The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 688 Victory and Retreat

"Sacred Light Temple, protect Karl's divine domain!"

Seeing Bian Yujiao throwing the 'virtual star' towards the divine gate opened by the slain god, he was about to destroy the divine realm behind.

The sixth-level dark god who was besieged by Liang Ji and Chen Zhao suddenly shouted angrily. At the same time, the 'divine crystal' flying out of his eyebrows also instantly burst out with more majestic and brilliant divine light. For this reason, he could see clearly. There were even cracks on the 'divine crystal'. It was obvious that they wanted to break through the siege of Liang Ji, Chen Zhao, and Liu Xu regardless of the loss, and headed towards the rescue of the attacked 'divine gate'.

Similarly, the 'Holy Light Temple' on the other side, which was being besieged by a group of third-level immortals and severely damaged starships, erupted regardless of the loss. Lights of divine light appeared above the temple, and all of them collapsed at this time. , cracks began to appear in the temple.

More majestic and terrifying holy light erupted from these cracks, condensing into a bright beam of light and blasting towards the 'virtual stars' offered by Bian Yujiao, in an attempt to destroy Bian Yujiao's star magic and save the beheaded gods from the divine realm.

"Stop them!"

The immortal named Huang who was commanding the battlefield shouted loudly at this time.

Bian Yujiao's graduation assessment must be to completely kill the enemy fifth-level god, including seizing the divine crystal and destroying the divine realm. Otherwise, just killing the divine body and giving the opponent a chance to be reborn in the divine realm does not count as completing the assessment.

Therefore, at this time, everyone must use all their strength to resist the rescue of the gods on both sides, so that Bian Yujiao can completely destroy the enemy's vitality.

Besieging the 'Holy Light Temple', a group of third-level immortals broke out with all their strength. Even several third-level ghost immortals who had been patrolling and investigating the surroundings all returned to join the attack on the 'Holy Light Temple'. 'In the siege, block the rescue of the 'Holy Light Temple'.

At the same time, the 'Starship', which had suffered heavy damage, did not hesitate at this time and sailed directly to block the 'Holy Light Pillar'. The two immortals Liu and Hu who were sitting in it tried their best to mobilize the formations on the 'Starship'. Laws and restrictions resisted and consumed the 'Holy Light Pillar' that was bombarded.

The starship and the third-level immortals resisted the rescue of the 'Holy Light Temple', while Liang Ji, Chen Zhao, and Liu Xu needed to block the rescue of the sixth-level gods.

Senior Chen Zhao raised his voice and shouted: "You two juniors, use all your strength to stop him, and leave the rest to me."

Liang Ji didn't hesitate, he stretched out his hand and made a move. The projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' in the void flew directly down and fell into his natal treasure, the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth'.

After being integrated with the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang', the interior of the thirty-three-story pagoda undergoes mysterious changes. The Jiuquan underworld projected on the ten floors below expands and becomes larger again, as if it has become a real Jiuquan underworld descending into the pagoda.

This is the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang" that brings a large number of natal stars and the underworld origins into the Jiuquan underworld projected in the pagoda, making the underworld projection more realistic.

"The ghost soldiers return!"

Liang Ji Shen shouted, and the teams of ghost soldiers who were fighting with divine slaves, angels and other divine servants in the surrounding void suddenly flew up one after another and fell into the "Nine Springs Underworld" manifested in the thirty-three-story pagoda.

In the battlefield, only the dependents of each lineage were left driving the flying boat team, struggling to resist the attack of the divine slaves and angel teams.

With the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the presence and blessing of the ghost soldiers, the intensity and power of Liang Ji's natal treasure weapon 'The Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' increased several times again, directly blasting towards those who wanted to break out of the encirclement. The sixth level dark god.

There was a roar and explosion, and the pagoda that Liang Ji offered was directly knocked away by the sixth-level god, and even suffered heavy damage. Many cracks appeared on it, and even the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' integrated into it was blasted out. The nine layers manifested in the pagoda The underworld is violently turbulent and broken. Many of the ghosts, gods, and ghost soldiers stationed in it have suffered heavy losses or even perished.


Liang Ji himself also suffered the backlash due to the heavy damage to his natal treasure. His body was torn internally, his sea of ​​consciousness, Dantian, and Golden elixir were trembling.

However, with the support of his natal stars, a large amount of star power immediately flowed and merged into his body, integrating into the sea of ​​consciousness and golden elixir, quickly repairing his body, stabilizing the sea of ​​consciousness and golden elixir, and stabilizing the backlash. Live and repair quickly.

With this blow, Liang Ji indeed temporarily blocked the breakthrough of the sixth-order dark god.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xu's attack had also arrived, and his natal treasured weapon, the 'melting furnace', also hit the sixth-level god directly.

However, compared to Liang Ji's natal pagoda, Liu Xu's natal furnace is undoubtedly much stronger. The projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and elemental spirit crystals merge into the furnace, causing the furnace shrouded in the light of chaos to erupt with no less than the peak of the sixth level. power.

Amidst the loud roar, the furnace collided with the sixth-order dark god, not only preventing it from breaking out, but even pushing its figure back continuously due to the impact.

And Liu Xu's natal treasure weapon 'The Furnace' was not damaged by such a collision, but the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' integrated into it was knocked out, and the power and level of the furnace fell from the sixth level.

Despite this, he has undoubtedly completed the task of blocking the sixth-level gods very well.

At this time, Chen Zhao also completed his preparations, but he saw that he had also activated the great magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth", and his body expanded to several hundred feet in size. The huge "Star Gate" behind him opened, and among his natal stars, The body of the 'Feng Shen Bang' flew directly out of it and landed in his hand.

Chen Zhao stretched out his hand to unfold the body of the 'God List', and countless divine lights erupted in the air and swept towards the sixth-level gods.

The sixth-level dark god used his methods continuously, and the divine crystals and dark divine swords exploded simultaneously, but it was difficult to break through the blockade of Chen Zhao's "God List".

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this time, a violent roar and explosion came, and even the surrounding darkness and void were shattered inch by inch in the violent explosion and roar.

It was senior Bian Yujiao who, after Liang Ji and others blocked the rescue efforts from both sides, successfully pushed the 'virtual stars' into the 'divine domain' of the slain gods, and launched the star attack of 'Broken Stars'!

Under the horrific explosion and destruction, the god's 'divine domain' was directly destroyed, and the fifth-level gods killed by it had no chance to resurrect. Countless fissioning divine lights, collapsed origins, and distorted divine laws began to emerge from there. The destroyed divine realm erupted, and the starlight mixed with the explosion impacted in all directions.

The surrounding darkness and void were unbearable and unstoppable, and they were shattered every inch.

"Everyone, retreat immediately!"

Immortal Huang, who was commanding the battlefield, gave the order to retreat without hesitation.

Liang Ji, Liu Xu, and even Chen Zhao, who was fighting with the sixth-level gods, did not hesitate at all when they heard this. They directly opened the star gate to recall the family members, ghosts, gods, etc., and quickly retreated back to the starship.

The sixth-level gods who were fighting with them had no intention of pursuing them at this time. They also turned into a divine light and quickly retreated.

Over at the 'Holy Light Temple', a group of third-level immortals, including Senior Sister Bian Yujiao who had just slaughtered the gods, also quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and hurriedly retreated to the starship without having time to examine them carefully.

The 'Holy Light Temple' that was entangled with them also had no intention of entangled. Instead, it took this opportunity to break through the siege and entanglement of those void monsters and chaotic creatures, and quickly retreated away.

Everyone retreated in panic, and startling changes began in the dark void battlefield where the god had just been slaughtered.

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