The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 675 The expansion of the Dragon Emperor Sect

Three Holy Stars, the northwest desert land.

Outside the second oasis occupied by Wu Shanshan's leadership, sandstorms filled the sky, quicksand rolled up like a camel's hump, and there were even loud roars of wolves, like a tidal wave, and a cloud of evil energy rising into the sky.

After Wu Shanshan led the team to defeat the Scorpion Kingdom team and seize the oasis of Scorpion Kingdom, the Scorpion Kingdom did not make any moves in the following months.

However, he did not expect that the natives of the Scorpio Country would not move but would shake the world. They would directly pull the other two indigenous countries in the desert, the Golden Camel Country and the Wild Wolf Country, to form a joint team to attack.

For a moment, three celestial phenomena filled with the power of laws surrounded the oasis from three directions, leaving no way to escape. Apparently they wanted to kill Wu Shanshan and other ghosts, gods, dependents, and followers of the Dragon Emperor Sect in this oasis. among.

In the oasis, the indigenous believers of the Dragon Emperor Sect were panicked when they saw this. But this time, I don’t know whether it was because they had witnessed Wu Shanshan and others’ victory over the Scorpio Kingdom’s army and captured the natives; or because the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms surrounded the oasis, leaving no room for them to escape. Although the indigenous followers of the Dragon Emperor Sect were panicked, they did not break up and flee and surrendered directly.

In the center of the oasis, in front of the Temple of the Dragon Emperor Sect, Wu Shanshan walked out of the temple and looked up at the celestial attack launched by the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces surrounding her, but there was no look of surprise on her face.

She didn't even summon the ghosts, gods, family members, and flying boats to prepare for the battle. Instead, she raised her hand and struck a jade pendant into the sky above the oasis.

The jade pendant bloomed with spiritual light in the air, condensing into three visions: blue shark, fire bird, and black tiger, which were the only symbols of the seven-level indigenous ‘Three Saints’ among the stars.

These symbols are not just simple manifestations in the air. The giant shark roars and stirs up turbulent waves, the firebird sings and rolls up the sky with fire clouds, and the black tiger roars and stirs up the black wind. They all contain the spirit, will, and even control of the Three Saints. Part of the power of law.

This is a representative of the will of the Three Saints. If the Three Saints come in person, if necessary, they can indeed use these vision signs as carriers to descend a spiritual consciousness.

There is no doubt that this jade pendant, which contains the logo and will of the Three Saints, was given to Liang Ji by the Three Saints, so that he could be on this 'Three Saints' without being attacked or disturbed by the natives from all over the country.

By doing this, the Three Saints were not only making good friends with Liang Ji, but also undoubtedly protecting the various indigenous races and capitals in the stars.

Otherwise, if he gets anxious, Liang Ji drives the starship to attack in the starry sky. On this "Three Saints", I am afraid that no other natives except the Three Saints can withstand and resist.

Sure enough, Wu Shanshan sacrificed the jade pendant to the sky, revealing the symbol and power of the Three Saints. Suddenly, the sandstorms, sand dunes, and evil clouds that were attacking from all sides stopped one after another.

With the name of the Three Saints and the power of the Three Saints, on this star, even if their true bodies have not arrived, just a mark has stopped the three armies of the indigenous countries in the desert who have found the path to high-level. This shows their power.

And after the blue shark, firebird, and black tiger roared and roared, each demonstrating their majesty and will, the stagnant sandstorms, sand dunes, and evil clouds around the oasis began to retreat and collapse.

The combined army formed by the three strongest indigenous nations in the desert retreated without even showing their faces before reaching the oasis.

In the oasis, upon seeing this, many indigenous people and followers of the Dragon Emperor Sect burst into cheers. For a time, the indigenous people were extremely enthusiastic about their belief in the 'Dragon Emperor'.

There were even many natives who had not joined the Dragon Emperor Cult. When they saw the symbol of the Three Saints, they went to the temple and asked to join the Dragon Emperor Cult.

At the same time, southeast of the stars, in the mist-shrouded sea.

Xia Wujiu and Chu Yue were refining weapons and setting up formations respectively, preparing to purify the star spiritual veins of the three holy stars and dispel and restore the source of the fog in the spiritual veins.

Liang Ji and the Three Saints also followed, watching or helping.

Especially for the Three Saints, it was their first time to see Xia Wujiu's methods of refining weapons and Chu Yue's formations. It was truly an eye-opener for them to see the mature weapons and array methods developed in the Star Alliance.

They even discovered that Xia Wujiu refined weapons to connect the star spiritual veins, and Chu Yue formed an array to sort out the star spiritual veins. During this process, he showed various familiarity and mastery of the star spiritual veins, even surpassing the level of their three seventh-level monks who were born and raised in the stars. Understanding of the spiritual veins of the stars.

Just accompanying them and seeing them, they have already gained a lot. They have no regrets about joining the Star Alliance. They even want to go to the Star Alliance homeland as soon as possible to truly see and learn about the Star Alliance's high-level civilization and prosperous cultivation. road.

At this moment, Liang Ji and the Three Saints almost simultaneously sensed the changes in the northwest desert on the other side of the stars.

Liang Ji learned about the situation in the desert oasis through Wu Shanshan and his family members; the Three Saints sensed that their imprints were activated, and subconsciously transmitted a ray of consciousness to understand the local situation.

When they saw the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms retreat in the desert and the oasis occupied by Wu Shanshan and others was successfully saved, Liang Ji and the Three Saints each regained their minds and consciousness.

"Thank you three fellow Taoists." Liang Ji also knew that the Three Saints must have seen the confrontation in the northwest desert, and he thanked the three of them with a bow.

It was also because of the majesty of the Three Saints that the ghosts, gods, and dependents under him were able to defeat the enemy without a fight and successfully preserved the oasis city and the foundation of the Dragon Emperor Sect. Naturally, they had to be grateful.

Akabane Sheng smiled and said: "You don't need to thank me, Fellow Daoist Liang, we didn't do much, we just showed our attitude."

"Even if we don't express our position, even if they really fight, the three desert countries will be defeated and suffer heavy casualties in the end. After all, we saved their lives."

Hearing what she said, several people had smiles on their faces.

At this time, Blue Scale Saint took over the conversation and said: "Speaking of which, Fellow Daoist Liang, you built the Dragon Emperor Sect in the northwest desert and occupied two desert oases. Could it be that you also want to build a country on the 'Three Holy Stars'?"

"If that's the case, just tell us which piece of land on the stars you like, and we will come forward to get it for you and let Qian Liguo build it."

"It also prevents those people below who don't know the depth and start fighting with your men. Then those people below will suffer a small loss, and it will hurt everyone's harmony."

"That's right! That's right! Fellow Daoist Liang, just say whatever you like."

Akabane Sheng also answered.

The Black King Saint also looked at him.

Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he saw this. He understood that this was the Three Saints testing his intentions for the 'Three Saint Stars'. He smiled and shook his head and said: "I have my own star, so why bother to build a country on this star."

However, this 'Dragon Emperor Sect' is indeed of some use to my practice. If the three seniors are willing to allow my 'Dragon Emperor Sect' to preach on this star, it will be the greatest help to me.

"Haha... It's easy to say, this matter is not simple." After hearing what he said, the Blue Scale Saint laughed and said: "We will pass on the order and let all the countries in the stars build Dragon Emperor Sect temples and worship the Dragon Emperor Sect as its name. That’s the state religion.”

Saint Akabane and Saint Black King also nodded in agreement.

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