The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 703 Senior Sister Bian completed the assessment


Liu Xu activated the 'furnace' to successfully devour and kill the sixth-order thunder god. Soon after, he heard a crack, several cracks appeared on the 'furnace', and the miniature 'chaos vortex' that merged into it also dissipated in an instant.

Consecutively devouring and beheading a fifth-level god and a sixth-level god, even though Liu Xu's natal treasure weapon 'The Furnace' was made with a lot of cherished and precious materials, how many high-level star masters were included in the miniature 'Chaos Vortex'? The method has reached its limit, and backlash and collapse have occurred.

On the other side, Liang Ji's natal treasure, the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth', was also damaged and cracked when it resisted the attack of the divine light spear just now.

Liang Ji and Liu Xu could only take their natal treasures back to their natal stars for maintenance and repair, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

But for the team's battlefield, this is enough.

"Liang Ji, Liu Xu, you work together to stop the gods who are coming for help. Fellow Daoist Huang and I will completely take down the remaining two gods."

Senior Chen Zhao raised his voice directly.


"no problem!"

Although Liang Ji and Liu Xu were both injured and their combat power was reduced, they responded without hesitation and immediately led their respective clan flying boats, ghosts and gods to fight out.

There was only one god who came to help, a fifth-level god with the attribute of holy light. Although Liang Ji and Liu Xu were each injured and their strength was reduced, with the help of the family members, ghosts and gods, they were able to resist and entangle him. No problem.

On the battlefield of the team, as the most powerful sixth-level gods were beheaded, the remaining two fifth-level gods were quickly suppressed by a group of third-level immortals and found it difficult to resist. Senior Chen Zhao took action and quickly used the 'God List' to kill the two gods. Seize the 'divine crystal' and kill him on the spot.

When the fifth-level holy light god who was entangled with Liang Ji and Liu Xu saw this, he immediately gave up the rescue. He transformed into a divine light and escaped from the entanglement and fight between Liang Ji and Liu Xu, and quickly escaped.

Obviously, as the rescue target was quickly killed, if he didn't escape in advance, he might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

Liang Ji, Liu Xu and others were not as good as each other, and each had their own wounds. It was difficult to stop the other party from escaping, and it was difficult to catch up with the other party for a while. They could only watch the fifth-level holy light god escape.

"Liang Ji and Liu Xu, there is no need to pursue them." At this time, Senior Chen Zhao also raised his voice to call them back, saying: "First protect Yu Jiao."

Hearing this, Liang Ji turned to look at Senior Sister Bian's battlefield, only to find that the battle there had undergone considerable changes.

Originally, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was almost neck-and-neck with the fifth-level god she was fighting against, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

But now, as Liang Ji, Chen Zhao and others successively killed other gods, even the leader and the strongest sixth-level god was killed on the spot, the gods who came to help also gave up here and fled. The last remaining The fifth-level gods were also panicked.

In a panic, her combat power naturally continued to decline. The combat power that was so different from that of Senior Bian Yujiao kept getting weaker. On the contrary, Senior Senior Bian Yujiao became more and more determined. The better the battlefield situation of the team, the more direction she became. , the more involved you are in fighting, the stronger your combat power will naturally be.

With each other going up and down, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao has completely suppressed her opponent.

In fact, Liang Ji could tell that it wouldn't take long before senior Bian Yujiao could kill the opponent and seize the divine crystal if this continued.

However, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao is different from them. She has an assessment mission. To kill the opponent's god, she not only needs to seize the divine crystal, but also must destroy the opponent's 'divine domain' and kill the opponent completely.

This is not an easy task in itself, and it is even more difficult in such a chaotic battlefield.

Liang Ji, Chen Zhao, Liu Xu and others fought in this battlefield for dozens of days, killing gods and seizing many divine crystals, but they were unable to destroy a single 'god domain'. To completely kill a god showed how difficult it was. .

Therefore, at this time, Chen Zhao summoned them back to protect Senior Sister Bian Yujiao. The purpose is for Senior Sister Bian to be able to kill the opponent without being disturbed, and to have the opportunity to completely destroy the opponent's 'god domain', completely kill the opponent, and complete the assessment.

Liang Ji and Liu Xu naturally had no objection. The main reason why they came to the Void Sea battlefield this time was because they were invited by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to help her complete the assessment.

And as Liang Ji, Liu Xu, Chen Zhao, and even a group of third-level immortals gathered around and blocked the surrounding battlefield, the fifth-level god who was already at a disadvantage suddenly became more and more difficult to support, and mistakes occurred one after another during the battle.




Senior Sister Bian Yujiao immediately seized the opportunity and completely suppressed him with the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang', and then activated the divine light in the 'Feng Shen Bang' to capture the 'divine crystal' from the opponent's divine body. The divine light swept over this ' The divine crystal was taken out directly and included in the list of gods for suppression.


At this moment, the divine body of the fifth-level god roared and exploded in an instant, and large exploding pieces of divine light impacted in all directions, especially Senior Sister Bian Yujiao who was fighting with it, who bore the brunt.

On the periphery of the battlefield, Liang Ji could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly when he saw this. He had already seen that this was the deliberate action of the fifth-level god. The moment the 'divine crystal' was suppressed and captured, he simply gave up the divine body and detonated the divine body. With the divine power in his body, he used the power of self-destruction to attack and counterattack, blocking Senior Bian Yujiao.

The purpose is obviously to protect his own divine domain and ensure that he still has a chance to be reborn.

After all, these fifth-level gods have also seen that Liang Ji and others are surrounding them, with the obvious intention of killing them all.

Therefore, after the fifth-level god detonated his divine body, the 'divine gate' opened behind him immediately burst out with a large amount of divine light, breaking through the entangled and attacking family ships, ghosts and gods waiting for the team to close the 'divine gate'. Protect the divine realm.

At this time, Liang Ji suddenly saw that among the group of third-grade immortals invited by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, the figures of several third-grade ghost immortals merged into the surrounding void in a flash.

The next moment, the divine light that was about to close seemed to be affected or disturbed by something. The divine light that erupted declined and weakened for a moment, and the closed divine door was also stagnant and blocked for a moment.

That is, this moment of weakening and stagnation becomes the difference between life and death.

But seeing that the whole body of Senior Bian Yujiao was bursting with bright starlight, like stars guarding her whole body, she rushed directly through the divine light impact caused by the self-destruction of the divine body, and rushed in front of the 'divine gate'.

The starlight in his hand condensed and exploded, forming an illusory star, which was directly driven into the 'God Gate' by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

Astrology, virtual stars!

boom! Rumble...

The next moment, violent roaring explosions and bright starlight impacts erupted from the 'divine gate', destroying the entire 'divine gate' together with the 'divine domain' behind it.

There was a faint scream coming from behind the 'Shen Gate' where the starlight exploded.

"Haha... Yujiao, congratulations on completing the assessment!"

Seeing this, Senior Chen Zhao smiled and congratulated.

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