The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 708 Family Help

Liang Ji returned directly to the Star Alliance from the front line of the Void Sea. On the one hand, it was to complete the final training of the fourth-level star master within the star alliance and to break through to the fifth-level star master. On the other hand, it was also to open up the upcoming star alliance. War' preparation.

After all, he and the Liang family and Wang family behind him have only risen for a few decades, but their strength and power are still limited.

But after decades of development, I have accumulated some wealth.

He, the Liang family, and the Wang family wanted to develop faster and achieve more benefits and growth, so the opportunity of the Star Alliance's "external expansion war" could not be missed.

Otherwise, if you want to wait for the opportunity of the next "outward expansion war", you may have to wait for more than ten thousand years.

By then, Liang Ji would have either already fallen, or he would have already become a first-level immortal and ascended to sainthood, so naturally he would not be able to wait.

Therefore, Liang Ji returned to the Star Alliance this time to prepare for himself and his family.

After contacting Peng Yue, Chu Yue and others, passing on the news and information, and confirming that they would also return to the Star Alliance, Liang Ji began to teleport between star fields through the 'Starlight Gate', returning to the Penglai Star Territory and his hometown of Tian Serpent. star.

This time, he did not have so much time and leisure to take a starship to sail between the star fields and visit the beautiful scenery in the void of the star fields.

Returning to the Sky Snake Star, Liang Ji directly summoned a 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat from the natal stars. The family controlled the flying boat, and he directly rode in it, then flew out of the Sky Snake City and flew straight towards the Xiu Snake City. go.

This can be regarded as a privilege of the middle-level star master. Before Liang Ji moved within the stars, he basically took transportation within the planet such as speeding cars, or drove himself, or drove automatically.

However, now that he has advanced to the fourth-level star master, his family members in his natal star can build a fourth-level flying boat. When he moves within the stars, he does not need to ride a flying car. Instead, he directly summons his family members from his natal star to drive the flying boat. Go out and travel among the stars in the family's flying boat.

This is both convenient and shows status.

After all, only a fourth-level star master can summon a family flying boat to use as his own means of transportation.

There was no words all the way, and the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat soon flew to Xiu She City. Liang Ji logged into the 'Star Network' to report the relevant information about the flying boat. After verifying the formations and restrictions arranged in Xiu She City, he would not His flying boat launched attacks and defenses, allowing him to enter the city on the flying boat.

Before he came back, he had already contacted his family to inform his parents that he was coming back.

And this time, he just returned after staying in the Outer Star Sea for nearly twenty years. Even because he was in the Outer Star Sea, he had very few contacts with his parents and family through the Star Network. It had never been this long in the past.

Therefore, Liang Ji's parents paid great attention to Liang Ji's return. They had taken leave from the city government a few days ago and made a lot of preparations to wait for his return.

Seeing Liang Ji return at this time, his parents couldn't help but ask him about his experiences and grievances during these years abroad.

After some exchanges, his mother suddenly looked around him and asked, "Xiaoji, are you the only one coming back this time?"

"Isn't Peng Yue with you?"

Liang Ji shook his head slightly when he heard this and said, "I have something to do this time, so I came back first."

"However, Peng Yue is also on his way back to the Star Alliance. He will probably be back ten days and a half later."

After listening to his words, my mother just nodded and said, "I saw that you came back together last time, but this time only you came back, so I thought something had happened."

"It'll be fine if nothing happens."

"You are just worrying about what could happen to Xiaoji and Peng Yue." On the side, his father also said with a smile, and then turned the conversation and asked: "Xiaoji, you said something happened when you came back this time, what is it?"

"Is there anything you need our help with?"

Liang Ji nodded and said, "This time, we may really need the family's help."

Hearing what he said, his father smiled and said with a smile: "Since Xiaoji you became the Star Master and entered the Kunlun Star Palace, the family has benefited and taken care of you a lot in the past decades, but you have always been If you are practicing outside and working hard on your own, it will be difficult for your family to help you, and you may even not be able to find the direction for help."

"Now that the family can help you, we are even more happy."

"Speaking of it, what exactly is it and what does the family need to do?"

"I guarantee that my family will never hesitate to help you."

Liang Ji chuckled and shook his head when he heard this, and said: "I have spent most of my time practicing outside these years and rarely come back. How much care can I give to the family?"

"The development of the family to this day is the result of the hard work of parents, relatives and friends."

"As for what happened this time." Liang Ji pondered slightly, and then said directly: "I have received news that the Star Alliance is about to start a new development war."

"I want to make a difference in this pioneering war, so I need to make some preparations in advance and need the help of my family."

"Pioneering war?" Listening to Liang Ji's words, his parents were obviously surprised. Because of Liang Ji, although they now have a high status in Xiu She City and even hold important positions in the city government, they have also been in Xiu She for many years. He is getting taller and more knowledgeable.

However, they have the same problem as Liang Ji. They have been practicing and rising for too short a time. They are still only at the intermediate level. There is not even a third-level immortal among the relatives and friends of the Liang family.

This also led to the fact that although their status and knowledge had improved compared to before, it was still limited. At most, they were limited to the Serpent Star, and they were still at the bottom of the entire Star Alliance.

Therefore, their only impressions of the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" are based on the history of the Star Alliance and some video records, which are far away from them.

But I never thought that this 'pioneering war' is now right in front of me.

"The Star Alliance is going to launch a new development war?" After a while, my father murmured: "Why is there no news at all?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji shook his head slightly and said, "It's not that there's no news, it's just that the news hasn't been made public yet. However, basically all the monks and forces in the Star Alliance who should know the news already know it and are preparing for the war."

The mother on the side also came to her senses at this time, reached out and patted her father, and said: "Since Xiaoji said this, it must be right."

"Xiaoji can still have good news about us!"

With that said, she turned to Liang Ji and said: "Xiao Ji, we have also seen some records and images about the 'Pioneering War' in the history of the Star Alliance. It can be said that in every Star Alliance pioneering war, a large number of Star Lords, monks, and families rose up. "

"However, the pioneering war is also very dangerous. There are also many monks and families who fell into the pioneering war, and their families were destroyed."

"Xiaoji, you want to make a difference in this pioneering war, are you sure?"

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