The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 685 The power of the ‘God List’ and the ‘money ability’ Liu Xu



Seeing that the temple, which was besieged by void monsters and chaotic creatures, could still find the strength to bombard the starships, Bian Yujiao and the immortal Huang's expressions suddenly changed and they shouted loudly.

At this time, the two immortals Liu and Hu, who were in charge of the starship formations and restrictions, also reacted quickly. They immediately changed the magic formula and activated the guardian formations and restrictions on the starship.

Gold and silver stars surrounded each other, forming a gold and silver Taichi pattern, protecting the starship and spreading to all sides.

It's just that the gold and silver Tai Chi diagram has just been unfolded and has not expanded much. The blazing white holy light has already hit, directly tearing apart the gold and silver Tai Chi diagram and bombarding the starship.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the starship that had disappeared into the void was directly blasted out by the blazing white holy light. Its formations and restrictions circulated rapidly and were destroyed one by one.

In the end, the blazing white light even blasted through the starship's hull and blasted into the cabin, causing violent shocks and explosions.

Fortunately, the 'Gold and Silver Tai Chi Diagram' created by Liu and Hu still had some effect, eliminating nearly half of the power of the blazing white holy light. The formations, restrictions, and hull cabins that spontaneously emerged on the starship behind them The defense withstood the remaining half of the power of the Holy Light.

Finally, the starship was not destroyed by a single blow from the opposite temple, so there was still a chance to counterattack.

"Fellow Taoist Liu and Hu, you sit on the starship, protect it and try your best to use the starship to attack the temple surrounded by void monsters."

"All ghosts and immortals continue to patrol and guard the surrounding void, and beware of the battle here attracting more enemies."

"The remaining fellow Taoists take action and cooperate with the starship to attack the temple."

"Niece Yujiao, several fellow Star Masters, and the two gods who escaped from the Black Temple will be left to you."

In the starship, the third-level immortal named Huang judged the situation on the battlefield and quickly issued orders.

"Remember, fight quickly!"


Everyone responded to the order, and Bian Yujiao turned the 'God List' projected in the void, and the divine light shone down, directly locking on a fleeing god in the dark void, and said loudly: "This is a fifth-level god. My assessment target, he will be dealt with by me!"

"Senior, junior, another god will be entrusted to you."

Two gods escaped from the black temple. Bian Yujiao identified one as a fifth-level god, while the other god, whose divine power and divine light bloomed all over his body, was even stronger, and was a sixth-level god.

Chen Zhao, Liang Ji, and Liu Xu are just one fifth-level star master and two fourth-level star masters, which are all lower in rank than them.

But at this time, it is not impossible for three people to deal with one person, or at least to hold him back.

"Leave it to us!" Senior Chen Zhao responded with a long smile: "On this front line, a sixth-level god has a lot of merits."

As he spoke, he took the lead and opened a 'Star Gate' in the void. A divine light rushed out from the 'Star Gate' and projected and manifested in the void. It was the projection of another 'God List' .

"Junior Brother Liang, Junior Brother Liu." Senior Chen Zhao imparted his experience at this time: "You guys probably haven't really fought or fought with the gods of the God Realm in the outer star sea."

"Remember, the first step in fighting the gods of the divine world in the outer star sea is to sacrifice the 'God List'!"

"The 'God List' inheritance developed by our Kunlun Star Palace is to deal with these gods of the divine world."

As he spoke, the divine light cast by the 'God List' projected by Senior Chen Zhao shone directly on the sixth-level deity, temporarily freezing and trapping his figure as he was escaping in the dark void.

Liang Ji and Liu Xu's eyes lit up when they saw this. They each activated their golden elixirs and natal stars to open the 'star gate' in the dark void.

The next moment, two more projections of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' flew out from the 'Star Gate', and in the projection void, divine light exploded towards the sixth-level gods.

The sixth-level gods had just escaped from the divine light of Senior Chen Zhao's "Apotheosis of the Gods", and were instantly illuminated by the projection of the "Apotheosis of the Gods" from Liang Ji and Liu Xu. The figure that had just escaped was immediately blocked again.

Liang Ji and Liu Xu were fourth-level star masters at the time. Their "God List" levels were two levels lower than those of the sixth-level gods. The divine light they radiated was difficult to stabilize and trap each other, but they joined forces to defeat their bodies. It's okay to block it a little bit.

In particular, Liang Ji clearly saw that the divine light illuminated by the projection of Senior Liu Xu's 'Feng Shen Bang' was extremely majestic and brilliant. It did not care about quality, but only the quantity. It was almost no less than the explosion of the 'Feng Shen Bang' projections of the two seniors and senior students. of divine light.

Liang Ji couldn't help but be surprised. Can his natal star source sustain such an explosion of divine light?

Liu Xu seemed to understand Liang Ji's doubts and explained with a smile: "Although I have not found a life star in the outer star sea, my family has dozens of life stars in the outer star sea. I have already found a star in these stars." The origin has left the imprint of 'Feng Shen Bang'."

When Liang Ji heard this, he suddenly understood.

Liu Xu's mother is a high-ranking star master of the Vientiane Star Palace. The family she comes from can be imagined. I am afraid that she is the real high-ranking star master family in the Star Alliance and the real top family. Not only does she control a lot of wealth and power within the Star Alliance, Even in the outer star sea, they control a large number of private life stars!

This is the real Star Lord family and clan, and it is incomparable to the Star Lord families that Liang Ji knew in the past on the Serpentine Star and Xiu She City.

Liang Ji also didn't expect that he would once again feel the helplessness he felt when facing his classmates with "money abilities" when he first entered the path of Star Master.

An electric thought passed through Liang Ji's heart, and the situation on the battlefield was changing. Senior Chen Zhao took advantage of Liang Ji and Liu Xu's opportunity to stop the sixth-level gods, and activated the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' to burst out with divine light again.

Seeing that the sixth-level deity was about to be covered by the three divine lights of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', even if he was of a higher level, he did not dare to rely on him.

As a result, the bright divine light burst out from the center of his eyebrows, and a round, bright, and perfect 'divine crystal' flew out from the center of his eyebrows, bursting out with more, stronger, and brighter divine light, and the three incoming beams. The lights of the 'Feng Shen Bang' collided together.

The four divine lights collided together, causing a violent explosion in an instant. The destructive power impacted in all directions, shattering the darkness and tearing the void apart.

The divine light of the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ projected by Liang Ji and the others was immediately blocked and could not reach the sixth-level gods.

The sixth-level god reached out and touched the divine crystal, and a bright divine light opened a 'divine gate' in the void. A large number of divine slaves, angels and other divine servants drove various artifacts and war instruments to form various battle formations. The queue rushed out and headed straight towards the 'Star Gate' opened by Liang Ji and others in the void.


"Fight for the Emperor of Heaven!"

In the void, a large number of families, flying boats, spaceships, ghosts, gods, ghost soldiers and other teams also rushed out of the 'star gate' opened by Liang Ji and others. Various battle formations and queues roared towards the servants of gods, angels, and The opened 'divine door'.

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