The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 674: Capture the Three Holy Stars

The void mirages that invaded the 'Three Holy Stars' have been driven away and killed. It can be said that the Three Holy Stars and the 'Three Holy Stars' have been eliminated as the biggest threat.

Although Liang Ji is confident that the Three Saints will not take action against him, in the final analysis, his level and cultivation level are still much lower than those of the Three Saints, and he relies more on the strong background of the 'Star Alliance'.

Even if the Three Saints would not take action against him, they would undoubtedly be able to use some means in the 'Three Saints' to squeeze and limit Liang Ji's gains and interests in the 'Three Saints'.

In fact, Liang Ji speculated that the Three Saints would definitely do these methods and restrictions.

From the fact that they named this star 'Three Holy Stars', it can be seen that the three of them regard this star as their own. Now that outsiders are allowed to enter and seize the benefits, how can they be completely willing and do nothing.

Therefore, after Liang Ji destroyed the void mirage, he chose to enter the Three Saints in his true form, directly intersect and feast with the Three Saints, which was a demonstration of his confidence and goodwill.

But at the same time, he also took the opportunity to get rid of the source of the fog in the star spiritual veins and suggested that high-level monks from the Star Alliance be invited to help.

This is also a way to show your attitude and test the Three Saints.

Sure enough, after listening to Liang Ji's words, the faces of the three saints changed slightly, showing hesitation.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, are you planning to invite high-level Star Lord monks from the Star Alliance to help?"

There was obviously a secret communication between the three saints. At this time, the blue scale saint asked.

Liang Ji smiled, shook his head and said, "It's just to get rid of the source of fog in the star's spiritual veins, so there's no need for a high-level star master to take action."

"I'm just inviting two members of my team to explore in the void of the outer world."

"They are also at the seventh level of cultivation. They have no way of cultivating the main planetary system. Now they are just pausing and studying in another galaxy a few light years away, in another life star we discovered before."

"One of them is an array master, and the other is a weapon master. They have mastered many powerful array and weapon methods in the Star Alliance. Their actions are enough to quickly drive away the source of fog in the star spiritual veins."

Hearing what Liang Ji said, although the Three Saints still looked hesitant, they looked better after all.

Although they have not seen the power of high-level star master monks, they have also seen Liang Ji's previous battle to kill the void mirage in the void.

As long as a fourth-level star master sends out his fourth-level dependents, he can easily kill void mirages of the same level in the void, and even cross-level to kill fifth- and sixth-level void mirages.

You can tell the whole story at a glance. If the middle-level star masters have such methods, how can the strength and methods of the high-level star masters in the Star Alliance be any worse?

If Liang Ji really invites a high-level star master to come, how can the three of them resist? By then, I am afraid that life and death will really be out of their control, and neither will the Three Sacred Stars.

Now they heard that Liang Ji said that the one he invited was not a high-level star master, but a seventh-level monk like them, which made them relax a little.

Although they know that they may not be opponents of seventh-level monks from the Star Alliance, at least they don't seem to be afraid of facing high-level star masters.

The Three Saints discussed it privately for a while, and finally agreed to Liang Ji's suggestion.

"It is our honor to be able to invite high-level monks from the Star Alliance to come and help." Saint Chiyu smiled and toasted Liang Ji again, and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Fellow Daoist Liang."

Although they were worried, the Three Saints knew very well that they could not refuse Liang Ji's suggestion.

Even if they refused, Liang Ji could still send a message to invite high-level monks from the Star Alliance to come.

Unless they fall out with each other and kill each other here.

However, after seeing Liang Ji's Star Master methods, even though the three of them were seventh-level monks with far superior cultivation and strength than Liang Ji, they still had no confidence in being able to kill each other.

If they take action, they will not be able to kill the opponent, but will take the death penalty, which will be even more disadvantageous for them.

What's more, Liang Ji's starship is still in the void outside the stars, and may blast towards the Three Holy Stars at any time and destroy the stars.

They were even less clear about whether Liang Ji had already passed on the location and information to the Star Alliance before entering the Three Holy Stars. Will their rash actions lead to a strike from the Star Alliance?

After seeing the jade slips given by Liang Ji, they knew that the power of the Star Alliance was beyond what they and the Three Saints could resist.

Therefore, no matter how the three of them discussed it, they had no choice but to agree to Liang Ji's suggestion.

Hearing this, Liang Ji also raised his spirit brew and toasted each of the three of them with a toast, and said with a smile: "You three seniors, you don't have to be polite. If you choose to join the Star Alliance, we will all be friends."

"Friends should help each other."

"When my two teammates arrive and solve the problem of the source of the fog in the star spiritual veins, we can set up formations in the galaxies beyond the stars to connect with the Star Alliance."

"At that time, the three seniors can go to the Star Alliance and see with their own eyes the prosperity and power of the Star Alliance."

"Believe me, you will not regret joining the Star Alliance."


"Then please take care of me, Taoist friend Liang."

The Three Saints smiled and raised their wine glasses to drink with Liang Ji, smiling.

Seeing this, Liang Ji's smile became more and more obvious, and his heart was settled. He had truly won the 'Three Holy Stars'.

Three months later, another starship flew in from the void outside the 'Three Holy Stars'.

Liang Ji and the Three Saints boarded into the void to welcome the arrival of the starship. Two figures flew out from the starship. They were none other than Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu. One was a formation master and the other was a tool master. They were exactly what they are doing now. Need help.

Moreover, the biggest benefit of being on the 'Wood Meteor' is the Star Origin Spiritual Plant after all. The two of them stayed on it for nearly a year and have basically harvested everything they could. Now there is not much to do if they continue to stay on the 'Wood Meteor'.

After receiving the message from Liang Ji through the family members who stayed on the 'Wood Meteor Star', and knowing that he had captured a seventh-order star alone, he was naturally more interested in coming to the 'Three Holy Stars' to have a look.

Above these seventh-level stars, they can gain more.

Therefore, the two of them directly borrowed a starship from the 'Second Star Port Team' and set off from the 'Wood Meteor Star' to rush to the 'Three Holy Stars'.

With coordinate guidance, the two of them did not delay along the way, and rushed to the Three Holy Stars much faster than Liang Ji did.

"Thank you, Senior Chu and Senior Xia, for coming to support us."

Liang Ji bowed to Chu Yue and Xia Wu for a long time and said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, didn't you say you were going to hunt the Void Mirage? How did you hunt this seventh-level star in the outer realm?"

Liang Ji's formation to lure the void mirage was designed and arranged by Chu Yue, so Chu Yue was naturally very clear about the purpose of his trip. He couldn't help but smile when they met at this time.

"Haha... It's all luck." Liang Ji said with a smile: "But I am really a void mirage hunting on these seventh-level stars."

"I would also like to thank Senior Chu for helping me design and arrange the 'directional monster luring formation'."

Xia Wujiu on the side looked at the 'Three Holy Stars' below and confirmed that it was a seventh-order star. His eyes couldn't help but shine, and he smiled and said to Liang Ji: "Fellow Daoist Liang, you are eating alone..."

Liang Ji also smiled and replied: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xia, it's the benefits of Herborist Group and Shande Building. Naturally, they will not be less."

The three of them chatted and laughed for a while, and then Liang Ji changed the subject and said, "Senior Chu, Senior Xia, and Senior Three Saints, I'm here to introduce you."

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