The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 673 True body enters the stars

Three Holy Stars, a place along the coast, above the indigenous city facing the foggy ocean.

Liang Ji met the Three Saints. This time he entered the real body of Xingchen. Although his cultivation and strength were still far behind those of the Three Saints, he didn't have much to worry about.

In the battle with the Void Mirage, Liang Ji had already demonstrated the seventh-level attack power of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and also demonstrated the means to penetrate deep into the origin of the Three Holy Stars, and even showed that in the void The force to kill the void mirage.

Moreover, the Three Saints have also learned about the power of the Star Alliance through the jade slips he gave them.

Liang Ji believed that they would never do anything stupid. Otherwise, only destruction will greet them and the Three Holy Stars.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Liang, for your help. We can drive away and kill those void mirages and protect the 'Three Holy Stars'."

On top of the city tower, the Three Saints asked their men to set up a banquet to thank Liang Ji for his rescue.

"Fellow Taoist is from the Star Alliance. I think I have tasted many delicacies from the mountains and seas. However, although our Three Saint Stars are small, we also have some special spiritual meals and brews of our own. Please don't dislike it, fellow Taoist."

Saint Chiyu picked up a cup of spiritual brew, toasted Liang Ji, and said with a smile.

"Haha, you're welcome, senior." Liang Ji took the spirit brew and drank together, smiling and saying: "There are countless stars in the vast universe, and there are countless life stars among them. Each life star has its own unique charm and taste."

"We, the Star Alliance monks, travel in the sea of ​​​​stars to find these life stars, enjoy the scenery and taste them."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, the Black King Saint on the side turned his eyes and couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Daoist Liang, we saw in the Star Alliance information you gave us that there is a unique way of practice in the Star Alliance called the Star Master Taoism. "

"As long as you practice to the middle level, you can break away from the stars and travel and fight in the void star sea. Seeing those void mirages that were killed in the void before, could it be the method of the star master's orthodoxy?"

Liang Ji nodded slightly, seeing that the Three Saints were quite curious about the Star Lord's orthodoxy. He used the power of the golden elixir and the natal star at the moment, stretched out his hand towards the direction of the foggy ocean outside the city, and a 'star gate' opened in mid-air. The team members walked out holding some spiritual fruits, spiritual brews, and spiritual meals, and climbed up to the city tower in front of the banquet.

He smiled and said: "Star Master monks all control a star. These spiritual fruits, spiritual brews, and spiritual meals are all made by my family members using the spiritual objects in my natal star, and some are made from previously hunted animals. Made of void mirage demon flesh and blood.”

"Three fellow Taoists might as well try it."

While he was talking, Liang Ji's family members had already put the spiritual meals, spiritual brews, etc. on the banquet.

The three saints saw a look of curiosity on this face. They looked at the 'Star Gate' opened in mid-air and the dependents. They also tasted the spiritual meals, spiritual brews, etc. presented by the dependents, and expressed admiration.

"Star masters all have their own natal stars. Are they stars like our three holy stars?"

After tasting the spiritual meal made by the Void Mirage, Saint Akabane seemed to ask casually.

Liang Ji nodded, then shook his head and said: "Star Lord's natal stars are all developed from the Death Star and become life stars. They are somewhat similar to the life stars created by the universe like the 'Three Saint Stars', but they are also slidely different."

After hearing his words, the three saints felt a little relieved.

Liang Ji understood that they were worried that the 'Three Holy Stars' would become the star's natal star. Now I heard that the Star Master will not refine the life stars into the natal stars, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, Liang Ji knew that they were relieved too early. Although the star master monks in the Star Alliance could not refine life stars into natal stars, many immortal monks from other Taoist traditions could refine life stars into "earth immortals". 'Blessed Land'.

Seventh-level life stars like the 'Three Holy Stars' have always been an excellent choice for many third-level immortals to refine into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

In particular, after the previous Earth Immortal Rebellion in the Manggu Star Territory, many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance have understood that if the Earth Immortal Taoism wants to develop successfully, the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' must continue to grow and advance, reaching the ninth level. Only then can it be possible to truly transcend and become a saint, opening up a path that is no less than a Star Lord.

In this way, the seventh-level life stars are refined into the ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’, which will undoubtedly make it easier to grow and advance to the ninth level.

When the news of the 'Three Holy Stars' spreads to the Star Alliance, there will definitely be third-level immortals who want to take advantage of it.

I just don’t know if the Three Saints can guard this star when the time comes.

Of course, there is another possibility. After the 'Three Saints' join the Star Alliance and the Three Saints learn about the 'Earth Immortal Taoism', it is very likely that they themselves will refine the 'Three Saints' into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. '.

After all, they have reached the seventh level of cultivation. It can be said that the road has come to an end. If they don't try the 'Earth Immortal Taoism', there is no possibility for them to go further.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, after we join the Star Alliance, can we also practice the Star Lord's orthodoxy?"

Putting aside his worries about the 'Three Holy Stars' for the time being, the Blue Scale Saint couldn't help but ask.

Liang Ji shook his head and said: "You already have your own path of cultivation, but you can no longer cultivate the planetary main lineage."

Listening to his words, the Three Saints had a little regret on their faces, but they didn't care too much. Just like Liang Ji said, they have reached the seventh level with their own cultivation path, so how can they easily change to other paths? , I’m just a little curious about the Star Lord’s orthodoxy.

Liang Ji did not want to get entangled or talk too much about these matters. He pointed to the fog-shrouded ocean outside the city and changed the topic: "Three seniors, the invading void mirages have been driven away or killed. Can you find a way to get rid of these remaining mist problems?"

After hearing Liang Ji's inquiry, the faces of the three saints showed a hint of worry.

It was Saint Akabane who continued: "The fog on the ocean is easy to dispel, but the fog in the spiritual veins and origin is difficult to dispel."

"We have tried it before in the star spiritual veins to dispel the fog and restore the origin of the spiritual veins. We spent a lot of law power, but the effect was only a little bit."

"We have estimated that it will take at least hundreds of years to slowly expel the fog of origin and restore the star spiritual veins by our own means."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but shake her head slightly and sigh.

The Black King Saint's eyes flashed slightly, realizing that there must be a reason why Liang Ji said these fogs at this time. He immediately took over the conversation and said: "Fellow Daoist Liang, the Star Alliance is strong and prosperous. I wonder if there are any means or methods to help us quickly Get rid of the mist of the origin and restore the spiritual veins and origin of the stars?"

Liang Ji nodded slightly and said: "The Star Alliance has been hunting the Void Demon Clan all year round. Naturally, there are ways to deal with the means and destruction left by these Void Demon Clan, and there are many of them."

"Immortal magic, high-level formations, spiritual plants, fairy weapons, etc."

"But I'm just a mid-level monk, but I'm not good at this. I need to invite some high-level monks to help me."

After hearing Liang Ji's words, the expressions of the Three Saints could not help but change slightly.

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