The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 704 The end of the war

"Congratulations, senior!"

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Bian!"

"Congratulations to niece Yujiao!"

Following closely behind, Liu Xu and a group of third-grade immortals also congratulated Senior Sister Bian Yujiao one after another.

Liang Ji obviously did not expect that Senior Sister Bian Yujiao had already hunted enough fifth-level gods. It seemed that when he and the team were separated dozens of days ago, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao had already hunted down several gods with the help of everyone. Fifth level deity.

But at this time, he naturally followed everyone to congratulate the other party: "Congratulations, senior sister!"

Hunting enough fifth-level gods to complete the graduation assessment of the 'Kunlun Star Palace' means that Senior Sister Bian Yujiao can graduate from the 'Kunlun Star Palace' when she returns.

In the Star Alliance, the Star Lord students who graduated from the Star Palace are the real threshold for entering the upper echelons of the Star Alliance. This means that after senior Bian Yujiao Hui Quzhen, she can join the Star Alliance with a higher-level identity and level. Among the top leaders of the alliance, they will gain more rights, support, etc.

If she chooses to join the administrative departments, law enforcement departments, etc. within the Star Alliance, as a Star Palace graduate, she will be at least a middle-level leader when she enters the department, able to lead and form a team independently.

And if she continues to serve in the Star Alliance's Expansion Corps, she will at least have the status of a captain and be able to command a fleet of starships.

These statuses and rights even exceed the status and power of many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance.

Therefore, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao completed the assessment and successfully graduated from Kunlun Star Palace, which is definitely worthy of everyone's congratulations and celebrations.

"Haha..." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao couldn't hide her smile at this time. She smiled and returned the greetings to everyone, saying: "Thank you all fellow Taoists and juniors for your help. If it weren't for your help this time, I would not have been able to complete the assessment so smoothly. .”

"Yujiao will never forget this love and kindness!"

"When I go back this time, Yujiao will be grateful."

"Haha... Fellow Daoist Bian is too polite."

"Yes, niece Yujiao, we have already received gifts before we came here."

Everyone was modest and smiling for a while, and felt much more relaxed because Senior Bian Yujiao successfully completed the assessment.

"Okay!" At this time, Senior Chen Zhao came forward and changed the topic: "Yujiao successfully completed the assessment. We will celebrate after the battle is over and we will talk about it after we get back."

"We are still on the battlefield. Let's continue to work hard and kill more enemies."

"This time, we do not seek to completely kill the enemy gods, but only focus on destroying the enemy's power and seizing the divine crystals and other treasures."

"Not bad!" When Senior Sister Bian Yujiao heard this, her eyes lit up. She looked at everyone and nodded: "During this period, in order to help me complete the assessment, everyone had to give up many battles that should have been won. Many battles were supposed to be won. The spoils that were supposed to be taken had to be given up, causing everyone to suffer a lot of losses.”

"This is what Yujiao owes everyone."

"Next, let's take advantage of this battle to help fellow Taoists gain more merits and trophies."

Naturally, everyone had no objection after hearing this. In such a large-scale war, killing and defeating the enemy are no small feats. In the Star Alliance, meritorious deeds, as well as the spiritual materials of gods such as ‘divine crystals’, are valuable things.

Now, taking advantage of this great war, it is time for everyone to make a fortune.

At that moment, everyone formed a team, surrounded by the fleets, spaceships, ghosts, gods, and earth creatures summoned by Liang Ji and other star masters, and began to wander around the battlefield, looking for battlefields where they could intervene and targets to attack.

This team has two fourth-level star masters, two fifth-level star masters, and more than ten third-level immortals. Their combat power is not to mention dominating the battlefield, but it can be regarded as average.

Therefore, unlike when Liang Ji was walking around the battlefield alone and had difficulty finding opportunities to intervene, everyone in the team joined forces to roam the battlefield, and almost everywhere they saw there were enemies who could be attacked and killed.

However, just because there were so many to choose from, a few people were not in a hurry to start.

call out! Snapped……

At this time, there was a sharp roar from the battlefield not far away. Liang Ji looked up and saw a starlight rushing into the void, exploding in the void and scattering into a starry firework.

"It's a signal for help!"

Liang Ji recognized it at a glance. When he, Chen Zhao and others were besieging the sixth-level thunder god, the other party also sent a signal for help, attracting a fifth-level holy light god to help.

In the battlefield, the gods of the divine realm can ask for help from each other, and the star masters of the star realm naturally also have signals for help.

"Let's go! Save people!" Chen Zhao, Bian Yujiao and others naturally saw the signal for help. The signal was not too far away from them, so there was no need to make other choices. At this time, it was the Star Master monk who came to the rescue. First place.

Naturally, everyone had no objections, and even several third-level ghost immortals had already taken the lead and blended into the surrounding void, rushing to the battlefield for help as quickly as possible.

Senior Chen Zhao also swayed, turned into a starlight and flew away first.

Star magic, star light escape magic!

Liang Ji couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw this, and his face was slightly surprised. He naturally recognized this method. When he was seriously injured before, he had to forcefully use this 'Starlight Escape Technique' in order to escape, so he also knew how strong the pressure and backlash this 'Starlight Escape Technique' was on the mid-level star masters.

He only used it for a moment, but he was injured all over, and his already severely injured body almost collapsed.

But now, he saw that Senior Chen Zhao directly used the 'Starlight Escape Technique' without hesitation. The other party was going to save people instead of escaping. Obviously, he would not forcefully use it regardless of whether he could withstand it.

In other words, Senior Chen Zhao must have the means and trump cards to be able to withstand the pressure and backlash of the 'Starlight Escape Technique', or at least bear it in a short period of time, to be able to perform the 'Starlight Escape Technique' so unscrupulously across levels!

Then, Liang Ji and others rushed to the call for help and saw that Senior Chen Zhao was already fighting with a fifth-level god. As expected, there was no injury on his body, and his combat power was not affected at all.

"At the same time, the senior student in the Kunlun Star Palace is the fifth-level star master. Senior Bian Yujiao has her own unique skills and strengths, and can use the method of 'star projection' in advance. Senior Chen Zhao also has her own trump card and methods!"

A thought passed through Liang Ji's mind, but he wasn't too surprised.

He took a look at the situation on the field. As Chen Zhao, Bian Yujiao, and a group of third-level immortals rushed to the battlefield, they not only rescued the Star Master monk who sent the signal for help, but even suppressed the enemy gods on the opposite side. Big advantage.

Liang Ji didn't waste any more time and led a large number of his subordinates' flying boats, ghosts and gods to quickly join the battlefield.

With the addition of a large number of new troops, the battlefield tilted further towards the Star Lord's side. Soon some gods could not hold on and were killed on the spot, and their 'divine crystal' was taken away.

Seeing this, the remaining gods stopped fighting and began to flee in the form of divine light.

In fact, it was not just the battlefield here for Liang Ji and the others. In this void battlefield, gods and monks who turned into divine light and starlight and fled quickly could be seen from time to time.

Instead of fighting to the death, more and more people began to flee and seek help. The chaotic battlefield gradually became sparse, which showed that this war was gradually coming to an end.

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