The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 692 Artificial Star Field The Temptation of Treasures

Third, fifth, and ninth, the three expansion legions of the Covenant set out and sailed in the void. Each legion spread out to form three 'systems'.

There are close connections and formations between these three legions, so that the three 'galaxies' are arranged and connected, forming a large formation and the smallest 'star field'.

Such an artificial 'star field' rushed into the void sea and crashed into the sky, which was in sharp contrast to Liang Ji and the others' cautious sneaking into the void sea before.

For the Legion of the Covenant, there are few beings in the Void Sea who can stop and resist.

Void monsters and chaotic creatures appear in front of the "star field" composed of three legions. They don't even need the legions to take the initiative to attack. The waves of void and chaotic waves set off by the impact of the "star field" will engulf them. Crush.

As for the broken void, chaotic traps, dark mutations, etc. that often appeared in the void sea, they were all flattened after the "star field" passed by.

Even Liang Ji was on the starship, observing the surrounding Void Sea space. After the 'star field' composed of legions flew through, it became more stable and orderly, and the Void Sea was repaired to a certain extent.

"Is this intentional by the Star Alliance? Or is it the power of super civilization, a natural response to the chaos, destruction, fragmentation and other forces in the void sea?"

Liang Ji thought about it in his mind, but he couldn't find the answer for a while. His cultivation, strength, and status are still limited after all, and his knowledge of the universe and the sea of ​​stars, and even the Star Alliance, is still limited.

The 'star field' composed of three legions flew all the way in the void sea for more than ten days. Although the overall body was huge, the flying speed was even faster than the starship's speed of turning into light.

Liang Ji could clearly sense that the ‘Star Territory’ was being inherited in the void, directly moving forward through the void.

He didn't know, was this a method only available in the special environment of the Void Sea, or was it a method mastered by the Legion March?

If he could master this method of moving the void, his efficiency and safety in leading a team to sail in the void star sea and search for life stars would undoubtedly be greatly improved.

For more than ten days, Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Liu Xu, and even a group of third-level immortals in the team often came to the starship and even the starport to observe the army's progress in the void sea and its great expansion. their insights.

On this day, Liang Ji was observing the progress of the legion's "Star Territory" on the starship, and suddenly he seemed to feel something and turned to look in the direction of the legion's advance.

The void sea was always filled with darkness, but at this time, Liang Ji saw a bright light in the direction of the legion's advance.

It was a kind of light that was different from starlight, divine light, or spiritual light. It seemed to be the most ordinary natural light, and it also seemed to be a colorful dazzling light that contained infinite charm and change.

Liang Ji just took a look at it and felt that it contained countless possibilities, countless hopes, countless mysteries, and countless good fortunes!

“So, this is the light shining from the most precious treasure, ‘Crystal of Creation’?”

Liang Ji suddenly understood in his heart why such a treasure would attract the Star Alliance and the God Realm to come here to fight. He also understood that the Star Alliance and the God Realm had always maintained a battlefield like the Void Sea.

It is even clearer why a large number of void monsters and chaotic creatures in the Void Sea are attracted one after another, and even form a "tide of beasts".

Anyone who sees such a treasure will want to seize it!

Even Liang Ji and others have always known that the treasures born here have nothing to do with them. They just came to take advantage of the war to help Senior Bian complete the assessment. But at this moment, just seeing the light filled with darkness, Liang Ji felt a huge impulse in his heart and wanted to rush forward and take it down!

when! when! when……

At this time, there was a loud ringing of bells, which came from the star ports of the Legion and echoed throughout the 'Galaxy' and 'Star Territory', immediately attracting many Star Lords who were immersed in the 'Light of Creation' , the monk wakes up.

"All star masters and monks return to their respective positions and act according to the instructions. The war has begun!"

There was a sound that reached everyone's ears. It was not loud, but it was heard by everyone in the environment of the void sea.

Liang Ji had also woken up at this time, and quickly retracted his gaze from looking at the 'Light of Creation' ahead, frowning and thinking.

He found that something was wrong with the state just now, and his desire for the 'Light of Creation' seemed to be beyond his control.

"Is this kind of treasure naturally attractive? Or is it the unique characteristic of the 'Crystal of Creation' born in the Void Sea?"

"Also, in the state just now, why didn't the dragon soul on the natal star respond? Didn't it wake me up?"

"Is this kind of temptation not an abnormal state in itself? Or is it because my cultivation is not enough and the dragon soul is unable to awaken it?"

Liang Ji's thoughts quickly changed, and he focused part of his attention to look at the dragon soul entwined on the natal star, but found that the dragon soul was in a somewhat sluggish state, which he had never seen before.

"Dragon soul is not omnipotent!"

"Furthermore, this Void Sea is too dangerous. It's not something I can venture into now. It's better to help the senior sister complete the assessment as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible."

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji quickly returned to the starship and joined Senior Sister Bian and others.

A few people discussed a few words about the 'Light of Creation' in the void in the distance, and the unusual temptation just now. This was the news from the starship 'Ship Spirit', and the legion headquarters had issued tactical instructions.

With the cooperation of the 'Ship Spirit', Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others quickly understood the meaning of the tactical instructions and their mission.

At that moment, several people set up a starship and flew out of the 'Sixth Starport'. Like them, among the many 'starports' that formed the 'galaxy' and even the 'star field' around them, a starship flew out at this time. The starships gathered in the void, seemingly turning into large meteor showers and meteorite belts, flying directly out of the 'star field' composed of the three legions, and struck first.

At this time, a large number of void monsters and chaotic evil things gathered in the void ahead. These were attracted by treasures such as the 'Crystal of Creation' and surrounded the birthplace of the treasures, blocking the advancement of the legions.

Moreover, there are too many void monsters and chaotic creatures, and it is difficult to directly crush and smash them with the power of the "star field" composed of legions. Therefore, we can only send a large number of starship teams to clear the way for the legions. The direct path to the treasure land.

Although Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others participated in the war, they were to hunt down the gods and complete their senior sister's assessment tasks. However, in such a war, it is natural to follow the legion's tactical arrangements.

Moreover, such battles, road-opening tasks, etc. are also the price they must pay to follow the legion to fight and take the opportunity to complete the assessment task.

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