The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 665 Announcement to the entire stars

Seventh-level stars, one of the three major indigenous countries in the desert, the 'Scorpion Kingdom'. Although the origins, laws and high-level paths developed by the Scorpion-tailed and Eagle-winged people are 'sandstorms', they are often found in the desert. Set off sandstorms to attack enemies and destroy oases to demonstrate force and prestige.

However, the natives of the 'Scorpion Kingdom' still live in the desert oasis.

Their survival and growth are also inseparable from water sources and oases, and they cannot survive solely on yellow sand and strong winds in the desert.

Therefore, the ghost god Wu Shanshan led Liang Ji's family members, Feizhou, and Jiuquan ghosts and gods from the underworld to defeat the incoming "Scorpio Kingdom" army. After pursuing them all the way, they found that these defeated scorpion-tailed people and eagle-winged people fled into a huge desert oasis. among.

This oasis is far larger and more prosperous than the oasis city currently occupied by the Dragon Emperor Sect. There is even a huge lake and a forest in it.

In this oasis, there are a large number of natives of the 'Scorpio Kingdom'. When the defeated 'Scorpio Kingdom' army fled, Wu Shanshan led the ghosts, gods, dependents, and flying boats to pursue them.

when! when! when!

Enemy attack...

In the desert oasis, bells and screams suddenly sounded. It was the natives of the 'Scorpio Kingdom' living in the oasis who had discovered the incoming Wu Shanshan and others, and issued warning sounds.

The next moment, a large number of scorpion-tailed people and eagle-winged people were seen rushing out from all over the oasis, rushing to the edges of the oasis, forming various battle formations, and activating various arrangements in the oasis.

Amidst the roaring noise, strong winds fell from the sky, and yellow sand rolled up all around. Together with the strong winds in the sky, it turned into a huge sandstorm in a blink of an eye, shrouding the surroundings of the oasis.

The origin, law, and high-level path opened up by the natives of the 'Scorpion Country', the Scorpion-tailed People, and the Eagle-Winged People are the 'Sandstorm'. Therefore, they are not only attacking and fighting in the desert, but also the enemies who set off the 'Sandstorm'. This is how they protect their territory and fight against enemy attacks. They also set off a 'sandstorm' for protection.

At this time, the size, power, and scope of the 'sandstorm' surrounding this lake and oasis far exceeded the previous attack on the oasis where the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' was located.

Obviously, the various arrangements of the scorpion-tailed people and the eagle-winged people on this territory can activate and operate more and more powerful "sandstorm" origins and law forces.

Moreover, under the control of these scorpion-tailed people and eagle-winged people, these 'sandstorms' surrounded the oasis, forming a protection for the oasis, but would not invade the oasis at all.

The ghost god Wu Shanshan was leading the team of ghosts, gods, family members, and flying boats in pursuit. She frowned as she looked at the 'sandstorm' surrounding the oasis.

Although, she had just led her ghosts, gods, family members and flying boats to defeat a 'sandstorm' caused by the natives of the 'Scorpio Kingdom', killing and collapsing a large number of native teams.

However, offense and defense are different.

In their own territory, Wu Shanshan not only has the help of ghosts, gods, family members, and flying boats under her command, but also has the guardian formations and restrictions arranged in the oasis to help; while the enemy comes from afar and consumes many resources and treasures, which can set off a " Sandstorm's power is limited, and there are no formations or restrictions to help.

But in front of them, the offensive and defensive momentum changed, but they were faced with many protective formations and restrictions placed in the enemy's oasis. It would not be easy to defeat the 'sandstorm' surrounding the oasis.

Moreover, this 'sandstorm' is now surrounding the oasis. Under the control of the indigenous aliens, it has not caused any infringement on the oasis. However, if they break through the oasis's protection and invade the oasis, there is no guarantee that the enemy will be defeated. Make an act of mutual destruction and let the 'sandstorm' directly swallow up the oasis. They would rather destroy the oasis than let the incoming people occupy the oasis.

At that time, what will be the use of Wu Shanshan and others taking over an oasis that was swallowed up and destroyed by a 'sandstorm'?

After all, both Liang Ji's family members and the star natives who believe in the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' need to survive and develop in the oasis.

"It seems that we must fight quickly to defeat the 'Sandstorm' and capture the oasis as soon as possible. We must not give the enemy a chance to destroy the oasis."

Wu Shanshan assessed the situation on the field and made a quick judgment.

Moreover, there must be a means of contact between the oases of the 'Scorpio Country'. If they fight here for too long, there is no guarantee that the natives of the 'Scorpio Country' will not come to help from other oases. When the time comes, Wu Shanshan and others will be attacked from both sides, and it will be even harder to win. Get off this oasis.

"Master Dao, if we are unable to break through the oasis in front of us at the critical moment, I wonder if we can apply for starship attack assistance?"

Ghost God Wu Shanshan obviously lacked confidence in the battle in front of her. Before the battle started, she couldn't help but ask and ask Liang Ji.

Liang Ji's starlight projection body couldn't help but look up at the sky after hearing this. He knew clearly that the 'Dragon Snake' starship was invisible in the space beyond the stars at this time, and was corresponding in this desert land. Above, in the void outside the sky.

"Now we have our own foundation in the stars."

"And, the most important thing is that the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' has successfully invaded the origin of the stars and the underworld, and can plunder, devour, and move the origins and laws of the stars."

"Even facing the seventh-order void mirage monster and the seventh-order natives in this star, I have enough power to protect myself."

"In this way, even if the starship is exposed and our existence is exposed, there is no danger."

Having said this, Liang Ji made a decision directly:

"Yes, if nothing can be done, I will let the starship launch an attack and directly destroy all the enemy's protection in front of me."

"Use the powerful attack of the starship to announce our arrival to the natives above the stars and the invading void mirages."

"Yes, thank you so much, Master!"

After hearing this, Wu Shanshan thanked her and without any further doubts, she directly led her ghosts, gods, dependents, and flying boats to form a battle formation and head towards the oasis in front of them.

"Ghosts and gods help me!"

Still with the help of the ghosts and gods, the illusory "Gods List" was summoned first, and a large piece of bright divine light shot out from it, blasting into the "sandstorm" surrounding the oasis in front, fighting against the sandstorm and consuming the power of the source and law. .

At the same time, the divine light opened a path in the 'sandstorm', leading directly to the oasis surrounding it.


Wu Shanshan gave an order, and the family members and Feizhou, who had been blessed and blessed by ghosts and gods, formed a battle formation, broke into the passage opened by the divine light, and fought towards the oasis.

Thunder, flames, golden light, torrential waves, the breath of various elements, and the power of ghosts and gods all blasted towards the oasis.

In the oasis, there are arrays of formations and restrictions operating, surrounded and guarded by various protective masks of cyan, yellow, and jade colors. With the support of the origin of the 'sandstorm', it is the breath of elements and the power of ghosts and gods. It is difficult to break through.

The Scorpion-tailed people, the Eagle-winged people and other natives of the Scorpion Kingdom hid behind these formations and restrictions, offering various treasures, formations, and bloodline techniques, and continuously launched counterattacks against the Familia and the Feizhou team.

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