The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 663 Confrontation of Laws and Crush of Civilization

"Ghosts and gods help me!"

As soon as Wu Shanshan's divine voice fell, the sixth-grade red imperial edict ghosts and gods, the seventh-grade white imperial edict ghost officials, etc. who were distributed among the various clan teams and the flying boat team used their own methods. The divine light and the power of ghosts and gods were emitted from all directions, and they were directly buried in Wu Shanshan's sacrifice. In the illusory "God List".

The next moment, under the command of Wu Shanshan, under the urging of the ghosts, gods and ghost officials, the illusory 'God List' was launched, and a large amount of the source of the stars and the power of the law of the avenue were plundered and extracted from the source of the seventh-order stars and the underworld. , transformed into bright divine light through the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', which shot directly into the sweeping sandstorm.

Law versus law, origin versus origin.

The sandstorms swept by the natives of the Scorpion Country cover the sky and can swallow up the oasis and turn it into a desert. It already contains the origin and power of the desert. This is the reason why the Scorpion Country can become one of the three strongest indigenous countries in the desert. The killer weapon.

His methods have reached a high level.

With only the magical power of the bloodline of the Familia, the prohibition of the flying boat formation, the power of various elements, the breath of elements and other methods controlled, naturally it is far from being able to resist this sandstorm.

However, even the divine light emitted by Wu Shanshan and others who run the illusory "Apotheosis of the Gods" cannot directly disperse the sandstorm that covers the sky. It cannot be like the previous battles. Wherever the power of ghosts and gods passes, the fog and wind and sand set off by the enemy will be dispersed. ,suppress.

After all, both the sandstorm and the divine light contain the power of origin and law. It is difficult for anyone to suppress the other for a while, and they can only consume each other.

Fortunately, this time the illusory 'God List' consumes not the origin of Liang Ji's natal stars, but the underworld origins of the seventh-order stars. He does not have to worry about the safety and backlash of his natal stars, nor is he afraid of the consumption of origins and laws. Battle.

The illusory ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ is solid in the air, and the burst of divine light resists the overwhelming sandstorm, making it difficult for it to pounce down, swallow up and annihilate the oasis city below.

"Dragon Emperor!"


In the oasis city below, the remaining indigenous believers saw this, and suddenly they shouted and celebrated more and more, and their beliefs suddenly became more pious and fanatical.


Seeing this, Wu Shanshan was still dissatisfied. She led a kind of ghost and god, and once again activated the power in the illusory 'God List'. Another bright divine light shot out from it, forming a bright divine sword, like the sword that opened the sky. Cut directly into the sandstorm outside the oasis.

Suddenly, the Divine Sword opened up a passage in the sandstorm, directly exposing the natives of Scorpio Country in the sandstorm.

These natives all had scorpion tails, and they were riding sand boats made of yellow sand to escape into the desert. Above them, there was a group of natives with eagle wings, following and cooperating with each other in the strong wind.

Obviously, one of the three major indigenous countries in the desert, the Scorpion Kingdom, is mainly composed of two indigenous races: the scorpion-tailed people and the eagle-winged people.

Two indigenous races, one controls the sand and the other controls the wind, unite to control the sandstorms in the desert, thereby involving part of the origin and power of laws in the desert, and condensing the road to the seventh level.

This star has advanced to the seventh level, and the natives in the star will naturally advance to the seventh level. The Scorpio Kingdom can become one of the three major indigenous countries in the desert. If not the strongest indigenous group in this star, it is at least the top group. , will naturally look for a way to advance to the seventh level.

However, among the Scorpion and Eagle natives who came this time, there were no seventh-level ones. They mainly relied on formations and treasures to set off sandstorms.

I just don’t know whether there are no seventh-level natives among the Scorpio Country natives yet, or there are seventh-level natives who haven’t come yet.

In any case, without seventh-level natives, Wu Shanshan and other ghosts, gods, and dependents are not afraid of fighting.

"Blessings from ghosts and gods!"

"All Familia and Feizhou, attack!"

The divine sword opened a path, Wu Shanshan pointed at the indigenous teams such as the sand boat, the scorpion and the eagle people, etc. that were revealed in the sandstorm, and shouted an order.

Liang Ji had already had an oracle, and this battle was commanded by Wu Shanshan, and all ghosts, gods, and dependents had to listen to her orders.


"Follow the order!"

The ghosts and gods responded, mobilizing the power of the illusory "God List" to bless and bless the Familia and the Feizhou team with divine light. Suddenly, the light of the elements and the light of ghosts and gods shone correspondingly among the Familia and the Feizhou team.

The dependents who had been blessed by ghosts and gods also raised their voices and responded. They each activated their bloodline magical powers, flying boat formations, and restrictions. They rushed out of the oasis city and followed the path opened by the divine sword directly into the sandstorm, fighting with it. The Scorpion Man, Eagle Man and other natives fought hand to hand.

The Chaofeng Familia, the Suan Ni Familia, the Yaju Familia, and the Biuan Familia each drive a flying boat. The magical power of their blood is combined with the formations, restrictions, and idols on the flying boat to turn the wind, fire clouds, golden light, and thunder. Under the power of ghosts and gods, Under the blessing, the power increased sharply, and it killed the Yingren natives who controlled the storm in the air.

When the Yingren natives set off a sandstorm, they could also mobilize and use the power of origin and law contained in the sandstorm to support and protect it. Therefore, the power of ghosts and gods blessed by the Liangji family and the flying boat could not dispel or suppress the violent wind swept by the Yingren natives.

However, without the power of ghosts and gods to disperse and suppress them, the Familia clans such as Chaofeng, Suanni, Yasu, Biuan, etc. are not afraid. The bloodline magical powers, the power of elements, and the breath of elements formed by the formation restrictions on the flying boat, Exploded one after another.

The Wind-Mocking Familia used their bloodline magical power in conjunction with the flying boat formation and restrictions to directly seize the control power of the Yingren natives over most of the surrounding violent winds. These strong winds even turned into wind elements under the operation of the Wind-Mocking Flying Boat formation and restrictions. The breath turned towards the Yingren natives.

The Suanni Familia circulated the fire cloud and the breath of the fire element, which combined with the strong wind and the breath of the wind element set off by the Chaofeng Familia. The wind and fire combined to directly submerge the Yingren natives.

There are also the Yajuan Familia and the Bijuan Familia, each using their bloodline magical power and the power of the flying boat, they erupted with golden light, thunder, gold elemental breath, thunder elemental breath and other means, and blasted into the Yingren natives.

The violent wind was seized and controlled, bombarded and submerged by wind, fire, golden light, and thunder. Just one attack scattered the team of eagle natives in the air. The hawk natives were constantly burned, cut with gold, and struck by lightning, and either died or were seriously injured. Falling from the sky, scattering debris and corpses.

Only some sixth- and fifth-level Yingren natives were left, still resisting and struggling amidst the strong winds, fire clouds, golden light, and thunder, to fight back against the Liang Ji Familia and Feizhou.

Although this star has advanced to the seventh level, the top natives in the star have already found the way to advance to the high level.

However, compared to the history of development and the level of cultivation and civilization of the Star Alliance, the indigenous people on this star have undoubtedly just passed the enlightenment stage. Although there are already high-level beings among them, and there are many fifth- and sixth-level indigenous people, they have developed The cultivation civilization, fighting methods, fighting techniques, etc. are undoubtedly far inferior to the magical powers, flying boat formations and restrictions of Liang Ji's men.

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