The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 684 Senior Sister Bian’s ‘List of Gods’

The Star Lords of the Star Alliance and the gods of the God Realm are both beings who can control the combat power of a large number of subordinates and slaves. The two sides have been fighting in this dark void sea for hundreds of thousands of years. They have already become familiar with their opponents' methods, and naturally they have also figured out how to do it. Many means of coping, restraint, etc.

As the star alliance, Kunlun Star Palace mainly targets and deals with the strength of the gods of the gods. It specializes in studying the gods of the gods, and even developed the method of "conferred gods" to bring the gods under its control. It has a restraining effect on the gods of the gods. , naturally also has the means to quickly find and lock the true form of the hidden god in such a dark void.

At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao projected the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' sacrificed from the stars of her own life into the dark void. The three-color divine light illuminated the dark void in all directions, even briefly dispelling the endless darkness around her. The chaotic and broken void was also Short-term suppression and concentration.

"Does the Conferred God List still have such a method?"

"Is it because of advancing to the fifth level? Or is it a method developed by Senior Bian Yujiao on her own?"

"Or is this a method specially developed by the Kunlun Star Palace to deal with the gods of the God Realm in the Void Sea battlefield?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but have thoughts floating in his mind as he watched Senior Bian Yujiao showing off her power on the 'God List' projected into the void.

"After the war, maybe I can ask Senior Bian for advice and see if I can learn and master this method."

"I just don't know if the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' is so powerful, does it consume a lot of the power of the natal stars and the Tao Fruit?"

"If the consumption is too large, I'm afraid we will have to look for more outer world life stars later so that the 'Feng Shen Bang' can plunder more outer world life star sources to make up for these consumption."

Thoughts passed through Liang Ji's mind one by one, and he gained more understanding about the Star Alliance's encouragement of Xing Palace Star Master students to advance to the fourth level and then go to serve in the outer lands to explore and find the stars of life in the outer realms.

Searching for the life stars of the outer realm not only allows the star masters to collect resources and spiritual objects for cultivation and advancement, but perhaps more importantly, it allows these star master students of the star palace to collect more sources of the stars of the outer realm to improve and compensate. The consumption of one's own natal star source.

The Star Master students of Kunlun Star Palace have the "Fengshen List" to plunder the origin of stars in the outer world. The "Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods" of the Star Master students of Wanxiang Star Palace can also plunder the origin of stars, the "World Tree" of Creation Star Palace, and the "Bloodline Catalog" of Taiyi Star Palace. ', the 'Pure Land' of the Bitter Sea Star Palace, the 'Lingbao' of the Lingbao Star Palace, etc., undoubtedly have the effect of plundering the origin of the stars and making up for the origin of one's own stars.

The purpose is probably to support their battles with super-level civilizations such as the divine world and the spiritual world. In such a super-level civilization war, the consumption of the source of the stars and the consumption of the laws of the avenue are probably the most basic and most commonly used methods.

Therefore, those in the Star Alliance who fight on the front lines against super-level civilizations are at least a mid-level star master from a star palace, followed by third-level immortals from various sects, and finally high-level star masters who directly control the origin of the stars and the avenue of law.

Beings lower than these three can only survive, practice, and develop within the Star Alliance. They are unable to go to outside areas to practice and develop, let alone participate in frontline wars with other super-level civilizations.

Even the middle-level star masters who are born in the star palace must control enough life stars in the outer star sea to provide enough star source for their own natal stars at all times to supply their combat consumption on the battlefield.

At this time, Liang Ji watched Senior Sister Bian Yujiao unleashing the divine power projected by the 'Feng Shen Bang', and he knew in his heart that this Senior Sister Bian must have mastered a lot of life stars in the outer sea of ​​​​stars, providing star source consumption for her natal stars. Only by making amends can he consume the source of the stars so wantonly and unleash the power of the 'God List'.

"No wonder, Kunlun Star Palace has two assessments for graduates who want to explore the outer realm. The first one is to find and master a sufficient number of life stars in the outer realm."

"Perhaps the first one itself serves the second one, the battle in the Void Sea."

boom! Click! Click...

At this time, the divine light blooming from the projection of Senior Sister Bian's "Apotheosis of the Gods" swept across a dark void, as if it hit something, and a roar sounded.

Then, a large amount of divine light suddenly shot out from the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang', bombarding the dark void. There were bursts of shattering sounds, and large areas of darkness were shattered under the bombardment and illumination of the three-color divine light. Opening up, a dark temple was forced out of the shattered darkness.

"found it!"

In the starship, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said with a smile.

"Quickly, activate the starship immediately, launch the strongest blow to the black temple on the opposite side, and try to destroy the black temple on the opposite side with one blow."

Immortal Huang raised his voice and said:

"Although we found the opponent first, we will soon be exposed to the opponent's sight. We must seize this short opportunity and give the opponent the biggest blow."

"Senior Liu, Senior Hu, I'm begging you." Upon hearing this, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao immediately said to a third-grade human immortal and a third-grade Qi Refiner in the starship.

"No problem, it's up to us."

Senior Liu is a third-grade human immortal and a master of formations. He has already mastered the formations arranged in the starship.

Senior Hu is a third-level Qi Refiner and a master of weapons. He has long been familiar with and controlled all the immortal weapons and magic weapon restrictions in the starship.

At this time, the two of them took action at the same time, and almost instantly activated the attack formations and attack weapons on the starship beyond their limits.

The next moment, two rays of starlight, one gold and one silver, shot out from the starship and intersected, like a 'gold and silver scissors' cutting directly on the black temple emerging in the void.

"The power of God cannot be violated!"

"The temple is unbreakable!"

Two majestic and angry roars came from the black temple.

Amidst the roar, majestic dark divine light erupted above the black temple, colliding with and resisting the shearing gold and silver starlight.

But everything was in vain. The starship Bian Yujiao prepared for this Void Sea hunting was powerful enough, and the formations and restrictions arranged on it far exceeded the 'Dragon Snake' starship of Liang Ji's team.

Liang Ji suspected that if starships were restricted by level, Senior Bian's starship would even be able to reach the eighth level of power.

The two seniors Liu and Hu were also very powerful masters of formation and weapon. Liang Ji even felt that they were a bit more powerful than Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu in his team.

Therefore, the 'gold and silver scissors' formed by the gold and silver starlight emitted by the starship, without any accident, shredded the dark divine light erupting above the black temple, and cut the black temple in half.

The next moment, the black temple shattered, and two divine lights flew out from it.

"Holy Light Temple, you still haven't taken action!"

In the escaping divine light, the roar of the gods could be heard.

The next moment, a bright, blazing holy white divine light blasted out from the temple not far away, which was besieged by void monsters and chaotic creatures, and blasted straight towards the starship exposed by Liang Ji and others due to the attack.

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