The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 668 Three Holy Stars Recruitment of the Star Alliance

Beyond the seventh-level stars, in the void, the 'Dragon Snake' starship faced the seventh-level native with scales between his eyebrows.

Liang Ji is in the starship, and through various detection arrays on the starship, he is rapidly scanning and detecting various information about the seventh-level natives in front of him.

The other party is among the stars, and the 'Dragon Snake' starship cannot yet investigate it carefully, but now that the other party is coming to his door, Liang Ji will not let go of such a good opportunity.

From these seventh-level natives, Liang Ji was able to detect more information related to seventh-level stars and star natives.

And the more you know, the easier it will be to target and suppress the opponent if you fight later.

The seventh-level native with scales between his eyebrows also faintly noticed some traces of being probed. He frowned slightly at the moment. The scales between his eyebrows shone with water, and a layer of misty water covered his body, trying to block the starship's exploration.

However, the opponent's origin and civilization level are destined to make it difficult for his protection methods to block the advanced detection methods of the Covenant in the starship.

The starship 'Ship Spirit' still quickly recorded each piece of information into the light curtain, and quickly made targeted analysis and arrangements for restraint measures.

Liang Duanyu looked at it. If he continued to investigate for a while, he might not be able to devise a killing method against the seventh-level natives in front of him.

Outside the starship, the water light was running to protect themselves. The seventh-level natives, who thought they were enough to protect themselves, saluted the starship and raised their voices: "The Three Saints Blue Scale Sage asks to see the owner of the treasure ship."

"Three Holy Stars?" Liang Ji only now knew the names of these star natives.

However, he just changed his mind for a moment and realized that this name was probably the three seventh-level natives in this star. They only got the name for this star after they left the star and entered the void to see the vastness of the sea of ​​​​stars.

The so-called Three Saints probably refers to the three seventh-level natives.

Before this, it was not certain whether this star had a unified name.

After all, looking at the origins of the 'Three Saints', the scales, feathers, and beasts are all different. Before they can escape from the stars, their living and cultivation environments are different, and their understanding of the stars is also different. How can there be a unified star? name?

And these three people named the stars and themselves after the "Three Saints", obviously they have their own purposes, they want to become the saints of the stars and leave indelible traces in the stars.

Of course, if they can kill the void mirage invading the stars and completely resolve the crisis encountered by the star promotion, then it is not impossible to become a saint among the stars.

However, based on Liang Ji's observation of the stars and the battles in them during this period, it was clear that the 'Three Saints' and the three seventh-level natives in the stars were no match for the invading seventh-level void mirage. The battle so far has only resulted in the loss of ground one after another. Without external help, they may not be able to become the "Three Saints" who save the stars, but can only be destroyed along with the stars.

Alternatively, they can escape from the star before it is destroyed and escape into the void. If they can find a suitable new spiritual star before being swallowed by the void, they may not be unable to survive.

Liang Ji was in the starship, while exploring the information of the 'Blue Scale Saint', while thinking about the other party's words, but he never replied to the other party.

The blue-scale saint frowned more and more. He looked at the starship and seemed to hesitate whether to board the ship. However, he was intimidated by the starlight and spiritual light surrounding it and did not move. Instead, he bowed again and said: "If you are a distinguished guest, it turns out that , I, the Three Saint Stars, will welcome you with a great gift."

"If there are people with evil intentions, I, the Three Holy Stars, are not afraid of any battle and will definitely strike hard at any intruders!"

"Please also ask the owner of the treasure ship to come forward and explain his intention."

As if he was angry at the owner of the treasure ship for ignoring him, Blue Scale Saint's tone began to become tougher.

Ding dong!

In the main control cabin of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, a crisp sound came from the light curtain where the 'Ship Spirit' manifested, reminding him that the starship had collected the Blue Scale Saint's information and had deduced it. Various means of response, suppression, and even killing.

Seeing this, Liang Ji stopped ignoring the other party and ordered the 'ship spirit' to run the formation. A starlight shot from the starship into the void and condensed into Liang Ji's figure, facing the Blue Scale Saint face to face.

"Star Alliance Liang Ji, I have met fellow Daoist Three Saint Star Blue Scales."

Liang Ji's starlight body returned a salute to the Blue Scale Saint and introduced himself.

"The main purpose of coming here is to hunt the void mirage."

"Void mirage?" Blue Scale Saint understood in just a second thought, "You mean, those mirages that invaded our Three Sacred Stars?"

"That's right." Liang Ji nodded and said, "In our Star Alliance, we call these mirages void mirages."

When the Blue Scale Saint heard this, his face was both happy and worried, and he asked: "Where is the Star Alliance? Is it also a star in the void? Like our three holy stars? How far away is it from us?"

"The Star Alliance is not a star, but a force composed of many stars!"

"There are thousands of stars like the Three Holy Stars in the Star Alliance."

Blue Scale Saint listened to Liang Ji's words, with shock and doubt on his face, and said: "There are thousands of stars like the Three Saint Stars in the Star Alliance?"

"Isn't the Star Alliance the strongest force in this void star sea?"

Liang Ji nodded and said: "It is no problem to say that the Star Alliance is the strongest force in the Star Sea."

"We, the Star Alliance, pursue the path of peace and development. Unlike the Void Monsters who like to destroy stars, we welcome all living stars to join the Star Alliance and become a member of the Star Alliance. Let's survive together in this boundless sea of ​​stars. , development and progress.”

Liang Ji said, reaching out and waving towards the starship, a starlight flew out from it and landed on his hand, turning into a jade slip shining with starlight.

He handed the jade slip to the Blue Scale Sage: "This jade slip contains information about the Star Alliance. It also contains all the policies, preferential conditions, etc. for the Star Alliance to recruit life stars from outside the world."

"You can take it back and study it with your colleagues to see if you are willing to join the Star Alliance."

The Star Alliance Outland Exploration Team finds spiritual stars in the Outland. In addition to invading and occupying them, if the Outland Star reaches a high level and the natives in the star walk out of the star and enter the Void Star Sea, the exploration team can also recruit them on behalf of the Star Alliance. Join the Star Alliance.

Therefore, among the starships of the exploration team, there is also no shortage of this kind of jade slips introducing information about the Covenant Alliance and recruitment conditions.

The Blue Scale Saint took the jade slip and did not check it directly. Instead, he looked at Liang Ji and asked, "What if we don't want to join the Star Alliance after reading it?"

"What actions will you take?"

Liang Ji smiled when he heard this and said confidently: "You will not refuse to join the Star Alliance."

When the blue-scaled saint heard the words, he looked solemn, nodded and said: "Okay, I will study the contents carefully with my colleagues after I go back."

He could see that Liang Ji's words were an expression of absolute confidence in the Star Alliance, but at the same time, were they not a threat? It shows that the three holy stars have no room to refuse.

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, nodded, and said: "I am waiting for your good news on the starship. At that time, we may be able to discuss joining forces to kill the Void Mirage that invaded the Three Sacred Stars!"

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