The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 676: A deal to help each other, searching for treasures in the underworld

The Star Alliance's outer-land expedition team searches for the stars of life in the outer star sea. One of its main purposes is to plunder the resources, spiritual objects, origins, etc. on these stars to develop itself.

If the star is completely captured by the expedition team, like the Yuyang Star, Jupiter Meteor Star, etc. before, naturally, the expedition team can search for resources, spiritual objects, etc. in the star without worrying about the opinions of the natives of the star.

But this 'Three Holy Stars' is obviously different. It has been promoted to the seventh-level star, which is a high-level star, and there are also seventh-level natives born on it. According to the regulations of the Star Alliance, such stars can be invited to join the Star Alliance and become a part of the Star Alliance.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Liang Ji to plunder resources, spiritual objects, etc. on the 'Three Holy Stars', just like the Yuyang Star and Wooden Meteor Star before.

However, it was impossible for Liang Ji to capture this seventh-level star without violating it at all and collecting spiritual objects and resources from the stars.

You must know that the Three Holy Stars are seventh-level stars, and there are even seventh-level resources and spiritual objects among them. Liang Ji only needs to collect some. Even if he cannot use them temporarily, he can still exchange them for a lot of spiritual stones by selling them to the Star Alliance. .

As for fifth- and sixth-level spiritual objects and resources, there are more, and they can also be exchanged for a large number of spiritual stones when sent to the Star Alliance.

A seventh-level star is a huge source of wealth for Liang Ji, and he naturally cannot give up.

Seeing that he has now collected the fourth-order void mirage demon elixir, it is not far away to complete the cultivation of the fourth-order natal star. Once he advances to the fifth-order star master, according to the regulations of Kunlun Star Palace, he will start preparing for graduation. get ready.

Once he graduates from the Kunlun Star Palace, without the support of the Star Palace resources and loans, if he wants to cultivate his natal stars and develop his family, he will have to rely on himself to manage and obtain spiritual stones and resources.

At this time, mastering a seventh-level star in this outer realm, and the value of the spiritual objects and resources produced therein, were undoubtedly very important to him and could not be given up.

What's more, Liang Ji's expedition team signed an investment agreement with Shan De Lou and Herborist Group. Even if he discovered and captured the 'Three Holy Stars' alone, Shan De Lou and Herborist Group also had interests in it.

As he said to Xia Wujiu before, the interests of Shandelou and Herborist Group cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Liang Ji must have some means to collect resources, spiritual objects, etc. for him on the 'Three Holy Stars'.

It is undoubtedly inappropriate to directly send family members everywhere to collect and plunder on this 'Three Holy Stars'; therefore, the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' that Wu Shanshan founded among the indigenous people in order to descend on this 'Three Holy Stars' is undoubtedly the best The choice was made.

Recruiting the natives of the Three Sacred Stars with the Dragon Emperor Sect, and using these natives to collect spiritual objects and resources from the Three Sacred Stars in the name of the Dragon Emperor Sect is undoubtedly the most convenient and appropriate way, and it will not cause too much trouble among the natives in the stars. of resistance.

But now, with the endorsement of the Three Saints to help his 'Dragon Emperor Sect' expand among the Three Saints, this method is undoubtedly better.

"Thank you three fellow Taoists." Liang Ji thanked the three saints again.

They may not be ignorant of Liang Ji's purpose, but they still arranged it like this. It was obvious that after seeing Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu's methods, they became more aware of the gap with the Star Alliance and wanted to have a good relationship with Liang Ji.

Therefore, he reciprocated the favor and said: "Three Taoist friends are behind you in the Star Alliance. If you have any problems, you can contact me. I will try my best to help you if I can solve them."

Liang Ji is a Star Lord monk. He naturally occupies the upper class in the Star Alliance. Moreover, he is from the Kunlun Star Palace. Even among the Star Lords, he is considered to be in the upper class. He has strength and connections, so he can be given to the Three Saints. Get some guaranteed tickets.

It might even be a good idea to protect the 'Three Holy Stars' to prevent some third-level immortals from the Star Alliance from taking advantage of it.

"Haha... Fellow Daoist Liang is too polite." Sure enough, after hearing Liang Ji's promise, the smile on the Three Saints' faces suddenly became stronger.

Akabane Sheng even smiled and said: "We are all friends, and it is common sense to help each other."

A few people were chatting and laughing, and Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu over there had finally completed their arrangements and were preparing to activate the formation to help disperse the spiritual veins of the three holy stars and restore the origin of the stars.

At this time, in the underworld under the Nine Earths of the Three Holy Stars, on the island in the underworld occupied by Liang Ji's ghosts and gods, Liang Ji's starlight projection came and opened a star gate on the island. Wu Shanshan emerged from the star gate again. Step out and land on this island in the underworld.

She had just dealt with the danger of being besieged by the natives of the Three Kingdoms in the desert oasis in the northwest of the star world, and now she rushed to the islands in the southeastern sea of ​​​​the underworld under the nine places, preparing to lead a team of ghosts, gods, and ghost officials to search for resources in the underworld.

It can be said to be extremely busy.

This is also helpless. Among Liang Ji's natal stars, only Wu Shanshan is a cultivator of the Immortal Taoism, best suited to handle these important but complicated matters on his behalf.

"It would be great if we could recruit a few more immortal Taoist monks to station in the natal stars and bind them to the natal stars."

Liang Ji couldn't help but think about it sometimes.

But he also knows that this idea can only be thought about now. Unless he encounters a special situation like Wu Shanshan again, before he advances to a high-level star master, there may not be any immortal Taoist monks willing to station in his natal star. Be bound to him.

After all, with the current conditions in the Star Alliance, immortal Taoist monks have various ways to practice to the third level and high levels. How can they be easily bound to a star master who doesn't know whether they can practice to a high level?

Even if Liang Ji is from Kunlun Star Palace, he doesn't have much advantage in this regard.

Liang Ji was thinking in his mind. At this time, stars suddenly appeared in the sky of the underworld. Starlight fell from the sky, turning into a long river of starlight and rushing into the underworld sea shrouded in mist.

Wherever the long river of starlight passed, the underworld fog was dispersed, and the underworld fog monsters that breed in the fog were killed and crushed. The underworld sea gradually returned to its original appearance under the illumination of the long river of starlight.

This is when Chu Yue and others are operating formations on the stars, beginning to dispel the original fog in the star spiritual veins, and restore the original appearance of the star spiritual veins and origin.

On the island of Minghai, Wu Shanshan saw this and immediately gave an order: "Let's go!"

Then, she led a group of ghosts, gods, ghost officials, and ghost soldiers, chasing after the long river of stars, and rushed towards the island and the bottom of the Underworld Sea, which returned to their original appearance.

On these islands and under the sea, you can occasionally see some dilapidated and ruined cities and kingdoms. There is no doubt that these are ghost kingdoms originally established in the underworld sea. They were previously swallowed up by the underworld fog and destroyed into ruins by monsters in the underworld fog. , and is occupied by various monsters.

But now, the dark fog has been dispersed and the monsters have been suppressed. The ruins and ruins of these ghost kingdoms have become a land without an owner. Wu Shanshan led the teams of ghosts, gods, ghost officials, and ghost soldiers to take this opportunity to destroy these ghosts. Search the ruins and relics of the country to collect the ghostly artifacts and resources left in them.

Especially in the center of the ghost country's capital, among the palace ruins, there are various 'reincarnation pools' as expected. There are also some treasures and resources that contain the power of the law of reincarnation, or dark lotus, Beads of the underworld, water of yin and yang, etc., are all very precious and rare treasures, and you can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

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