The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 667 Seventh-level Aboriginals

In the desert, in the oasis battlefield surrounding the lake in the Scorpion Kingdom, two sandstorms, one inside and one outside, were about to meet. The natives of the Scorpion-tailed people and the Eagle-winged people in the sandstorm were cheering and shouting, as if they had already seen the sandstorm swallow them up and tear them apart. , crush and kill the enemy.

At this time, a ray of starlight fell from the sky, shattering the sandstorm surrounding the oasis, shattering the protective formation in the oasis, and killing a large number of Scorpio Country natives who were hiding behind the sandstorm, formation, and cheering and shouting in the oasis!

Suddenly, the cheers and clamors of the indigenous alien races inside and outside the battlefield stopped abruptly. The oasis was filled with the howls of pain, fear, and despair from the severely injured scorpion-tailed people and eagle-winged people. In the sandstorm that swept outside the battlefield, help came. The native foreigners of the Scorpio Kingdom also lost their voices, being silenced by the starlight falling from the sky.

This star has just advanced to the seventh level, and the top one or two people above the star have just reached the seventh level. They are able to break away from the shackles of the stars and enter the void outside the sky, and see the vastness and power of the void.

The indigenous alien races of the Scorpio Kingdom have low cultivation and limited knowledge. Let alone seeing the void outside the sky, they don’t even have any concept of the void outside the sky. They don’t know that the void mirages that are harming the stars now come from the void outside the sky, let alone the void outside the sky. I don't know what kind of attack can come directly from the void, but it can shatter the sandstorm, oasis formation, and indigenous defenses with just one blow.

They just instinctively realized that this starlight attack falling from the sky was far more powerful than the strongest method currently mastered by the Scorpion Kingdom, the 'Sandstorm'. It was the top combat power they had been pursuing, and it was not something that the Scorpion Kingdom could resist.


The indigenous aliens were suppressed, but Wu Shanshan on the battlefield did not hesitate. She immediately seized the opportunity and gave an order, leading Liang Ji's team of ghosts, gods, dependents, and flying boats directly into the oasis.

The sandstorms and defensive formations covering the oasis have been destroyed by starship attacks, leaving no resistance; the Scorpion-tailed and Eagle-winged natives in the oasis were either killed, severely injured, or had their morale destroyed, even among them. There are still fifth- and sixth-level indigenous alien races who have survived, but they have no intention or ability to resist. They are always worried about another starlight falling from the sky.

As soon as the battle began, scorpion-tailed people and eagle-winged people continued to flee from the oasis, either fleeing into the depths of the desert, or fleeing into the 'Sandstorm' natives who came to help.

These surviving natives of Scorpio Country have abandoned this oasis.

In the sandstorm that came for help, a group of natives of the Scorpion Kingdom were originally suppressed by the starlight attack falling from the sky. They were in a stalemate for a while, not knowing whether to continue the attack or retreat. Now, with the addition of these natives who escaped from the oasis, many... In panic and fear, the natives who came to help suddenly collapsed and chose to retreat in a 'sandstorm', completely abandoning this oasis.

In the land of the oasis, the internal defense collapsed and external reinforcements retreated. There was no doubt that the team of ghosts, gods, dependents, and flying boats led by Wu Shanshan would win this oasis.

But Liang Ji's attention at this time was no longer on this battlefield, but on the space where the 'Dragon Snake' starship was taken back into the void.

The starlight strike launched by the 'Dragon Snake' starship not only broke through the defense of the oasis and scared off the native reinforcements of the Scorpion Kingdom, but also alarmed the seventh-order void mirage and the seventh-order natives in the stars.

For the Void Mirage and the natives who have reached the seventh level of cultivation, although the 'Dragon Snake' starship stays in the void beyond the stars, it is invisible without the formation, as if it is exposed in front of their eyes.

Among the stars, several roars were heard in the large sea area shrouded in fog. Suddenly, the fog covering one third of the stars began to violently roll and turbulent, expanding and contracting for a while, seeming to show the insatiable power of the void mirage within. calm.

Outside the fog-shrouded sea area, there are several giant cities built on the coastal land, connected with each other in formations, forming a defense line against the invasion of void mirages.

At this time, three rays of light flew out from these cities and converged in mid-air, revealing three figures. They almost all looked like complete human bodies, but each had scales, feather patterns, and animal patterns between their eyebrows.

These three people are the natives who have been promoted to the seventh level among the current seventh-level stars. They have fully grown into human form. Except for the strange phenomenon between their eyebrows indicating their origins, there is almost no difference from pure humans.

The three of them looked into the void and could clearly see the starships parked beyond the stars, with different expressions on their faces.

"Is there another enemy attacking in the void?" Among the three people, the one with feathers on his eyebrows said with an ugly face: "Is the void outside the stars so dangerous?"

"We can't resist a mirage. Now what kind of monster is coming?"

"I don't think it looks like a monster." The man with the animal pattern on his eyebrows said with a frown: "It looks more like a big ship. Perhaps it is a treasure made by humans just like the bloodline holy artifacts we forged."

"If it is really a man-made treasure, there must be an owner in it, and things may not be turning around."

"However, what kind of existence is it that can build such a huge treasure ship, sail and anchor in the void, and the power of the attack it just launched is even more powerful than mine?"

The seventh-level native with animal markings on his eyebrows said, with a look of fear clearly on his face.

"Anyway, it must be much more powerful than our stars!"

Those with feather marks on their eyebrows said helplessly.

"Look at the fog in the sea." The man with eyebrows and scales on the side now retracted his gaze into the void, looked down at the foggy ocean, and said with a faint light in his eyes: "The mirages in the fog seem to be restless and scared!"

Hearing this, the other two people looked down at the fog-shrouded ocean below, clearly seeing the rolling fog and turbulence in it.

Both of them couldn't help but have a look of joy on their faces.

"These mirages must know the treasure ship in the void!"

The person with feathery eyebrows said somewhat excitedly:

"They all come from the void, so they must be familiar with each other. Perhaps the treasure ship in the void comes to chase the mirage, which is why the mirage is so uneasy."

"Perhaps this is the savior of our stars."

"I think we should go to the void to meet and talk with the owner of the treasure ship. The other party may not be an enemy."

Beside her, the man with the beast pattern on his eyebrows shook his head slightly and said: "The treasure ship in the void may be the enemy of the mirage, but it may not be our friend."

"Just now, the treasure ship launched an attack on our stars."

"The mirage wants to seize our stars, and the owner of the treasure ship in the void probably also wants our stars."

Hearing what he said, the person with feathery eyebrows couldn't help but frown and said, "What should I do?"

"Should we allocate our hands to deal with the treasure ship in the void?"

The man with the beast pattern on his eyebrows shook his head and said: "We are already beyond our capabilities just to deal with the mirage, so how can we have any remaining energy to deal with the treasure ship in the void."

"It's better to contact the other party first and see what the other party's intention is. I hope the other party won't be too greedy."

"Which of us is going to contact him?" asked the man with feather marks on his eyebrows.

"I'll go!" The man with scaly eyebrows said directly.

The seventh-level native with scaly eyebrows is an indigenous alien race born in the sea. Nowadays, a large area of ​​the ocean has been captured and occupied by the void mirage. His tribe has suffered the most casualties and losses, so he hates the mirage the most. Anything that may be beneficial to deal with the mirage He was willing to try anything.

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