The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 662 The Scorpion Kingdom attacks and fights the natives again

In order to invade the underworld of seventh-order stars, Liang Ji let the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' invade the source of stars, plunder and devour the source of seventh-order stars, and brought Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods into the underworld of stars.

Now, in the desert oasis city where the Dragon Emperor Sect is located, only some of his family members and Feizhou are left in charge.

Although they had defeated the incoming star natives very cleanly before, and even killed the fifth-level star natives across the ranks, such intimidation was obviously limited for the sixth-level or even seventh-level star natives.

Now half a year has passed, and around the oasis city occupied by the 'Dragon Emperor Sect', many indigenous aliens have begun to spy in the desert, and even tried to attack many times.

Although they were all repulsed by Liang Ji's family members and Feizhou, the frequency of such spying and testing has become higher and higher, and their strength has become stronger and stronger.

In particular, in the past three months, Liang Ji used the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang" to plunder and devour the original power of the stars. What he did was completely different from the invasion of the void mirage.

The origins of the seventh-level stars may not have consciousness, but they can instinctively influence and drive the natives in the stars to fight and kill the invaders.

In the underworld, the place occupied by the ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers under Liang Ji is in a place invaded and occupied by void mirages. It is surrounded by underworld mist. The indigenous ghosts in the stars have long been distorted and driven away, and there are no indigenous people around. In the ghost country, the original instinct of the stars is obviously unable to drive away the fog monsters corroded and twisted by the void mirage to attack and kill the intruders.

Therefore, the island in the underworld occupied by Liang Ji's men in the underworld is temporarily safe and safe. They only need to leave some ghost soldiers to guard it.

Even at the critical moment, he could give up this island in the underworld. After all, he only occupied it to attract the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to invade the source of the stars. Now that the invasion has been completed, the importance of this island in the underworld has been greatly reduced.

On the contrary, in the starry world, the desert oasis occupied by the Liang Ji clan, the place where the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' is entrenched is very dangerous.

Liang Ji even learned from the family members stationed in the oasis that teams of Scorpios, one of the three major indigenous people in the desert, had begun to appear in the surrounding desert.

There are many sixth-level beings in these Scorpion people's team, leading the team to sweep through the desert and storm, sweeping up an overwhelming sandstorm in the desert, heading towards the oasis where the Familia and the Dragon Emperor Sect are located, swallowing them up.

Judging from the judgment of some indigenous believers of the Dragon Emperor Sect in the oasis city who have lived in the desert for generations, the overwhelming sandstorm was even enough to swallow up the entire oasis, completely swallowing up Liang Ji's base in the star world and the desert oasis, turning it into a sea of ​​sand. .

Naturally, the family members, Feizhou, and the indigenous believers of the Dragon Emperor Sect who are in the desert oasis will also be swallowed up by the sandstorm together with the oasis and will not escape death.

Therefore, now in this desert oasis, there is chaos among the many indigenous believers of the 'Dragon Emperor Sect'.

Some have begun to collapse and flee into the desert outside the oasis; some have even surrendered to the Scorpion team; of course, some still firmly believe in the 'Dragon Emperor' and are constantly praying and praying to the Dragon Emperor, who is Liang Ji. Yes, pray to the Dragon Emperor to show his power, resist the incoming Scorpio team and sandstorm, and save and protect this desert oasis and their believers.

After all, the time for Wu Shanshan to descend from this star and establish the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' was still too short. It has even been less than two years to develop a 'Dragon Emperor Sect', occupy an oasis city, and attract Liang Ji and his family members to come. In this star, it is already very difficult.

It is undoubtedly impossible to ensure that the indigenous believers in the Dragon Emperor Sect have a firm and never-betrayal faith in such a short period of time.

Even though Wu Shanshan herself practiced the Taoism of gods and had extraordinary methods, her time was too short for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Therefore, when Liang Ji opened the "Star Gate" and asked Wu Shanshan to bring a group of ghosts, gods and dependents to the desert oasis and the city where the Dragon Emperor Sect was entrenched, she saw the chaos in the city and many indigenous believers fled and surrendered. Wu Shanshan He immediately apologized to Liang Ji, but Liang Ji had no intention of punishing him and just said:

“Without suffering, there is no growth.”

"If the Dragon Emperor Sect wants to truly develop among the natives of the Star and play a more and greater role, it needs these hardships to test out truly outstanding, determined and qualified indigenous believers."

"Wu Shanshan, led the ghosts and gods to fight with all their strength. As long as the attack of the Scorpio people, one of the three major kingdoms in the desert, is repelled this time, the remaining indigenous believers in the Dragon Emperor Sect will definitely become more pious and fanatical."

"And the Dragon Emperor Sect will surely be able to attract more indigenous believers, occupy more territory and power in this desert, and truly start the road to invasion and expansion."

After verifying the 'God List' and the methods and strength of the gods, this time in the battle with the Scorpio team, Liang Ji did not let Emperor Pulao, the 'Second Generation Poison King', lead the battle, but ordered the ghost god Wu Shanshan to lead the battle.

"Yes! Please accept your orders!"

Wu Shanshan immediately accepted the order.

"The projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' has invaded the origin of this star. I grant you the right to mobilize and use the origin of this star and the law of law directly through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'!"

Liang Ji said, stretched out his hand, and a ray of divine light fell from the sky, forming a shadow of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in his hand, and waved the shadow towards Wu Shanshan.

"Thank you, Taoist Master!" Wu Shanshan immediately used the phantom of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' thrown at her, her eyes brightened, her face was overjoyed, and she raised her voice and said, "Taoist Master, please rest assured, this battle will be won!"

Liang Ji nodded slightly and said no more.

Wu Shanshan immediately led the team of ghosts and gods to join the family members and flying boats in the desert oasis.

She did not rashly interfere with the formation, formation and command of the Familia and Feizhou. Instead, she delegated power to Emperor Pulao, the 'Second Generation Poison King', to continue to lead the Familia and set up the battle formations between the Familia and Feizhou.

Then, Wu Shanshan sent the ghosts and gods led by Wu Shanshan to descend on each family team and flying boat team.

At this time, the sandstorm had swept in front of the desert oasis, and countless strong winds and yellow sand had covered the sky in the oasis, blocking out the sun.

This is no longer just the power of heaven and earth and the means of natural disasters. The sandstorm that covers the sky and spreads across the world is like a field, which already contains part of the power of the laws of this desert land.

As one of the three most powerful indigenous nations in this desert, the team sent by the Scorpion Nation was obviously fully prepared, and it was a high-level killing method.

Seeing this, Wu Shanshan was not afraid. She directly raised the illusory ‘God List’ in her hand and shouted:

"The God's Order, the ghosts and gods are unparalleled!"

"Ghosts and gods help me!"

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