The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 687 Fifth-Level Star Technique Virtual Stars

In the dark void, out-of-control divine light struck in all directions, breaking through the darkness and tearing the void into pieces.

Liang Ji, Chen Zhao, Liu Xu, and even the sixth-level gods fighting with them couldn't help but look at the battlefield between Bian Yujiao and the fifth-level gods.

But at this moment, Bian Yujiao's figure suddenly increased to hundreds of feet in size, standing in the dark void. The huge 'Star Gate' opened behind her, and the bright starlight shone out from it, shrouding her surroundings.

Not only did the astrological force field of the 'Star Guardian' around Senior Bian Yujiao's body be filled and rendered as if it were a real star force field, but a large amount of starlight was also filled and enveloped in the surrounding dark void, driving away the darkness and immobilizing the void, forming a large area. The strong protective area forms a strong protective effect on Senior Bian.

Great supernatural powers, laws of heaven and earth!

Seeing the figure of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Liang Ji recognized it at a glance. It was the great magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

Star Lord monks who have cultivated to the fifth-level Star Lord level, especially Star Lords who were born in the Star Palace, these magical and great magical methods are obviously not rare methods anymore.

When Liang Ji was in the low-level star master stage, he was still able to stir up troubles and dominate the world for a while by relying on his family's bloodline magical power and great magical power.

But now at the middle-level Star Lord stage, magical powers and great magical powers are basically common methods used by Star Lord monks, and they basically have some mastery. If you want to dominate at the middle-level level and gain stronger combat power, you will undoubtedly have to find another way.

Just like the starlight that filled Bian Yujiao's body, Liang Ji's first reaction after seeing it was the 'projection of the natal stars'.

He was in the 'Wood Meteor' galaxy, through the live broadcast of the 'Second Star Port Team', watching the battle between high-level star masters and the 'Starlight Forest', and had seen the method of 'natal star projection'.

He knew clearly that that was a method only mastered by high-level star masters.

However, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao found another way and transferred through the 'Star Gate' to attract a large amount of natal star power, almost upgrading her 'Star Guardian' star technique to 'natal star projection'!

Although it is only in appearance, the defense power of the 'Star Guardian' has undoubtedly increased many times. In Liang Ji's opinion, it may even have barely reached the edge of seventh-level star magic.

Becoming Senior Bian Yujiao’s best way to protect herself in battle with her opponent’s fifth-level god.

Just looking at this moment, the fifth-level god he was fighting was successfully killed by him, while Senior Sister Bian's body was filled with starlight and her upgraded 'Star Guardian' was only torn into pieces and full of cracks by the attack, but it was never completely broken. This shows that it is Strong protective power.

"It is said that the 'Bird Star Projection' is a high-level advanced version of the 'Star Guardian' star technique. Has Senior Bian found the direction and method of improvement in advance?"

"I wonder if I can ask Senior Sister Bian for advice? If I can learn this trick, my true body's safety in the outer star sea will undoubtedly be greatly improved!"

The electric thought in Liang Ji's heart turned around, and he saw in the dark void, after Senior Sister Bian Yujiao killed the opponent's god, she held the 'God List' in one hand and swept away directly towards the 'divine crystal' left by the god.

The 'divine crystal' is the foundation of the gods in the divine realm. As long as the 'divine crystal' escapes smoothly, the gods in the divine realm can quickly reshape their divine bodies and recover.

At this time, the 'divine crystal' erupted with bright divine light, trying to escape into the surrounding darkness and void.

However, he was directly blocked and trapped by the ‘Fengshen List’ held by Senior Sister Bian, and then got involved in the ‘Fengshen List’.

Liang Ji noticed that the ‘Fengshen Bang’ in Senior Sister Bian’s hand was no longer just a projection, but the actual body of the ‘Fengshen Bang’!

If you want to completely kill the gods in the divine world and seize the gods' "divine crystals", you must obviously use the "God List" body directly. Relying on projection alone is obviously insufficient.

And if you directly use the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang', the source of the natal stars consumed every second will undoubtedly be far more than the projection. Without enough life stars to support it, it is impossible to support it.

At the same time, Bian Yujiao's other hand held up a red ball, which was filled with red starlight and black and yellow divine light flowing rapidly, like a 'star' shrunk countless times.

She raised her hand and hit the red 'star' towards the 'divine gate' opened in the void. Behind the 'divine gate' was the divine realm controlled by the fifth-level god she killed.

The two most critical foundations of gods in the divine world are the 'divine crystal' and the divine domain. Now that the 'divine crystal' has been captured by her in the 'God List', she only needs to completely destroy the other party's 'divine domain'.

Then, even if this god still has countless believers and devotees in the divine world, there is absolutely no hope of resurrection.

This is also the experience gained from many years of fighting and fighting between the Star Alliance and the God Realm. Just like the gods of the God Realm, they also know that if they want to completely kill the Star Lord, they must find a way to destroy the Star Lord's natal star.

Otherwise, even if the Star Lord's true form is killed, the Star Lord can be reborn from his natal star and quickly recover his cultivation and strength.

Naturally, both the Star Alliance and the God Realm have developed many means and methods to destroy the opponent's God Realm and their natal stars.

The star technique 'Broken Star' used by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao at this time is one of them.

This is an advanced version of the star technique 'Star Breaking Blow'. It also requires consuming a large amount of the original source and the power of the law of the natal star to condense into a 'virtual star', and then use this 'virtual star' to launch the 'Star Breaking Blow' , can explode with terrifying power.

In this way, you don't have to smash your own stars and perish with the enemy, but you can also truly exert the terrifying power of star destruction. It is an excellent means of destroying the gods' domain.

Of course, how much destructive power this 'Broken Star' can unleash depends entirely on how much power of star origin and avenue law the star owner invests in the 'virtual star'.

The more you invest, the more powerful it will be.

This is another method that greatly consumes the power of the source of the stars and the power of the Great Law. Without sufficient support from the source of the stars, the star master monks cannot use this star technique at all.

Moreover, this astrological art must be mastered by star master monks who have advanced to the fifth level of star master and can master the origin of the stars and the laws of the great road in the yin and yang realms of their natal stars by relying on the inheritance of each star palace. Only then can they be successfully practiced.

Just like Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, after she advanced to the fifth level of Star Master, she relied on the ghosts and gods of the underworld and the earthly beings of the Yang world enshrined in the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', and at the same time mastered the origin of stars and the laws of the natal stars and yin and yang, and was able to extract the yin and yang of the natal stars. The origin of the world and the power of laws condense the 'virtual stars' to achieve the attack of 'Broken Stars'.

Similarly, this is also an important reason why the nine major star palaces in the Star Alliance stipulate that star owners must advance to the fifth level before they can apply to graduate from the star palaces.

After the star palace monks advance to the fifth level of star master, they are usually able to initially control the origin and law of the entire natal star. Only then can they develop various powerful and powerful star magic methods, and can kill hostile super-level civilizations in the void star sea. enemy.

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