The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 670: Illusion becomes reality, the methods of the seventh-level void mirage

Three Holy Stars, the land on the southeast coast, Blue Scale Saint, Red Feather Saint, and Black King Saint, the three seventh-level natives in the stars, with the news brought back by the Blue Scale Saint, broke out with all their strength to fight against the seventh-level mirage monster in the fog. ,fighting.

At this time, they could only choose to trust Liang Ji, otherwise it would be difficult to resist the destruction and destruction of the seventh-order void mirage.

Even if the seventh-order void mirage can be driven away in the end, the Three Saint Stars will definitely suffer huge damage. Even if they are not destroyed, they will definitely fall from the seventh-order stars. By then, not only will they not be able to become the 'Three Saints', but they may also suffer backlash. , even if he does not fall, he will still suffer heavy losses, and even fall from the seventh level of cultivation.




At this time, as three strange roars rang out, the three saints used all their strength to use the power of their blood and the power of the laws they mastered. The figures of the blue giant shark, the red firebird, and the black tiger king respectively appeared behind the three people.

These three figures are condensed from the power and laws of water, the power and laws of fire, and the power and laws of wind. They are condensed into substance, and their eyes are filled with the light of wisdom, just like the 'Three Saints' The clone of the law.

The giant shark swept up countless torrents and rushed into the fog, smashing and submerging the fog of laws governing the operation of the seventh-order void mirage.

The fire bird set off waves of fire like clouds, burning into the mist, burning out a large amount of law mist and formations.

The black tiger set off a black storm, broke into the mist, and tore apart and blew away the mist of countless laws.

At this time, Liang Ji could even sense through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' that the source of the 'Three Saint Stars' was violently vibrating. A large amount of starlight, lunar starlight, and sun starlight were all sweeping up, attacking the source of the mist spreading in the source. Then it went away, violently colliding, swallowing, and twisting the original mist.

Obviously, this is the origin and law power of the 'Three Saints' desperately operating the Three Saint Stars, colliding with, consuming and fighting the seventh-order Void Mirage's source and law of fog operation.

With the collision, entanglement, and consumption of the power of these star origins and laws, the mist origins and mist laws that eroded and distorted the star origins were successfully entangled and trapped, making it difficult to escape for a while.

Being involved and reacting to this, on the starry earth, in the battlefield between the 'Three Saints' and the seventh-order void mirage demon, flood waves, fire clouds, and black wind surrounded the seventh-order void mirage demon, and suppressed it for a while. Entanglement makes it difficult to escape or escape.

Even the fog of law that protects itself has been dispelled and isolated.

When the 'Three Saints' broke out, they really entangled the seventh-level Void Mirage and gave him the best opportunity to attack and kill it.

However, this was obviously achieved at the cost of consuming a large amount of the source of the stars and the power of laws of the 'Three Saint Stars'. Liang Ji could clearly sense through the projection of the 'Fengshen Bang' that the various sources of starlight in the source of the stars of the 'Three Saint Stars' It is being consumed rapidly and violently.

In particular, the power of the sun and starlight is the least among all starlight sources. It is a little bit of the original power that has only qualitatively changed and transformed from the star source after the 'Three Holy Stars' advanced to the seventh-level star.

At this time, these rare powers of sun and starlight are also being consumed rapidly. Once these rare powers of sun and starlight are exhausted, the 'Three Holy Stars' may also fall from the level of seventh-level stars and fall back to the sixth-level stars. .

At that time, even if the seventh-level void mirage is killed, it will undoubtedly be an absolute failure and loss for the 'Three Holy Stars' and the Three Saints.

Therefore, just after the fog of law was dispersed, and the torrential waves, fire clouds, and black wind trapped the seventh-level void mirage, the anxious and high-pitched voices of the Three Saints began to sound, straight through the sky, into the void, and into the stars. In the ears of Liang Ji on the ship.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, do it quickly!"

"Do it quickly!"

"We can't hold on any longer!"

This sound came from above the stars and the earth into the void, which showed that the three of them were anxious at this time.

Every moment of delay, the power of the sun and starlight in the origin of the Three Saint Stars was consumed, and the Three Saint Stars were one step closer to falling to the sixth level, making them anxious.

Fortunately, Liang Ji had no intention of delaying or framing them. He also did not want to see the 'Three Holy Stars' fall from the seventh-level star to the sixth-level star.

After all, as the discoverer of the 'Three Holy Stars', he also introduced him to join the Star Alliance. According to the laws and rules of the Star Alliance, Liang Ji can also occupy a seat in the 'Three Holy Stars'. Obtain resources, spiritual objects, origin and other benefits.

The resources, spiritual objects, and origins that seventh-level stars can obtain are naturally far superior to those of sixth-level stars.

This is really related to Liang Ji's own interests, and he will naturally not sit idly by.

"Ship Spirit, launch an attack! Kill the seventh-level void mirage on the battlefield!"

Liang Ji did not hesitate and directly ordered the 'ship spirit' to take action.

The 'Ship Spirit' responded to the order, and the next moment another bright starlight shot down from the void like the 'breath of a heavenly snake', passing through the clouds and space, and shot directly at the seventh-order void mirage in the battlefield.

Ouch! Roar……

In the battlefield, this seventh-level void mirage demon had a pair of shells. It was not afraid of the waves, fire clouds, and black wind that surrounded and attacked it. These attacks of the three saints could not even break through the mirage demon's pair of shells.

But at this time, facing the starlight from the sky, this seventh-level void mirage opened its shell and let out a roar.

Bright golden light burst out from the shell, dyeing the entire shell golden.

The next moment, starlight bombarded the golden shell. Suddenly the golden light dissipated and the shell shattered into pieces. The entire seventh-order void mirage seemed to be a bubble and mist, dissipating under the bombardment of starlight.


"not good!"


When the Three Saints and Liang Ji in the starship saw this scene, their expressions changed suddenly and they exclaimed.

They would not think that the seventh-order void mirage was directly destroyed by the starship starlight attack. This situation can only show that the seventh-order void mirage left on the battlefield is simply an illusion and phantom.

The void mirage is good at generating various illusions in the fog, causing the enemy to gradually sink in the illusion and be swallowed by the void mirage. And this seventh-level void mirage has obviously taken a step further in controlling illusions and illusions. Even the illusion contains the power of law, which is similar to the giant shark, fire bird, and black tiger that erupted from the 'Three Saints', which is enough to make the illusion come true.

And the seventh-level void mirage monster left this illusion here, attracting the attention of the three saints and withstanding the attack of Liang Ji's starship, but its body had already taken the opportunity to escape and made other moves.

boom! boom! Rumble...

Sure enough, the next moment, the entire 'Three Holy Stars' began to vibrate violently. Loud roars continued to be heard from inside the stars. The earth shook, the earth cracked, volcanoes erupted, and tsunamis swept across. All kinds of star destruction and doomsday signs appeared in the 'Three Holy Stars'. The Holy Star' erupted.

The real seventh-level void mirage, after attracting attacks by pretending to be real, has actually taken the opportunity to escape into the spiritual veins of the stars, devouring the star origins of the 'Three Holy Stars' at an accelerated pace.

It wanted to rob it hard before escaping.

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