The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 686: The natal treasure crosses the rank and kills the god

The silent and dark void now turned into a fierce and lively battlefield.

The collision of divine light and spiritual light illuminates the darkness, and the clash of divine magic, astral magic, and magic tears the void.

Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals, Liang Ji's family members and the army of ghosts and gods were far more numerous than the divine servants, angels and other divine slaves sent by the sixth-level gods on the opposite side, but they were slightly smaller than their opponents in terms of level and combat power.

Therefore, the battle between the families and servants of gods on both sides was in a stalemate, and it was difficult to determine the winner.

The 'God List' projected by the three people was also confronting the divine crystal offered by the sixth-level god on the opposite side, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

"Okay!" Seeing this battle situation, Senior Chen Zhao smiled and praised, and then passed on his experience to Liang Ji and the other two, saying: "Junior Liang and Junior Liu, to the gods of the God Realm, the two most important items are the two."

"One is the divine realm they opened up, and the second is the divine crystal they condensed."

"So, if you want to successfully slay the gods in the outer star sea, the two most important points are to force out their divine realm and divine crystal."

"Now, the 'divine gate' of the gods on the opposite side has been opened, and the divine crystal has been forced out, and is restrained by the projection of our 'God List'."

"This is the best time to kill the opponent."

"And the last step of killing the gods requires us to do it ourselves!"

As Senior Chen Zhao spoke, he directly opened the cabin of the 'starship' and drove a beam of starlight into the dark and chaotic void outside, killing the sixth-level god.

"Senior, wait for me!"

Liu Xu shouted and flew out on the starlight.

Seeing this, Liang Ji no longer hesitated and also chased out in Xingguang.

The monks of the Star Lord Tradition have their natal stars as back-up support. The monks of other Traditions need to advance to higher levels to survive and wander in the void, but the Star Lord monks have no such restrictions. Even low-level Star Lords can They can survive in the void, and as for mid-level star masters such as Liang Ji, they can fight and kill directly in the void.


When Liang Ji drove the starlight to the battlefield where the sixth-level gods were besieged, Senior Chen Zhao had already sacrificed his own magic weapon, the 'Huang Jade Peak', and turned it into a huge mountain to hit the sixth-level gods.

The sixth-level god is a god who masters the power of dark laws. The black temple that was torn apart by the starship's 'Gold and Silver Scissors' probably belongs to him.

At this time, facing the 'Huang Jade Peak' that Senior Chen Zhao smashed down, the sixth-level dark god raised his hand and slashed out a dark sword.

Amidst the loud roar, the 'Topaz Mountain Peak' was slashed away by the Dark Divine Sword. However, a large amount of topaz spiritual light and yellow divine light lingered and circulated on the mountain peak, which protected it very well, even if it was of the same level. It was one level lower than the Dark Divine Sword, but it was not broken by the Dark Divine Sword and its defense was not damaged.

On the contrary, those yellow jade auras and yellow divine light are constantly destroying and eliminating the divine light on the dark divine sword during the collision and confrontation with the black divine light on the dark divine sword.

Liang Ji was also greatly shocked when he saw the performance of Senior Chen Zhao's 'Huang Yu Peak'. During the battle where the Yinghai Black Hole broke out, he had also seen the power of the opponent's 'Innate Magic Weapon'.

It's just that the 'Topaz Peak' at that time could only emit the light of topaz that broke the law, but there was no yellow divine light integrated into it.

The topaz light erupting from the current 'Topaz Peak' is not only capable of breaking magic, but can also break and eliminate the divine light of gods.

"The divine power conferred by the 'Bang of Conferred Gods' can also be added to the magic weapon of destiny!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this, but this was a method he had never thought of before.

Sure enough, these seniors and seniors also have their own methods and ideas. It is always beneficial to communicate and learn from them more!

At the same time, Liang Ji also operated the natal treasure "Thirty-three-layered Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth" standing among the natal stars. The projection of the Nine Springs Underworld appeared in the ten floors below the pagoda, unfolding in each layer of the pagoda.

"Maybe I can do this!"

Liang Ji changed his mind and summoned this natal treasure weapon, the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth', from the natal stars and suspended it in the dark void.

"The ghosts and gods have returned!"

He shouted deeply, and in the ten floors below the thirty-three-story pagoda, the manifested 'Nine Springs Underworld' bloomed with dark light.

The next moment, fighting in the darkness of the surrounding void, the ghosts and gods in the Nine Springs Underworld of his natal star received the summons one after another, turned into divine light and flew back, and fell into the "Nine Springs Underworld" manifested on the ten levels below the pagoda.

Subsequently, the bright light of ghosts and gods and the power of the underworld burst out from the 'Thirty-three-story Pagoda', even pushing the level of this pagoda beyond the limit, from a fourth-level treasure to a fifth-level magic weapon. level.


Liang Ji shouted deeply, and the pagoda erupted with divine light, carrying the ghosts and gods, and went directly to suppress the sixth-level gods who were fighting with Senior Chen Zhao.

At the same time, Liu Xu on the other side also summoned his natal treasure, which was a 'melting pot' inlaid with many gems and elemental crystals. It looked quite similar to the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' of the Vientiane Star Palace. for similarity.

At this time, the divine light and the light of various elements were intertwined on the natal treasure "Melting Pot" at the same time. The interweaving of the two kinds of light dyed Liu Xu's natal treasure "Melting Furnace" into colorful colors, and also dyed Liu Xu's natal treasure "Melting Pot" colorfully. Its power is greatly enhanced.

Not only did the same level directly cross the two realms, but it was also promoted to the level of the sixth-level Taoist weapon in a short period of time. The power of the burst of light was also not lower than the sixth level. Taking advantage of the natal magic weapons of Liang Ji and Chen Zhao, the dark sword of the sixth-level god was destroyed. Temporarily trapped, Liu Xu directly activated his 'furnace' weapon to blast out a chaotic light that merged with divine light and elemental light, and bombarded the sixth-level dark god.

The divine armor on the sixth-level dark god was immediately blasted through, and he was directly hit hard by the light of chaos.

The terrifying power frightened both Liang Ji and Chen Zhao.

Senior Chen Zhao was even more surprised and asked: "Brother Liu, have you successfully integrated the inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace and the inheritance of Wanxiang Star Palace?"

"Have you found your own path to become a high-level star master?"

"Maybe." Liu Xu's answer was uncertain, and he only said: "This is just a preliminary integration, derived from my family and the mentors in the Kunlun Star Palace, but it is pretty good when practiced in my natal star. .”

"This is the power of family connections." Senior Chen Zhao couldn't help but sigh when he heard this. He was obviously quite envious of Liu Xu.

Even many Star Palace Star Master students, after advancing to the sixth-level Star Master, cannot find their own way to advance to the high-level Star Master, just like Senior Sister Jiang Ting of the 'Second Star Port Team'.

But at this time, Liu Xu had already initially opened up a path with the help of his family, and it was also the fusion of the inheritance of the two major star palaces.

As long as he can follow this path smoothly, he will be able to easily advance to a high-level star master. Moreover, he will be an extremely powerful high-level star master who combines the methods of the two major star palaces!

He is almost destined to be a powerful high-level star master, how can he not be enviable?

No! boom……

At this time, a desperate scream came from the dark void not far away, followed by a roar and explosion, and countless out-of-control divine lights struck in all directions.

It's senior Bian Yujiao, who has successfully killed the god!

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