The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 671 Using the ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’ instead and the seventh-level mirage monster escapes

The seventh-level void mirage is not much worse than many high-level monks in terms of wisdom, methods, and determination.

Perhaps when he discovered the starship in the void beyond the stars and realized that the Covenant monks were involved, he had already decided on the strategy of making this illusion come true and secretly plotting against Chen Cang.

Its transformed body attracts attacks from the Three Saints and starships outside, while its true body has escaped into the star spiritual veins, devouring and plundering the star spiritual veins and origins regardless of the consequences.

Perhaps, this seventh-level Void Mirage originally wanted to slowly erode and twist the 'Three Holy Stars' into misty stars, and turn them into the birthplace of the Void Mirage clan.

But now, realizing that success is no longer possible, he no longer has any scruples and destructively devours and plunders.

In just a short moment, the star spiritual veins have been severely damaged, and the power of starlight in the source is leaking rapidly. The power of sun starlight, which represents the seventh-level star level, is already small. At this time, more than half of it disappeared in a moment, almost disappearing. In the origin of the stars, the 'Three Holy Stars' fell directly to the sixth level.

"not good!"

"Hurry and stabilize your spiritual veins!"

"Stabilize the roots!"

The three saints all changed their colors at this time, and each used their own methods to escape underground, escape into the star spiritual veins, stabilize the star spiritual veins, and prevent the destruction, devouring and plundering of the void mirage.

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Liang Ji also looked ugly. He now doubted whether the seventh-level void mirage that invaded the "Three Sacred Stars" had fought against the monks and starships of the Star Alliance. For starships The strengths and weaknesses are very clear.

The seventh-level starships of the Covenant are huge in size, have overturned formations and restrictions, and are powerful. They are often suitable for strong attacks and hard fights. They use high-level formations and restrictions to directly gather powerful attack methods to kill the enemy.

However, the many formations and restrictions in this starship are not able to penetrate into the star spiritual veins and kill the enemy without damaging the star spiritual veins or causing damage to the stars.

Therefore, the seventh-level void mirage monster escaped into the star spiritual veins and turned the battlefield into the star spiritual veins, but it hit Liang Ji's weak spot.

He simply cannot use the attack of the starship to blast directly into the star spiritual veins to kill the void mirage, otherwise it will only directly smash and completely destroy the 'Three Holy Stars' that already have signs of doom and destruction below.

After a few expressions changed, Liang Ji raised the 'Star Mirror' again and checked the Dao Fruit data. It had recovered to 47.59% and was about to return to its peak.

"We can still fight hard. After this war, we must plunder these three holy stars to make up for these losses."

Liang Ji had a thought in his mind and immediately sent an order to Wu Shanshan:

"Wu Shanshan, led all the ghosts and gods to activate the projection of the 'Bang of Gods' to help the Three Saints stabilize the origin of the stars and prevent the void mirage from devouring and plundering."


Wu Shanshan directly accepted the order, and then led a group of impermanent ghosts, gods and ghost officials who entered the 'Three Holy Stars' to activate the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' that invaded the origin of the stars.

Brilliant divine light burst out from the projection of the 'Fengshen Bang', shooting towards the source of the stars, but this time it is no longer swallowing and plundering the source of the stars, but consuming the divine light to protect, stabilize these turbulences, and be mired by the void. The origin of the stars swallowed by demons.

As the most important inheritance of the Kunlun Star Palace, the ‘Feng Shen Bang’ is very mysterious and has many uses. It can be used to plunder and devour the origins of other stars to nourish and strengthen the star owner’s natal stars.

This process can also be reversed, by consuming the source of the star lord's natal star to attack or assist other stars.

Liang Ji could clearly feel that the 'Feng Shen Bang' was devouring the source of stars in his natal star, transforming the divine light into the projection.

This feeling can be said to be very uncomfortable, as if blood is being continuously drawn.

Especially after experiencing the previous situation where the ‘Fengshen List’ consumed too much star source, and the natal star source was depleted and suffered backlash.

Liang Ji set a bottom line in his mind. He stared closely at the 'Dao Fruit' data manifested in the 'Star Book', and once it reached 45%, he would immediately stop the 'Fengshen List''s consumption of the source of stars.

He definitely doesn't want to suffer another bad situation of losing his original source and having his natal star backfire.

If the Three Saints had not been able to kill or drive away the seventh-level void mirage monster that had escaped into the star spiritual veins before then, then Liang Ji could only say sorry. He would not rather let his natal star suffer the backlash. , also want to protect the 'Three Holy Stars'.

Even if the 'Three Holy Stars' fell from the seventh-level star, he would only make less money at most, but the impact on Liang Ji would be limited.

As for the devastating blow to the 'Three Saints', Liang Ji couldn't care so much.

Only when people help themselves can others help them.

Whether they can keep their position at the seventh level of the 'Three Saints' and whether they can keep their name as the 'Three Saints' ultimately depends on their own means and strength.

In the star spiritual veins of the 'Three Holy Stars', the three Blue Scale Saints clearly noticed the changes in the origin of the stars, and immediately seized the opportunity to attack the Void Mirage with all their strength.

Roaring sounds and turbulence continued to come from the depths of the stars, shaking the stars and shaking the mountains, causing landslides and ground cracks, and tsunamis overturning them.

Fortunately, the star spiritual veins and origins of the 'Three Holy Stars' are no longer lost or leaked, and starlight no longer leaks out of the earthquakes, landslides and cracks in the ground. Although there is still a lot of movement, there is no sign of doomsday. elephant.

Liang Ji was divided between two minds, paying attention to the battle in the 'Three Holy Stars' and staring at the Daoguo data on the 'Star Book'.


As the data continues to approach the bottom line of 45%, Liang Ji has even allocated a part of his mind to connect with the "Fengshen List" in the natal stars, and is ready to stop the "Fengshen List" from consuming the source of the natal stars at any time.


At this moment, a howl came from the 'Three Saints', and the seventh-order void mirage that escaped into the star's spiritual veins was finally driven out by the 'Three Saints'.

The escaping void mirage did not continue to entangle or linger on the stars. It directly turned into a golden light and escaped from the stars, and flew into the void to escape.


On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the phantom of the Heavenly Serpent appeared. It opened its mouth and spat out a stream of starlight that directly hit the escaping golden light. The golden light was shattered into half. The escaping seventh-level void mirage was also severely damaged. However, Without the entanglement and obstruction of the 'Three Saints', a single strike from the starship failed to directly kill and leave behind the seventh-order void mirage.

Liang Ji saw the void mirage turn into golden light and escape into the void, disappearing into the distance, and then turned his attention back to the 'Three Holy Stars' below.

The 'Three Saints' saw the seventh-level void mirage demon fleeing into the void. They had no intention of pursuing them. Instead, they all stayed behind and were busy stabilizing the spiritual veins of the stars and the academy, suppressing and restoring all kinds of earthquakes in the stars. , the sign of destruction.

Just to stabilize this severely damaged star and maintain it at the level of a seventh-level star.

Liang Ji had already stopped consuming the source of his natal stars with the 'Feng Shen Bang', and turned his gaze to the mist-shrouded sea above the stars.

The seventh-level void mirage escaped, but a large number of middle and low-level void mirages under its command were still on the stars and did not have time to escape.

Liang Ji's target, the fourth-order void mirage demon, was among them.

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