The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 691 Crystal of Creation Joins the Legion War

Outside the Void Sea, the frontline station of the Star Alliance is a galaxy where high-level star masters moved stars and artificially arranged them to form a 'star map array'.

Within and outside the galaxy, there are many star ports and airports anchored, and several Star Alliance external expansion corps are stationed on them.

The main force of the "Third Expansion Army" that Liang Ji and his colleagues serve is stationed here, and they have been participating in the battles with the gods of the gods in the void sea all year round.

As for the Iron Wall Galaxy, it is more like the logistics base of the "Third Expansion Army" and a camp in the outer domain.

Mainly responsible for training new recruits for the "Third Expansion Legion", providing services to soldiers on rotation in the legion, providing services to injured cultivators, and providing many usable materials, spiritual objects, etc. to the legion.

Therefore, when Liang Ji and Peng Yue joined the "Third Expansion Corps" and served in the Iron Wall Galaxy, their military training was in the Iron Wall Galaxy, and various logistical services for the formation of the expedition team were also conducted in the Iron Wall Galaxy.

But he has never really seen the true appearance and combat power of the main force of the "Third Expansion Army" serving in the army.

But at this time, Liang Ji stood on the starship, looking into the void outside the battle line, and saw the appearance of the main force of the 'Third External Extension Army'.

The nine 'star ports' are like nine stars suspended in the void, and each 'star port' is surrounded by nine to twelve 'air ports', as if they are satellites surrounded by stars.

Starships are coming in and out of these 'star ports', and starships and spaceships are also coming and going in the surrounding 'airports'.

These starships, starships, and spaceships gather or disperse, like meteor showers surrounding these stars and satellites.

The entire "Third Expansion Army" was dispatched. Except for one star missing, it looked like a galaxy moving forward in the void.

Moreover, according to Liang Ji's speculation, there may not be that 'star' in the 'Third Expansion Army'. However, the 'star' cannot be dispatched easily, but has to wait until the critical moment.

"Okay, seniors and juniors, I have received the permission and order from the headquarters of the 'Third Expansion Legion'. Our starship will enter the legion's 'Sixth Star Port' and join the war with the army!"

"Everyone, get ready!"

At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao walked out of the starship's main control cabin and said to everyone.

They had left the Void Sea and returned to the Covenant frontline battlefield for more than ten days. The starship had been completely repaired and sufficient energy and spiritual stones had been replenished.

In the past ten days, Huang Shenxian, as well as Senior Sisters Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao, all used various relationships and connections to inquire among the legions on the front line for information, and determined that Huang Shenxian had been in the void before. A sea of ​​speculation.

There is indeed a treasure born in the Void Sea, and according to the information obtained by the immortal named Huang, the treasure born is likely to be the 'Crystal of Creation'.

This is a treasure that is very unlikely to be born only in an extremely destructive environment. It is said that it contains the secret of the birth of the universe's star sea, and it is a treasure that high-level star masters long for.

The Void Sea is undoubtedly such a place of ultimate destruction. The Star Alliance and the God Realm have been fighting in it for hundreds of thousands of years, destroying the stars, life, void, darkness, and chaos over and over again. Only in this way can creation be created. The conditions for the birth of Crystal.

After Liang Ji heard about the birth conditions and preciousness of this 'Crystal of Creation', he suddenly agreed with a 'rumor' that the god named Huang had said before: the Star Alliance and the God Realm have been fighting for dozens of times in the Void Sea. For ten thousand years, one of the purposes is probably to use the special environment of the Void Sea to cultivate and give birth to some special and cherished treasures.

However, these have nothing to do with Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others for the time being. They are just some mid-level Star Master monks, and they are not the main service members of the Star Alliance's "Expansion Legion", but just members of the expedition team under the Legion.

Therefore, the treasures born in the Void Sea do not have their share for the time being, and with their current strength, it is impossible for them to pull out their teeth in the battle between the Star Alliance and the God Realm to seize the treasures born in the Void Sea, even if it is the 'Creation of Creation' Such a precious treasure as Jing'.

They just came to accompany Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to complete the graduation assessment. They only needed to consider whether to join this war and take advantage of the war to quickly complete the assessment.

After some discussion, everyone unanimously agreed to join the war.

After all, it is conceivable that this war will attract a large number of Star Lords and gods to participate. If they do not join in, but choose to act alone in the Void Sea, it is very likely that they will not be able to find traces of the gods until the end of the war.

Moreover, the war between the Star Alliance and the God Realm does not yet know how big a wave it will stir up in the void sea. If they do not join it and swim away rashly, it is very likely that the wave will destroy them.

In the end, neither the Immortal Huang, who had been serving on the front line for a long time, nor Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others who came here for the first time had ever seen or experienced such a battle between the Star Alliance and the God Realm.

Now that we have met, there is no reason to miss it. Not to mention what benefits can be obtained from such a war, at least it can greatly broaden everyone's horizons and knowledge, which is also of great benefit.

Therefore, after unanimous agreement, Bian Yujiao came forward to contact the "Third Expansion Corps" participating in the war and requested to join them to participate in the war.

After all, in terms of belonging, Bian Yujiao still serves in the 'Third Expansion Legion'. The team she formed and the starship she rode on are also under the name of the 'Third Extension Legion' Yes, if you want to participate in the war, you naturally have to apply to the 'Third Expansion Corps'.

At this time, the application was approved, and Liang Ji and others returned to the starship. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao immediately flew up in the starship, following the guidance in the 'Ship Spirit' network, and flew into the 'Galaxy' composed of the 'Third Expansion Legion' Among them, it flew down to the 'Sixth Star Port'.

The 'ship spirit' was connected to the internal star network of the legion and the star port, and various internal orders and combat instructions were quickly transmitted. Liang Ji and others checked the instructions and became familiar with the arrangements.

In such a legion battle, tactical instructions and tactical coordination are undoubtedly very important. Otherwise, you will not be able to find your opponent when entering the battlefield, but it will easily hinder your own battle.

It was the first time for Liang Ji and others to participate in such a large army battle, so they naturally needed to seize the time to learn and become familiar with it.

Fortunately, with the help and guidance of the starship's "ship spirit", there usually won't be any problems.

When the legion was ready, the 'Third Expansion Legion' turned into a galaxy and rushed directly out of the Covenant position and rushed into the void sea.

Beside it, there are two other 'systems' operating together, namely the Star Alliance's 'Fifth Outreach Legion' and 'Ninth Outreach Legion'.

In this battle for treasures in the Void Sea and the battle with the God Realm, the Star Alliance directly dispatched three external expansion legions.

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