The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 672 Gathering the Demonic Pills

Liang Ji came to the 'Three Holy Stars', and his original purpose was to hunt the fourth-order void mirage demon and make up for the missing fourth-order void mirage demon elixir, so that he could discover this life star and the seventh-order spiritual vein star 'Three Holy Stars' , it can be said to be a complete surprise.

But now, the crisis on the 'Three Holy Stars' has been temporarily resolved, and he has also established a foothold on the 'Three Holy Stars', and even recruited the 'Three Holy Stars' into the Star Alliance; Liang Ji naturally began to care about the original goal, and hunted Killed the fourth level Void Mirage.

On the 'Three Holy Stars', in the mist-shrouded sea, as the seventh-level void mirage escaped, the remaining middle and low-level void mirages became completely panicked.

Around the foggy sea area, various indigenous teams organized by the Three Saints also received orders from the 'Three Saints' to launch a full-scale attack to kill all the low- and middle-level mirages left behind by the seventh-level void mirage. Kill and completely eliminate the mirage danger of the 'Three Holy Stars'.

Sounds of fighting, roars and roars are constantly coming from the foggy ocean. Without the seventh-level void mirage, it is very difficult for the remaining middle and low-level void mirages to manipulate and sweep the fog that pervades the sea. Naturally, it is more difficult to resist the counterattack of the Star natives.

In particular, these indigenous teams, under the hands of the 'Three Saints', have more methods that contain the 'power of law'; after all, the natives of the 'Scorpio Kingdom' can set off sandstorms containing the power of the law, not to mention the men of these Three Saints.

In this way, the mid- to low-level void mirages in the fog are more difficult to resist.

After only a few hours of fighting, the void mirages in the foggy sea rushed out of the fog in groups, rushed directly through the clouds, rushed out of the Three Holy Stars, and rushed into the void beyond the stars.

These void monsters originally lived in the void outside the sky. After leaving the stars and entering the void, they became more active and powerful like fish entering the sea.

As for the many natives in the 'Three Saint Stars', except for the 'Three Saints' who had reached the seventh level of cultivation, the many native teams who fought back were unable to escape from the stars and enter the void outside the sky.

They could only watch helplessly as the void mirage team escaped into the void, but were unable to pursue them.

At this moment, these natives suddenly saw that in the void outside the sky, a portal composed of starlight emerged and opened in the void.

The next moment, flying boats rushed out from the 'Star Gate'. There were various strange aliens on the flying boats. They drove the flying boats to attack the mirage team that had escaped into the void.

Thunder flames, storm golden light, mountain ice and other strange phenomena blasted out from those flying boats and blasted into the team of void mirages, blasting away the fleeing team of void mirages.

Among them, the mid-level void mirages are not afraid of these ordinary elemental attacks, but the largest number in the mirage team is the low-level void mirages, which naturally cannot withstand these elemental attacks.

Even those mid-level void mirages can't protect all the low-level void mirages. This is what only the seventh-level void mirages can do.

Therefore, in just one attack by the flying boat team, a large number of low-level void mirages were killed, their limbs and debris scattered in the void, and some even fell into the 'Three Holy Stars' below.

Immediately after these ordinary elemental attacks, there were bloodline phenomena and gods such as Chaofeng, Biuan, Suanni, Baxia, Jiaotu, etc. manifested on each flying boat, blessing the flying boat with the power of bloodline magic and gods. On top of the various elemental attacks.

Suddenly, the power of elemental attacks such as wind, thunder, water, fire, ice, golden light, and mountain poison suddenly increased dozens of times, and once again blasted into the void mirage's team.

At the same time, the void mirage team that had been bombarded was shattered to pieces.

This time, most of the low-level void mirages were swept away and killed in the void. Even the fourth-level void mirages among the intermediate void mirages were mostly unable to withstand these powerful elemental attacks.

The misty natural disaster was shattered, the shells and conch shells were blasted, the golden light was annihilated, and the fourth-order void mirage monsters were killed on the spot, and the remains and demon elixirs were scattered in the void.

Seeing this, the remaining void mirages couldn't care less about anything else. The mid-level void mirages were undoubtedly guarding the remaining low-level void mirages. They all disintegrated directly in the void and fled in all directions using various means.


"Set up a formation to surround and kill!"

The orders of the 'Second Generation Poison King' came from the flying boat sent by Liang Ji's subordinates.

Among the 'Three Holy Stars', Wu Shanshan leads the battle. In order to hunt down the Void Mirage, Liang Ji has already recalled the 'Second Generation Poison King' to his natal star, allowing him to command the family members, flying boats, and preside over the hunt for the Void Mirage.

In the void, the Ten Meridian Familia flying boats suddenly dispersed. Ten ships formed a team to form the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation'. The 'Sky Snake' inherited formation was activated on the flying boats, and all the ordinary elemental attacks that broke out were destroyed. Transformed into various 'breaths of elements', there are ten kinds of 'breaths of elements' that are transformed into 'breaths of destruction' through the battle formation.

These elemental breaths and destructive breaths were shot at the scattered and escaping void mirages. Even the fifth-level void mirages were either killed or severely injured.

Several teams of flying boats formed a battle formation to surround and trap the few sixth-order void mirages in the void mirage group.

These flying boats that besieged the sixth-order void mirage were blessed by ghosts and gods. The power of ghosts and gods, the breath of elements, the magical power of blood, the power of battle formations, etc., converged into one to attack the sixth-order void mirage. .

The fog, golden light, shells and other protections erupted on the sixth-order void mirage were all destroyed by these attacks. Even if the attack of the family flying boat could not kill the sixth-order void mirage with one blow, it could still severely damage it.

Afterwards, the Familia controlled the flying boat and launched several more attacks, grinding these sixth-order void mirage monsters to death in the void.

As Liang Ji advanced to the intermediate level of Star Master, and the natal stars were refined into the ‘God List’ that was the main inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace, the power of the Star Palace inheritance gradually began to be revealed.

With Liang Ji's current fighting power of ghosts, gods, dependents, and flying boats, he can even hunt down the sixth-level void monsters across two levels.

Of course, this is at the expense of the ‘God List’ consuming the origin and law of the natal stars and weakening the Dao Fruit; they can only engage in short-term battles and hunt a small number of sixth-order void monsters across two levels.

There are too many, and the consumption of the source of the natal stars is difficult to support, so naturally they can only escape in advance.

However, at this time, there were only a few sixth-level void mirages. Even though the source of Liang Ji's natal star had been consumed a lot just now, it was enough to support the power of ghosts and gods to bless the family members and flying boats and kill them.

In the void, Liang Ji's Familia and flying boats arranged in an orderly manner, divided and slaughtered the void mirages. There were even several teams of Familia flying boats following the battlefields, specifically responsible for cleaning up the battlefields.

Everything seemed very relaxed.

The corpses, remains, and demon elixirs of all levels of void mirage monsters were put into the starship one after another. Liang Ji specially took out the fourth-level void mirage demon elixirs individually.

One, two... ten, twenty... thirty...

During this hunt, Liang Ji finally gathered together the remaining fourth-level void mirage demon pills, which relieved his worries.

On the Three Saints Star, the Three Saints had also escaped from the star spiritual veins at this time, and like their native team, they were watching the battle in the void.

Because of their cultivation and level, they could see the situation in the void battlefield more clearly. It was also the first time they saw the Star Lord's methods, and they all had a look of surprise on their faces.

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