect'!"

At this time, in the underworld of Huangquan, Wu Shanshan, the impermanent ghost and god who had withdrawn her hand, began to contact Liang Ji, requesting to go to the invading seventh-level stars again.

"Now, the key is to invade the seventh-level stars and the 'Dragon Emperor Sect'."

Liang Ji did not object when he heard this, and responded: "It just so happens that there are new problems in the desert oasis, and the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' needs you."

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