The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 664 The Beginning of Expansion

Bloodline magical power, great magical power, elemental power, sealing the bloodline god, the power of ghosts and gods, battle formations, formations, restrictions, flying boat treasures, the inheritance of the Heavenly Snake saints, etc.

Although Liang Ji's Familia and Feizhou are only at the fourth level, their various methods are inheritances developed and studied to the extreme in the Super-level Cultivation Star Alliance, and there are even methods passed down by saints. .

With such methods and inheritance, it is undoubtedly a completely overwhelming comparison to a native among the stars who has just advanced to the seventh level, and an indigenous civilization that has just begun to leave the stars and half-step into the void.

Therefore, after eliminating the interference and confrontation of the origin and laws, Liang Ji's family members, Feizhou and the natives of the Scorpio Kingdom completely gained the upper hand in the fight.

In the sky, most of the storm set off by the Yingren natives has dissipated, turning into violent winds, fire clouds, golden light and thunder controlled by the Liangji family members. The Yingren team was scattered, and the Yingren natives were continuously killed and fell.

In the desert on the ground, the Scorpion natives were no better.

Under the command of Wu Shanshan, the clans that dealt with the Scorpion natives in the desert were the Baxia, Chiki, Qiuniu, Jiaotu clans and Feizhou. They used the mountains and the earth to suppress the quicksand, and used heavy rain and torrential waves to roll up the yellow sand. The yellow sand is tightly bound with thousands of forests, and the quicksand is frozen with ice.

Under these magical powers, battle formations, flying boat formations, and restraints, the quicksand and wild sand swept up by the Scorpion natives were blocked, suppressed, and sealed outside the oasis.

The flying boats of various clans continued to blast down the breath of elements in the sky, blasting through the various sand boats driven by the scorpion natives in the desert, shattering them on the spot.

These sand boats are made by the Scorpion natives using various spiritual sands and yellow sand. Although they have many miraculous effects in the desert, the refining methods, formation prohibition levels, and even the refining materials are all It is far inferior to Liang Ji's family flying boat.

In just one exchange of bombardments and battles, most of the many sand boats that came from the desert were blown to pieces. Among them, most of the Scorpion natives were also bombarded and killed on the spot, leaving behind large pieces of corpses and mutilated limbs.

As for Liang Ji's men, less than a dozen of the attacking family flying boats were counterattacked and bombarded.

The gap in combat power, means, and civilization between the two sides is evident.

After a few hours of fighting and fighting, outside the desert oasis, the attacking natives of the Scorpio Country had been killed and severely injured. Now, the only survivors are fifth- and sixth-order natives, as well as some fifth- and sixth-order natives. The fourth-level natives barely survived each other.

Although these fifth- and sixth-level natives are not as good as Liang Ji's family members and Feizhou in terms of means and inheritance level, they are of a higher level and have higher cultivation levels. With their strength and skills, Liang Ji's family members and Feizhou want to capture them quickly. Killing is also quite difficult.

However, as a large number of Scorpion and Eagle natives were killed, the situation on the field changed again. Either due to lack of manpower or damaged morale, the sky-blocking sandstorm set off by these Scorpion natives unexpectedly It began to collapse and shrink.

In just the blink of an eye, nearly half of the sandstorm covering the entire oasis city had dissipated, making it difficult to cover the entire oasis sky, exposing a large area of ​​blue sky and blazing sunlight.


When Wu Shanshan, who was presiding over the battle, saw this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she realized that the decisive opportunity had arrived.

Nearly half of the sandstorm collapsed, and the power of the desert origin and laws that mobilized and operated was also greatly reduced, barely maintaining the high level.

As a result, the divine light of the 'Feng Shen Bang', which had been fighting against the source of the sandstorm and the power of the law, gradually became stronger and stronger, gradually overpowering the raging sandstorm.

"The ghosts and gods are incomparable, the gods suppress them!"

"All ghosts and gods help me, break it!"

Wu Shanshan shouted loudly, formed a divine seal on her hand, and an even brighter divine light erupted into the illusory "Gods List" in the sky. Other ghosts and gods around her also erupted in the same way, and the divine light that merged into the illusory "Gods List" suddenly increased sharply. .

Driven by this surge in power, the illusory 'Apotheosis of the Gods' plundered and transformed the source power and the power of the law of the avenue from the source of the stars and underworld also increased dramatically, and the number and power of the divine light that exploded in it also doubled, as if The strong wind swept away the fallen leaves, and the violent waves pushed up the piles of sand. Nearly half of the remaining sandstorm in the sky was immediately smashed, swept away, and dispersed wherever it passed.

"not good!"

"Quickly retreat!"

In the sandstorm, the remaining fifth- and sixth-level Scorpion and Eagle natives screamed and retreated, but it was already too late.

The sandstorm in the air can hardly withstand the divine light that explodes and is blasted away. It is naturally even harder for these fifth- and sixth-level natives who rely on the sandstorm to protect themselves from the power of the divine light.

The divine light that shattered the sandstorm swept over these natives with just a little residual power, and immediately dispersed and suppressed all the powerful winds, yellow sand and other heaven and earth powers and inheritance methods they controlled.

Without the laws of sandstorms, strong winds, yellow sand, and the protection of the power of heaven and earth, the remaining fifth- and sixth-level indigenous combat power suddenly declined.


The clan members and flying boats who were attacking and fighting these natives suddenly burst out with shouts of killing, and they seized the opportunity to rush forward.

Strong winds, waves, thunder, fire clouds, golden light, mountains, thousands of trees, ice soul, poison, yin and yang, etc., all kinds of bloodline magical powers, elemental power, elemental breath, ghost and god power all bombarded these natives. .

These natives no longer have strong winds, yellow sand, and sandstorms around them. They can only rely on their own magic power and body to resist these attacks. Even if they can withstand one or two waves of attacks, they will never be able to withstand the third and fourth waves.

Just in the blink of an eye, screams and howls were heard. The remaining fifth-level, sixth-level, and fourth-level natives they protected were all attacked by these bloodline magical powers, the breath of elements, and the power of ghosts and gods. Use force to break through his body and kill him.

Broken tails, broken wings, wreckage, and bones were scattered in all directions, and blood soaked the yellow sand below.


"Run away!"

"We cannot fight against the foreign devils these days alone!"

"We must contact the Golden Camel and the Wild Wolf, and the three countries in the desert can join forces..."

The remaining Scorpion and Eagle natives suddenly collapsed under these attacks and casualties, and began to flee one after another. They were frightened out of their wits, and clamored to contact the other two indigenous nations in the desert to fight together.


In the battlefield, the ghost god Wu Shanshan saw this, her eyes flashed with light, and she quickly made a new decision to pursue the victory.

"Ba Xia, Qi Niu, and the Jiao Tu family team will stay to guard the oasis!"

"Other families and flying boats will follow the ghosts and gods to continue the pursuit!"

She quickly divided the Familia team into two teams, leaving the defensive Familia team and Feizhou to guard the desert oasis. The other Familia and Feizhou teams that were good at attacking, together with the ghosts and gods, pursued the fleeing Scorpion Man and Eagle Man natives.

Along the way, the divine light spread and supercharged in all directions, and all kinds of elements were like a tide, swallowing and killing the backward Scorpion and Eagle natives one by one.

After chasing for nearly a thousand miles, a lake suddenly appeared in the desert ahead. The lake was surrounded by a larger and more vast oasis.

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