The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 669: High-level battle resumes. Agree to join

Three Holy Stars, in the vast desert in the northwest, Wu Shanshan led the ghosts, gods, family members, and flying boats to occupy two oases. After receiving orders from Liang Ji, she stopped pursuing the natives of the Scorpio Kingdom and launched attacks on other oases in the desert. expansion.

Similarly, Liang Ji was also in the "Dragon Snake" starship, and ordered the "ship spirit" to restrain the various attack formations on the starship, and did not continue to launch attacks from the void.

He is waiting for news about the "Three Saints" in this star. If they choose to cooperate with him and accept the recruitment of the Star Alliance, then with the help of the "Three Saints", it will naturally be more convenient for him to gain a foothold in this star than to fight and expand. easy.

And if the 'Three Saints' are unwilling to accept his kindness and refuse the Star Alliance's solicitation, then he will continue to launch attacks and expand.

With the "Dragon Snake" starship suppressing them above, and Wu Shanshan, the second-generation Poison King and other ghosts, gods, and armies fighting below, Liang Ji had no fear at all even when facing seventh-order natives among seventh-order stars. .

This is the self-confidence given to him by the power of the Star Alliance and the power of the Star Lord.

He also believed that the 'Three Saints' among the stars would definitely not refuse the Star Alliance's recruitment after seeing the power of the Star Alliance introduced in the jade slip.

Liang Ji was in the starship, looking down at the 'Three Holy Stars' below as they rotated around and around, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

The Blue Scale Saint never came again, nor did he respond to his message.

At this time, the starship detection array suddenly discovered that the fog covering one-third of the star in the 'Three Holy Stars' below began to violently roll and expand, and began to spread and engulf other areas above the star.

Where the mist spread, there were violent fighting sounds, and the battle aura containing the power of law broke through the sky and exploded in the void. The sounds were much louder than what Liang Ji had seen several times before, including the fighting between seventh-order natives and seventh-order void mirages. Bigger and more intense.

When Liang Ji saw this, he understood in just a flash of his mind, with a sneer on his face.

The Blue Scale Saint did not reply for ten days. It was obvious that the 'Three Saints' among the stars were still hesitant and had different opinions. Perhaps they were afraid of the Star Alliance, or perhaps they wanted to gain more benefits.

However, the 'Three Saints' are still hesitating and delaying, but the seventh-order void mirage invading the stars is unwilling to delay any longer.

"It seems that the seventh-level void mirage that invaded the Three Sacred Stars must have seen the Star Alliance's starships, and was even hunted by the Star Alliance monks. They know the power of the Star Alliance, the Star Alliance monks, and the starships, and have suffered losses before. .”

Liang Ji secretly thought.

High-level void mirages are no less intelligent, knowledgeable, and decisive than high-level monks. After seeing the "Dragon Snake" starship and realizing that Star Alliance monks were involved, they immediately changed their original attitude of playing it slow and slow. The plan is to slowly erode and seize the 'Three Holy Stars', but to devour and seize as many of the 'Three Holy Stars' as possible before the 'Three Holy Stars' natives join forces with the Star Alliance monks.

In fact, the other party may have given up on completely capturing the 'Three Holy Stars' and just want to plunder before being besieged and then retreat.

But in this way, the "Three Saints" who were still hesitating and delaying suffered a sudden attack by the seventh-level void mirage. Liang Ji could clearly see it even from the "Dragon Snake" starship. , the 'Three Saints' were completely suppressed on the battlefield, and they were retreating steadily, with many being injured.

"It seems that the Blue Scale Saint's response will not be long."

Liang Ji secretly thought.

Afterwards, sure enough, within a few moments, a blue spiritual light rushed out from the 'Three Holy Stars' below, like a big fish leaping out of the sea, leaping across the sky, out of the stars, and into the void. Appeared in front of Liang Ji's stars, forming a figure of the blue-scaled saint.

"Fellow Daoist Liang!" The figure of the Blue Scale Saint bowed to the starship and said in a somewhat embarrassed and anxious tone: "We agreed to join the Star Alliance, but now the Void Mirage is making trouble among the stars. Please help us, Daoist Liang. Kill the invading void mirage."

A ray of starlight shot out from the starship and condensed into the starry figure of Liang Ji in the void. He looked at the figure of the Blue Scale Saint and said with a smile: "Welcome the 'Three Saints' to join the Star Alliance. I believe you will not regret this time." Selected."

"Yes! Yes! Fellow Daoist Liang, we have understood the power of the Star Alliance, and we are also yearning for the Star Alliance. We are honored to join the Star Alliance."

"It's just that now, the three holy stars are facing the disaster of destruction. The invading void mirage monster has gone crazy and suddenly attacks and destroys the stars wantonly, devouring the source of the stars. If it continues like this, it won't take long, 'Three Saints' The Holy Star will be destroyed by it, and then it will be difficult for us to join the Star Alliance."

"We also ask Fellow Daoist Liang to consider that we are all members of the Star Alliance and help us kill the Void Mirage and save the 'Three Holy Stars'."

"It's easy to say." Liang Ji nodded and said directly: "I am here to hunt these void mirages. Naturally, I will not watch them wantonly destroy and destroy the 'Three Holy Stars'."

"Please also ask the Three Saints to use all their strength in the stars to temporarily trap the invading seventh-level void mirage. The harder and longer you can trap him, the harder and harder I can strike from the starship. powerful."

"At that time, not only will it be killed directly with one blow, but it will at least be severely damaged."

"This..." Blue Scale Saint was obviously hesitant and said tentatively: "Although this starship of Fellow Daoist Liang is powerful, it is parked in the void and is a bit far away from the battlefield."

"How about fellow Taoist entering the star battlefield with me and attacking the seventh-order void mirage head-on? Wouldn't it be more convenient and more certain?"

However, Liang Ji saw his probing intentions and did not hide it at all. He said directly: "My cultivation and strength have not yet reached a high level. I am still far behind in confronting the seventh-level void mirage demon head-on."

"But my starship is enough to suppress the seventh-order void mirage."

When Blue Scale Sage heard what Liang Ji said, he verified his speculation in his mind, but his face did not show it. He pretended to be surprised and said: "Fellow Daoist Liang, with a cultivation level that is not high enough, is able to escape from the stars and survive and travel in this void star sea. Hunting the seventh-level void mirage!”

"The Star Alliance monks are indeed powerful! We really made the right choice to join the Star Alliance!"

With that said, he changed the subject and said: "In that case, I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Liang to help with a starship. We must do our best to trap the seventh-order void mirage demon in order to create conditions for Fellow Daoist."

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the Blue Scale Saint dissipated in the void. A blue scale appeared on the spot, and then shattered in an instant, turning into powder and dispersing in the void.

Although he is a native of the outer stars, he is able to practice to the seventh level, and he obviously has some mysterious methods.

Liang Ji was not surprised when he saw this. He regained his mind and consciousness and directly ordered: "Ship Spirit, lock the seventh-order void mirage on the battlefield, activate the attack formation, and prepare to launch an attack!"

"Yes!" The ship spirit responded and accepted Liang Ji's order.

Starlight and aura emerged and circulated everywhere on the starship, and the formations and restrictions for detection, locking, and attack began to operate in sequence.

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