The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 702 Killing the Sixth-Level God

The sixth-level god who was besieged by Wu Shan, Huang Shenxian and other immortals was a god who mastered the Thunder God Crystal. With a wave of his hand, thunder rolled like the sea and the abyss, which was terrifying.

The reason why Wu Shan and other immortals have never been able to defeat these gods is that they only had a slight upper hand in the battle.

In addition to the large number of divine slaves, angels and servants under these gods, this sixth-level thunder god is also a major reason.

The thunder he controls is extremely powerful under the blessing of the law of divine power at the expense of others.

Even gods such as Wu Shan and Huang Shenxian will suffer severe damage if they are hit by one divine thunder. If they are hit three times in a row, their lives may even be in danger.

Although these third-level immortals have high cultivation levels, their life-saving abilities are not as good as those of intermediate-level gods and star masters.

If they really fell on this battlefield, they would have no chance of rebirth and survival.

Therefore, it is inevitable for a group of immortals to be timid when fighting in a battle.

But at this time, they also received a message from Chen Zhao and others, and knew that they had to capture the sixth-level thunder god first.

At that moment, several immortals burst out and rushed out, led by Wu Shan and Huang Shenxian.

Wu Shan activated his great magical power of controlling the sky and the earth, with three heads and six arms, and withstood the impact of the divine thunder blasted by the thunder god; while Huang Shenxian summoned eight incense Taoist soldiers recruited in golden armor, and the eight incense Taoist soldiers were recruited one by one. It turned into golden light and submerged into his body, and his body shape suddenly changed, turning into a godly man with a helmet and armor, holding a magic weapon.

There was even a bit of golden light emerging between his eyebrows, and the shining divine light enveloped his whole body, making him look somewhat like a god from the divine realm!

Obviously, this god surnamed Huang has been fighting on the battlefield on the front line of the Void Sea for many years, and has gained a lot. He knows a lot about the gods of the gods, and even seizes and learns the methods of the gods from them, and integrates them into his own Shinto practice. If he wants to refer to the gods The path of the world gods opens up a path forward that belongs to the immortal Taoism.

In fact, Liang Ji has only been on the Void Sea front line for a short time, and he does not know that among the Star Alliance monks who are fighting and fighting with the gods of the gods on the Void Sea front line, except for the Star Lords of the Kunlun Star Palace, they belong to various categories. The Immortal Tradition has the most third-grade immortals.

All the Taoist traditions in the Star Alliance want to continue to open up a way forward after the third level. Let alone the cults such as the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the Pantheon Temple, and the Ten Thousand Temples, the most promising path among the Star Alliance is the 'Earth Immortal Dao'. system'.

However, not all third-level immortals and star masters in the Star Alliance place their hopes and attention on the 'Earth Immortal Tradition'.

Among the Immortal Dao Lineage, a large number of people firmly believe that the Immortal Dao Lineage can also open up subsequent paths and reach the first level or even the realm of ascension.

After all, the Immortal Taoism was developed by the Star Alliance by imitating and learning the Taoism of the gods of the super-level civilization. And since the Taoism of the gods of the gods can reach super-level civilization and can compete with the Star Alliance star masters, then in many gods and immortals The Taoist monks speculate that there is naturally a way forward for them to continue to open up and grow, so as to reach a level no lower than that of a Star Lord.

However, this road ahead is obviously not easy to open. Over the past 100,000 years, many third-level immortals have come to the front line of the Void Sea to participate in the battle between the Star Alliance and the gods of the divine world. They killed the gods, seized the divine crystals, and studied the gods and the divine crystals. I want to study the way forward for the 'immortal Taoism'.

But it has never been successful. Instead, the gods of the gods have seized some opportunities to support cults such as the 'Pantheon' within the Star Alliance.

Even so, there are still many gods in the Star Alliance who are unwilling to give up hope, and come to the Void Sea one after another to participate in the war, study, and find a way forward.

Obviously, this god named Huang is one of them.

From his actions, some shadows of the gods of the divine world can be seen, and it can be seen that these gods' years of fighting and research on the front line of the Void Sea have not resulted in nothing.

Even when the god named Huang was pierced by golden armor and burst out with golden divine light, he rushed towards the sixth-level thunder god. Even though he was directly facing the opponent's divine thunder, it was difficult to break through the golden divine light and golden armor all over his body.

The golden armor and the golden divine light erupting around it contained some divine power that was obviously somewhat similar to the divine power of the gods. It was actually able to withstand and consume some of the divine power contained in the divine thunder, making the Its power to resist divine thunder has been greatly increased.

In this way, the immortal surnamed Huang charged forward with a burst of divine light, Wu Shan activated the magic power of heaven and earth, three heads and six arms to attack from the side, and the other third-level immortals also rushed forward, either to attack the sixth-level thunder god, or to attack the sixth-level thunder god. It is to entangle the other two fifth-level gods.

For a moment, several immortals in the field actually suppressed the three gods.

Of course, such forcible suppression must not last long. The power of laws mastered by the third-level immortals is too little and too weak to be able to explode for a long time.

But at this time, what Liang Ji and others needed was this brief moment of forced suppression.


Senior Chen Zhao raised his voice in praise, and rushed forward first, still directly sacrificing the body of the 'God List', causing the bright three-color divine light to shine directly at the sixth-order thunder god.

With the suppression of the "God List", the Thunder God, who was still struggling and impacting violently, was suddenly suppressed and became more and more difficult to struggle and move.

Seeing this, Liang Ji did not take action, but followed Liu Xu in case anything happened.

"Look at me!"

Liu Xu let out a deep cry at this time, sacrificed his life treasure 'Melting Furnace' and rushed forward, activating the 'Chaos Vortex' and 'Apotheosis of the Gods' projections. Huge devouring power and divine light swept out from it, immediately covering the six The thunder god devoured it into the 'furnace'.

The Thunder God struggled and resisted desperately, but under the suppression of several gods and Senior Chen Zhao's "God List", it was impossible to break free, and could only fall into the "melting pot" vortex step by step.


At this time, Liang Ji realized something and turned his eyes to the side. He saw a bright divine light like a spear piercing the void and striking towards the natal treasure weapon 'Melting Furnace' sacrificed by Liu Xu.

It was the signal for help sent by the God of Thunder and others just now, and as expected, the God of rescue was attracted.

Liang Ji did not hesitate, and directly sacrificed the natal treasure "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth". The Xuanhuang light, the light of yin and yang, the power of ghosts and gods, and the light of elements all burst out, and even merged into the "God List" The projection, pushing its power to the extreme, directly collided with the spear of divine light.

boom! Click...

There was a roar and crack, and Liang Ji's treasure pagoda directly blocked and shattered the divine light spear. However, the pagoda also suffered heavy damage in an instant, and even cracked with several cracks.

Liang Ji's complexion instantly turned pale, but he recovered in an instant.


With this block, Liu Xu's natal treasure weapon 'The Furnace' no longer had any scruples, and directly devoured the sixth-level thunder god completely, killing him on the spot.

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