The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 689 The Breeding of Void Monsters and Chaos Evil Creatures

The battle between the Star Lord and the gods tore the surrounding darkness and void into pieces.

The aftermath of the fall of the fifth-level gods and the destruction of the divine realm completely overturned the broken darkness and void around them.

Chaos, chaos, broken darkness and void swallowed everything on the battlefield.

Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and other Star Alliance monks fled quickly on the starship. The remaining gods and temples on the opposite side also fled in various forms of divine light, escaping from this land where gods fell.

However, in this broken battlefield and the place where gods fell, there are still a lot of life and material residues. The largest number of them are the slaves, angels and other servants of the fallen fifth-level gods, as well as the dependents and slaves who were killed and injured in the war. Corpses, temple remains, etc.

The gods that these divine slaves and angels believed in and relied on have fallen, and the divine realm where they were based has been destroyed. They suddenly lost the foundation of their existence, suffered fatal blows, and began to die suddenly and fall into the void.

However, most of the divine slaves and angels had been swallowed up by the chaotic, broken, and chaotic void and dark power around them before they fell.

Then, Liang Ji clearly saw in the starship that the devoured divine slaves and angels began to rapidly twist, change, and grow chaotically, mutating into various void monsters!

On the other side, the remaining corpses and remains of the dependents, divine slaves, and angels in the battlefield were also swallowed up by the broken, chaotic, and chaotic void and darkness. All kinds of strange and terrifying "chaotic evil things" emerged from these swallowed up bodies. Breeding and born from corpses and wreckage.

This is the battlefield where the Star Alliance and the God Realm fight and fight. The Void Sea is filled with void monsters and chaotic evil creatures. The process and reason for the birth.

The Star Alliance and the God Realm have clashed and fought here for hundreds of thousands of years. Unknown how many Star Lords, gods, and immortals have fallen into it, leaving behind countless families, divine slaves, angels, and various corpses and debris, thus nourishing , countless void monsters and chaotic creatures were born.

The Star Alliance and the God Realm have organized forces to eliminate these void monsters and chaotic evil creatures, but as long as the war between the two super-order civilizations does not stop, as long as there are still star masters and gods falling into the void sea, this kind of void monsters, It is obvious that chaotic evil creatures cannot become extinct, but will become more and more numerous.

In the end, the Star Alliance and the God Realm could only give up the idea of ​​​​completely annihilating these void monsters and chaotic evil creatures. They only conducted regular inspections and monitoring to ensure that the void monsters and chaotic evil creatures nourished in the Void Sea did not grow to high-level existences. , thus posing too great a threat to the Star Lord and gods.

As for the remaining large number of mid- to low-level void monsters and chaotic creatures, let them roam and grow in the void sea, and add some variables to the battlefield.

In the chaotic and broken battlefield, as a large number of void monsters and chaotic evil things breed, the broken, subverted, and chaotic darkness and void are also rapidly condensing and recovering.

Seeing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. Will the breeding of void monsters and chaotic evil things be conducive to the recovery and reunification of the broken darkness and void in the battlefield?

Is this because the forces that cause darkness, void fragmentation, subversion, and chaos have all been absorbed by those void monsters and chaotic creatures?

Or is it because the fragmentation and subversion of darkness and void itself will release all kinds of chaotic, subversive, and evil forces?

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind and he made various speculations.

However, these thoughts floated up and down, and he had no intention of conducting in-depth thinking and research. The Void Sea is not his battlefield at the moment. Liang Ji is just following his senior sister here to have a look. There is no need to do too much in-depth research on the situation and information.

Moreover, he went first. The Covenant must have conducted in-depth research on the Void Sea battlefield, void monsters, chaotic evil objects, etc. for hundreds of thousands of years and had detailed research data.

When he needs to know these materials and information, he can spend some merit to read them from the Star Alliance.

At this time, the newly spawned void monsters and chaotic creatures in the battlefield have begun to pursue the escaping starships and temples, apparently to keep the two sides of the war who destroyed the void and darkness and led to their birth here.

Although these newly born void monsters and chaotic evil creatures are only middle and low-level existences, there are no high-level existences among them, and the speed of pursuit is limited.

However, the starship Liang Ji and the others were on had been attacked by the 'Holy Light Temple' in the previous battle and suffered heavy damage.

At that time, the two immortal masters Liu and Hu controlled the starship to fight against the 'Temple'. In order to retain the defense and offensive power as much as possible, when resisting the attack of the 'Holy Light Temple', they deliberately used the starship on top of the 'Temple of Holy Light'. Responsible for speed, escape area, and formation restrictions to withstand heavy damage and losses.

This move ensured that the starship would not fall behind in the subsequent confrontation with the 'Holy Light Temple', making it difficult for the 'Holy Light Temple' to break through the siege of the starship and the third-level immortals, and support those who were killed by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao. Fifth level deity.

It can be said that he has made a great contribution to Senior Sister Bian by completely killing the enemy.

But now that the battle is over and the starship has switched from defense and attack to navigation and escape, these damaged and severely damaged areas have undoubtedly begun to take effect, greatly slowing down the starship's escape speed.

As a result, the starship that Liang Ji and others were riding on had been unable to completely escape from the pursuing void monsters and chaotic creatures.

"We must speed up and get rid of these void monsters and evil things." In the starship, the experienced third-level god surnamed Huang said with a solemn expression: "Otherwise, if we are entangled by them, it is likely to attract more void monsters. , the siege of evil creatures, even if we can block their siege, we will be exposed in this Void Sea battlefield and become the target of the enemy's attack."

"Just like the 'Holy Light Temple' we saw before that was besieged by void monsters and evil creatures."

"Fellow Daoist Liu, Fellow Daoist Hu, how long will it take for you to be able to repair the escape formation and restrictions?"

He first asked the formation master and tool master in the starship.

Whether it is exploring the outer star sea or fighting in this void sea, it is undoubtedly the best to have as many formation masters and weapon masters as possible in the starship.

Not only can they control the starship, allowing it to explode beyond the limit of attack, defense, and escape speeds; they are also important in repairing the starship and restoring formations and restrictions after the starship is damaged.

"Give us another half hour." Formation Grandmaster Liu Xianren replied loudly: "The repair materials stored on the starship are sufficient, and the formation and restrictions for accelerated escape can be initially restored in half an hour at most."

The immortal surnamed Huang raised his brows slightly when he heard this, but his expression remained solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "This half hour is very important. Please all fellow ghost immortals and the ghosts and gods under the star master, please pay attention to explore the surrounding void and beware of the coming of gods. Attack."

"Ship Spirit, the attack formation is also activated. Always aim at the void monsters and chaotic creatures that are chasing behind you. If anything exceeds the warning line, launch an attack immediately!"



In the starship, everyone and the ‘ship spirit’ responded to the order.

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