The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 705 News of the Pioneering War

In the depths of the void sea, starlight, divine light, and the light of creation complement each other and compete endlessly.

From time to time, you can see the terrifying power tearing apart and overturning the void, darkness, space, time, and everything around you, but then quickly recovering and reborn under the light of creation.

On the periphery of the battlefield, the battle between Liang Ji and other mid-level star masters and the mid-level gods has been going on for nearly three months, while in the center of the battlefield, the battle between high-level star masters and high-level gods has lasted for who knows how long.

The methods of high-level star masters and gods, the majestic origin, the power of the avenue, and fierce battles can even disrupt and distort the space and time of the core battlefield.

The outside world seemed to have only been fighting for a few months, but the central battlefield did not know how long it had lasted.

Finally, on this day, the light of creation that reflected the void seemed to be unable to hold on during the struggle between the two sides, and directly tore in two halves.

Then, half of the light of creation was swept away by the starlight, and half of the light of creation was swallowed up by the divine light.

Then the sound of the bell spread throughout the Void Sea battlefield, which was the news of the end of the battle and the withdrawal of troops.

Similarly, the team of gods from the opposite world also received orders to end the battle and retreat.

In the battlefield, the star masters and gods who were fighting fiercely separated immediately and returned to their starships and temples.

The starship and the temple faced each other, the star port and the temple group bombarded each other, and then each retreated towards the front line.

At this time, Liang Ji had already returned to the 'Yulou' starship with Bian Yujiao and other team members. The starship also returned to the 'Sixth Star Port'. Looking at the battlefield that quickly ended and separated, his face was a little dazed for a moment. , puzzled:

"The Star Alliance and the God Realm, two super-level civilizations, have organized several legions, thousands of Star Lords and gods, and even high-level Star Lords and gods have joined this war. Is it over like this?"

"There was no winner or loser, there was no pursuit and escape, it just ended in such an anticlimactic manner?"

Compared with the large-scale war between the Star Alliance and the God Realm that Liang Ji had anticipated in advance, this was really far behind.

Hearing his doubts, the god surnamed Huang in the starship smiled and shook his head: "This battle was originally a temporary war caused by the treasure like the 'Crystal of Creation' contained in the Void Sea."

"Really speaking, this is just a temporary conflict for treasures, not a real civilized war."

"Of course, after the battle for the treasure is settled, the war will be over. It's not an anticlimax."

"We have never seen a real civilized war, a never-ending war. It is only recorded in the history books of the Star Alliance. Its scale, length of duration, and the combat power of Star Lord monks and high-level monks were invested. Wait, it’s definitely not comparable to this time.”

"Compared with the civilized wars recorded in history books, this war is only a small conflict."

Hearing him talk about the war of civilizations recorded in history books, everyone in the starship couldn't help but start talking about it. Everyone present was either a mid-level Star Lord from the Star Palace or a third-level heretic immortal. They were basically in the middle ranks of the Star Alliance. Naturally, they all knew and read many historical records of the Star Alliance.

"I remember that according to historical records, the most recent civil war was when the Star Alliance opened up the Manggu Star Territory more than 10,000 years ago."

"Indeed, according to historical records, when the Star Alliance opened up the Manggu Star Territory, they not only had to deal with the natives of the life stars in the Manggu Star Territory, but also later sent super-level civilizations such as the divine world and the spiritual world. The military's involvement directly triggered a civilized war."

"Speaking of which, according to historical records, our Star Alliance's thirty-three star regions almost always open up a new star region every ten thousand years or so. Now, ten thousand years have passed since the development of the Manggu Star Region. Around this time, the Star Alliance is expected to start a new development."

"Yes, I have also heard some news. Nowadays, many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance are making various preparations. They want to make great contributions in the development of the Star Alliance, so as to obtain the indigenous stars and try to walk the earth. the road."

"Speaking of the Earth Immortal Road, the first group of Earth Immortal monks in the Manggu Star Territory have explored it. Although none of them have been successful so far, I heard that the senior leaders of the Star Alliance have almost figured out how to proceed on the Earth Immortal Road. .”

"This time to open up a new star field, if the third-level heretic immortals can embark on the path of earthly immortals, they may be very likely to succeed!"

"I have also heard this news, so now there are many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance rushing to the front line, wanting to make meritorious deeds and preparing to participate in the Star Alliance's pioneering war."

"Hey, I'll tell you the truth. This time I accepted the invitation from Daoist Bian to come to the Void Sea to help with the battle. I had the same idea. I wanted to get familiar with the war between the Star Alliance frontline and other super-level civilizations. I didn't expect to gain anything. Many meritorious deeds..."

In the starship, Liang Ji listened to everyone's discussion and was slightly surprised.

In the past nearly twenty years, he has basically stayed in the outer star sea, either exploring new life stars, or staying in the "Three Holy Stars" to study and practice. It has been a long time since he returned to the Star Alliance.

Little did he know that news of a new pioneering war had spread among the Star Alliance.

Although Liang Ji had already had some speculations in this regard, they were just his own thoughts, and he had never heard any similar news in the Star Alliance to verify them.

At the moment, he couldn't help but look at Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao.

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded and said: "There is indeed news about opening up new star fields in the Star Alliance. I even heard from some seniors and seniors who have already graduated and are working at the top of the Star Alliance. Said that the senior leaders of the Star Alliance have already made plans in this regard."

"In fact, I chose to take the assessment this time and graduate from the Kunlun Star Palace for this reason."

"Our Bian family originally rose up during the Star Alliance's war to open up the Manggu Star Territory. Now that the Star Alliance's new war to open up the Star Territory is about to begin, our Bian family cannot miss it."

“However, the status of Kunlun Star Palace students and Star Palace graduates, as well as the level gap between sixth-level star masters and fifth-level star masters, etc., the positions they can hold and the rights they enjoy among the top leaders of the Star Alliance are different. "

"Only when I complete the assessment, graduate from the Kunlun Star Palace, and advance to the sixth level of Star Master can I lead a fleet in the Star Alliance's Outer Legion. Only then can I have more power in the Star Alliance's Outer Legion. Only with greater autonomy can we gain more achievements, rights and benefits, allowing our Bian family to gain more and greater growth in the Star Alliance's new pioneering war."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, looking at Liang Ji and saying: "Senior Brother Liang Ji, it seems that you have almost completed your cultivation as a fourth-level star master. You should be able to advance to the fifth-level star master before the Star Alliance starts to open up the war."

"When the time comes, you might as well bring your expedition team to my fleet, and together we will win merit and benefits in the Star Alliance's pioneering war!"

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