The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 707 Return to the Star Alliance

Returning to the Star Alliance's frontline position from the Void Sea battlefield, the starports and starships of each legion returned to their respective positions. Liang Ji immediately waited for the trading module in the frontline's internal star network to search and purchase the required fifth-level divine crystals.

Although a war had just passed and the frontline star masters and monks had abundant divine crystals, Liang Ji bought all the fifth-level divine crystals he needed, but it still cost a huge amount of money.

Not only did he use up all the trophies and merits he gained in this war, but he even used up almost all the merits he had earned from leading the team to explore the stars of life in the outer star sea, and even sold two pieces from the 'Three Holy Stars' The collected seventh-level treasures have just been collected.

After gathering the required fifth-level divine crystals with various attributes, Liang Ji attended the 'Graduation Banquet' held by Senior Sister Bian, and then did not stay on the front line anymore. He teleported directly back to the Star Alliance through the 'Starlight Gate'.

For frontline positions, the internal 'Star Network' is self-contained and is not connected to the Star Alliance 'Star Network'. If you want to log into the Star Alliance 'Star Network', you must apply through the frontline camp. Not only does it require cumbersome procedures, but you must also have Only with sufficient status and merit can you log in.

Now, after returning to the Star Alliance, Liang Ji immediately logged into the Star Alliance's "Star Network" to check. Although the "Star Network" indicated that there was no news about the opening of the war, he knew it in his heart and looked at the "Star Network" again. Some abnormalities can be seen from the prices and flow data of some war materials such as spiritual materials, magic weapons, and talismans on the Internet.

There is already an 'undercurrent' of pioneering war surging within the Star Alliance, or at the top, and there are already many people and forces on the market who are gathering and gathering war artifacts, magic weapons, elixirs and other materials to prepare for the pioneering war. Prepare.

These people and forces should be third-level immortals such as Senior Sister Bian and Huang Shenxian, as well as the families behind them. They are preparing to make a difference in this pioneering war and earn enough merits and benefits, so they started to prepare early. The Star Alliance is slowly collecting and gathering these war materials on the market.

The cicadas wake up before the autumn wind moves, and the ducks foresee the warm water in the spring river.

These monks, forces, etc., who have some strength and power in the Star Alliance, but are not up to the real high-level, react much faster than ordinary monks, companies, family forces, etc. in the Star Alliance.

Later, Liang Ji contacted some friends through Star Network to inquire about the news.

After all, he is also a student of the Kunlun Star Palace, and he has also formed some relationships in the Star Alliance over the years. When he was a second-level star master, he hunted the Void Demon Clan in the Black Hole of the Yinghai Sea. He met some talented students from various star palaces and joined the pursuit When he was a third-level star master of the Hunting Group, he was an intern in the Star Alliance's "Security Department" and he still has many contacts with members of Senior Yang Yun's team.

In the Kunlun Star Palace, Liang Ji naturally also has some connections. In addition to the 'Yu Zi Lineage', he also has many contacts with the 'Jin Ding Lineage' mentors and star master students because he also studies in the 'Jin Ding Lineage'. .

There is also the connection with the second star port team of the "Third Expansion Legion" during the previous exploration of the outer territory, etc.

Now, after a little inquiry through these connections, he got more information about the Star Alliance's pioneering war, which was far more comprehensive and accurate than the information he had heard from Senior Sister Bian, Huang Shenxian, etc. before.

Even through Senior Yang Yun's relationship, Liang Ji got an approximate time for the start of the 'Pioneering War': no ​​later than thirty years, the Star Alliance will start a new round of 'Pioneering War'!

After confirming this information, Liang Ji contacted Peng Yue, Chu Yue and other team members who were still in the outer domain through the 'Star Network'.

The first thing is to tell them that they are safe and talk about their experiences on the battlefield in the Void Sea on the front line. After all, Peng Yue, Chu Yue and others are also newcomers. Even Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong, who are from big companies and groups, have more experience and knowledge outside the Star Alliance. They are just newcomers in the outer star sea, let alone It's on the Covenant frontline battlefield and other places.

Everyone in the team is also quite curious about the frontline battlefield between the Star Alliance and the God Realm.

I have been waiting for him to share some experiences and experiences.

Secondly, he told them about the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War".

Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu and others, like him, had been entrenched in the outer star sea for decades and had not returned to the Star Alliance for a long time. They also paid little attention to the news within the Star Alliance and were also unaware of it. Pioneer War' news.

As the captain of the 'Dragon Snake' expedition team, Liang Ji is naturally obliged to inform these teammates of the news in a timely manner.

Sure enough, after receiving the news about Liang Ji, both Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu, Lu Yuetong, Wuling Guixian and others were quite surprised, and then they all turned to excitement.

Not to mention Peng Yue, third-level immortals such as Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu, Lu Yuetong, Wuling Guixian, etc., although they are not Star Master monks, can still enjoy a very good status if they stay in the Star Alliance with their third-level immortal cultivation. , interests, and resources. There is also no shortage of these types of third-level immortals in the Star Alliance.

However, Chu Yue and others gave up on enjoying themselves within the Star Alliance, and instead chose to join Liang Ji's expedition team, exploring with him in the outer star sea, looking for the outer stars of life. It is enough to see that they also have the same desire. An unwilling heart.

Just like the immortals surnamed Huang, the Grandmasters of the Formation Dao surnamed Liu, and the Grandmasters of the Qi Dao surnamed Hu whom Senior Sister Bian contacted, they all wanted to take a further step in their cultivation and break through the limits of the third-level heretics.

Therefore, Chu Yue and others were as excited and welcomed the Star Alliance's pioneering war as those third-level immortals.

In fact, Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu and others wanted to immediately put aside all matters in the outside world and return to the Star Alliance to prepare for the upcoming development war.

Even Lu Yuetong, who has been obsessed with the spiritual plant of the origin of the stars on the ‘Wooden Meteor’, has the intention to put down the ‘Wood Meteor’ and the spiritual plant of the origin of the stars, and return to the Star Alliance.

After all, from the news here in Liang Ji, it can be seen that some truly relevant and powerful monks and forces in the Star Alliance have begun to prepare for war. Spiritual materials, magical weapons, elixirs and other war materials are on the market. The signs of flow can already be seen.

It can be seen that this news cannot be kept secret for long. Chu Yue and others are basically newcomers among the third-grade immortals, with limited strength and power. Naturally, they must take advantage of this last period of time to prepare as much as possible for the upcoming development war.

Otherwise, when the news of the pioneering war spreads completely, with the strength and power of newcomers like them, the amount of spiritual stones, resources, and energy required to make these preparations will increase many times.

Even Peng Yue also expressed his intention to return to the Star Alliance. Obviously, she and even the Peng family also have the intention to make a difference in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War".

Naturally, Liang Ji would not object to this. In fact, he left the front line of the Void Sea and returned to the Star Alliance, so he wanted to prepare for the "Pioneering War".

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